

词汇 tooth
释义 tooth[tuθ; tu:θ]可数名词(pl. teeth[ti ; ti: ])
1 牙齿
a canine ~犬齿
a milk ~乳齿
a molar ~臼齿
an incisor ~前齿, 门牙
a wisdom ~智齿
a false [an artificial] ~假牙, 义齿
have a ~ pulled (out) (接受) 拔牙
cut a ~长出牙
2 齿状之物
a. (齿轮、梳子、耙等的) 齿b. (锯、锉刀等的) 齿
3 (食物的) 嗜好, 爱好
have a sweet [dainty] ~嗜吃甜食 [美味珍食(对吃讲究)]
be fed to the teeth (with﹍) → fed adj. 2 cast[throw]in a person's teeth
为< 过失等> 而叱责某人, 责备 cut one's teeth on﹍
从襁褓时就开始学…; 由…开始学 get one's teeth into﹍
认真地致力于< 工作等> , 认真地搞 in the [a person's] teeth
面对 (某人) , 明目张胆地, 公然
in the teeth of﹍
不顾…, 蔑视; 冒著, 正面受著, 逆著; 当著…的面前 walk in the teeth of the wind
正面受著 [逆著] 风走路 kick a person in the teeth
将< 某人> 整惨, 苛刻地对待 lie in one's teeth→ lie v long in the tooth
(口语)年老 set one's teeth
[对困难、不愉快之事等] 咬紧牙关[against] set a person's teeth on edge
给人一种 (会使牙根松动般) 不愉快的感觉, 使人觉得紧张或不安 show one's teeth
张牙露齿, 表示愤怒; 恐吓, 威胁 tooth and nail
用尽手段, 想尽办法, 倾全力, 拼命
They fought ~ and nail.他们拼死战斗
to the teeth
完全地, 彻底地 be armed to the teeth
[tuθ, tuð; tu:θ]及物动词
1 给…装齿 [齿状物] ; 将 < 锯条等> 切成齿状
2 使…的表面粗糙
< 齿轮> 相咬合




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