

词汇 snatch
释义 snatch[snætʃ; snætʃ]及物动词
1 a. (突然用力) 攫取, 夺去, 抓住, 抢去< 东西> < up, away, off>
The man ~ed up a club and struck at me.那个男人一把抓起棍子打我
Snatching off his hat, he took her hand.他赶紧脱帽, 握住她的手
b. [从…] (突然) 攫取, 夺去, 抢走< 东西> < away, off> [from, out of]
He ~ed the knife (away) from the burglar [out of the burglar's hand].他夺下窃贼的刀 [他从窃贼手中夺下刀]
2 a. 趁机攫取; 急忙吃
~ a few hours of sleep偷闲睡上两三小时
~ a hasty meal急忙用餐
b. (未得对方许可, 趁机) 迅速[从…]得到[from]
He ~ed a kiss from her.他出其不意, 吻了她一下
3 [从世上等] 突然把< 人> 带走, 杀死< 某人> < away> [from]
He was ~ed away [~ed from us] by sudden death.他突然去世
4 (美俚)诱拐, 绑架< 某人>
1 想抢走[…], 尝试夺取[…][at]
The policeman ~ed at the gangster's revolver.警察试图夺取那名歹徒的左轮枪
2 抓住 [机会等] [at]
I ~ed at the chance to travel.我抓住旅行的机会
1 攫取, 夺取, 抢, 抓住[at]
make a ~ (at﹍) 想夺取; 试图抓住
2 a. [常 ~es] (工作、睡眠等的) 片刻, 短时间
work in [by] ~es有时工作 (有时停止) , 断断续续地工作
a ~ of sleep片刻的睡眠
b. [常~es] (歌唱、谈话等的) 片断, 一段
short ~es of song断断续续的歌唱
3 (美俚)诱拐, 绑架




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