

词汇 venture
释义 ven.ture[`vɛntʃɚ; ˈventʃə]《adventure 字首消失的变体字》可数名词
1 冒险的事业, 有风险的企业, (商业) 投机
a joint ~联合 [合资] 企业
a business ~商业投机 [冒险]
2 投机
a bold ~大胆的投机
at a venture碰碰运气地, 冒险地; 胡乱地
→ draw a BOW at a venture.及物动词
1 a. 冒险一试, 敢…
~ a flight in a storm冒险在暴风雨中飞行
I won't ~ a step farther.我不敢再前进一步
b. 冒险…; 胆敢…
No one ~d to object to the plan.没有人胆敢反对那项计画
I ~ to differ from you.恕我斗胆与你意见相左; 对不起, 我不同意你的意见
I hardly ~ to say it, but.﹍.我实在难以启口, 但是…
2 a. 鼓起勇气说[做]…冒昧地说[做]…
I would rather not ~ an opinion [a guess].我宁愿不要冒昧地发表意见 [猜测]
We ~d a protest.我们鼓起勇气提出了抗议
b. 鼓起勇气说…
I ~d that his speech was too long.我鼓起勇气说他的演讲太长了
3 (文语)
a. 拿 < 生命、财产等> 冒险
They ~d their lives for the national cause.他们为了国家大义甘冒生命危险
b. 以 < 生命、财产等> 为[…的]赌注[on]
He ~d all his wealth on the enterprise.他把所有的财产孤注一掷地投资到事业上去
4 冒险去试, 鼓起勇气去做
Nothing ~d, nothing gained. =Nothing ~, nothing gain [win, have].(谚)不入虎穴, 焉得虎子
1 冒险去试, 鼓起勇气去做[…][on, upon]
He ~d on an ambitious project.他冒险从事一项富有雄心的计画
He was too cautious to ~ upon such a dangerous expedition.由于过分谨慎, 他不敢从事那么危险的探险
2 鼓起勇气前进, 冒险前往
They ~d out on the stormy sea to rescue the shipwrecked people.他们冒著惊涛骇浪去拯救遭遇海难的人
Don't ~ too near the edge of the precipice.不要冒险太接近悬崖的边缘




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