

词汇 stop
释义 stop[stɑp; stɔp](stopped; stop.ping)及物动词
1 a. 使 < 动的东西> 停止, 止住
~ a car [a horse, an engine]使汽车 [马, 引擎] 停下来
The earthquake ~ped the train.地震使火车停下来
b. 中断, 停止 < 供给、付款等>
~ supplies停止供给, 截断补给品
~ a person's wages停止付给某人工资
c. [~ oneself](罕)止步
2 a. (自动) 停止, 中止< 行动>
He stopped work.他停止工作
S~ that nonsense!.停止那样胡说!
S~ it!.别说[做]了!
b. (自动) 停止< 做…事>
~ talking停止谈话
I stopped drinking.我不喝酒了; 我戒酒了
It has stopped raining.雨已经停了
3 a. 使…停止; 阻止, 妨碍
~ a quarrel阻止吵架
~ a speaker使演讲者停止说话
He is determined to go; no one can ~ him.他决心去, 没有人能阻止他
Thick walls ~ sound.厚墙隔绝声音
b. [~ oneself]自制
The word slipped out before I could ~ myself.在我能 [来得及] 自制之前, 那句话就已溜出口了
c. +doing] 阻止< 做…> , 使…不< 做…>
Nothing will ~ him going.任何事都无法阻止他去
d. 阻止…[做…], 使…不[做…][from]
Nothing will ~ him from going.任何事都无法阻止他去(cf. 3 c)
e.[~ oneself]抑止 [做…事] , 自制[from]
She could not ~ herself (from) crying aloud.她不由得 [忍不住] 大叫起来
4 a. 填塞 < 洞孔、出口等> , 堵塞; 盖住 < 瓶子等> 的口< up>
~ (up) a hole堵塞洞孔
~ a bottle盖瓶子
The drain is stopped up.排水管阻塞了
He stopped his ears.他塞住耳朵
b. 止住 < 流血> , 止住< 伤口> 出血< up>
~ the bleeding止血
5(口语) [从俸给、积存的钱等中] 扣除… [from, out of]
The cost was stopped from [out of] his wages.该费用从他的薪水中扣除
6‘音乐’为改变音调而以手指按 < 小提琴弦、长笛孔等>
1 a. < 动的东西> 停止, 停下
Let's ~ and have a rest.让我们停下来休息一下
The sound made him ~ short [dead].那声音使他突然止步
【同义字】 stop 动作、行动停止 cease 继续动作或完全终止 pause 暂停再开始
b. 停 [在车站等] , 停车[at]
This train does not ~ at every station.这班火车并不每站都停
c. < 为做…而> 停下来, 停下来< 做…> (→ v.t. 2b{比较}; cf. v.i. 3b)
We stopped to talk.我们停下来谈话
2 < 雨、雪等> 停止; < 工作、话等> 中断
The snow has stopped. = It has stopped snowing.雪停了
The music stopped suddenly.音乐突然中断
3 a. 与 will, would 连用[对…]犹豫, 打消念头[at]
He would ~ at nothing to gain his end.为了达到目的, 他什么事都做得出来
(可以不择手段)b. 好好去做
We don't ~ to think how different these two worlds are.我们没有好好去想一想这两个世界是多么地不同
4 (口语)
a. 住宿 [旅馆等] [at]; 暂住[某人的]家里[with]
~ at a hotel住在旅馆里
I am stopping with my uncle.我暂住于姑丈家
b. 逗留 (于…) , 留下来
~ in [indoors]留在屋内
~ out外出, 不在家
~ behind(聚会等后) 留下来
~ at home留在家中
c. 顺便[到…], [在…]停留一下[to, for]
Will you ~ for a cup of coffee?.你要不要顺便来 [留一会儿] 喝杯咖啡?
stop around
(美口语)顺便过来 (一下) stop by
(1) 中途顺便到 (某人的家) , 拜访
(2) 中途顺便到 < 某人的家> stop down
‘摄影’把 < 光圈> 收小 stop in
(1) → v.i. 4 b
(2) 顺便到某处 stop off
(旅行中) 中途[在…]下车, 中途顺便到某处[at, in] stop out
(美) (在大学等) 中途休学 stop over(美)
(1)(口语)[在…]中途下车, 停留片刻[at]
~ over at Baltimore.在巴尔的摩中途下车
(2) (在旅行的目的地) 暂时停留 stop short at﹍
未到…地步, 在…之前停住
He will ~ short at nothing to get his way.为了为所欲为, 他什么事都做得出来
stop short of doing﹍
未到做…的地步, 在做…之前停住 stop up
(1)(英口语) (夜晚) 醒著, 没有睡, 熬夜
(2) → v.t. 4
1 a. 中止, 停止, 终止; 休止, 停车
be at a ~停止的, 不前进的
come to a (full) ~(完全) 停下来
bring a car to a ~使车子停下来
make a ~停止, (火车等) 停靠, (中途) 休息, 停留
put a ~ to﹍ 使…停止 [中止, 终止]
without (a) ~不停 (留) 地, 不断地
b. 停车, 著陆, 停泊
The train goes through without a ~.那班火车直达, 中途不停
2 停车站, 候车站, 停留之处
a bus ~公共汽车站
I am going to get off at the next ~.我要在下一站下车
3 [常构成复合字]阻塞物, 栓, 塞子
→ doorstop.
4 ‘音乐’ (风琴的) 音栓, (六弦琴的) 琴柱
5(英)标点符号; (尤指) 句点 come to a full ~< 文章> 终结
6‘光学.摄影’光圈 (的标识)
( [p, b, t, d, k, g] 等 :cf. plosive, continuant) pull out all the stops
尽最大的努力, 全力以赴




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