

词汇 wheel
释义 wheel[hwil, wil; wi:l, hwi:l]名词
1 (C)车轮, 轮子
(cf. simple machine)
the front [rear] ~s前[后]轮
four-wheel [front-wheel] drive四轮 [前轮] 驱动
2 [the ~]
a. (汽车的) 方向盘→ steering wheel
sit behind [at] the ~坐在方向盘后面 [驾驶座]
take the ~抓住方向盘, 开车
b. (船的) 舵轮
3 (C)
a. 纺车 (spinning wheel)b. (陶工的) 陶轮 (potter's wheel)c. (轮盘赌的) 转盘, 轮盘d. 轮转烟火
4 a. (C)(口语)自行车
b. [~s](美俚)汽车
Have you got ~s today ?.你今天有没有开车来?
a.轮转, 回旋, 旋转; (马戏团杂耍的) 横向翻觔斗
the ~s of gulls海鸥的飞旋
turn ~s作横向翻觔斗
6(C) [常~s] 结构, 组织, 原动力
the ~s of government政府机构组织
the ~s of life人体各系统的机能[作用]
7(C) [常big~] (美俚)大人物, 红人, 有权势的人
He's a big ~ (in the company).他是 (公司里的) 大人物
at the wheel
(1) 握著方向盘, 在驾驶; 把舵(cf. 2a)
Who's at the ~ ?.谁在开车 [驾驶] ?
(2) 谁在把舵 [掌握大权] ? Fortune's wheel = the wheel of Fortune
命运之神的车轮, 命运, 流年, 荣辱盛衰 oil the wheels
使事情顺利进行 on oiled wheels
顺利地, 流畅地 put[set]one's shoulder to the wheel → shoulder put[set] (the) wheels moving [in motion]
使事情顺利进行, 使计画上轨道 wheels within wheels
1 移动, 推[拉]动 < 有轮子的东西>
~ a baby carriage推动娃娃车
2 以车载运; 旋转, 转动
~ one's cycle up (the hill)把脚踏车推上 (小山坡)
The rubbish was ~ed out to the roadside.垃圾被车子载运到路旁
1 (突然) 转身, 转向 < around, round, about>
2 a. < 鸟、天体等> 旋转
The gulls are ~ing around over the sea.海鸥在海上飞旋
The planets ~ round the sun.行星绕著太阳旋转
b. < 军队> 转向
3 圆滑[顺利]地进行
4 (口语)
a. 骑脚踏车 [三轮车]b. 开车到处转< around, round> wheel and deal(口语) (在生意上或政治上) 大显身手 [才干] , 玩弄手段




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