

词汇 talk
释义 talk[tɔk; tɔ:k]不及物动词
1 说话
a. 说话, 讲话, 搭话; < 鹦鹉等> 说人的语言, 模仿说话
Our child is learning to ~.我们的孩子正开始学说话
Some birds can ~.有些鸟会说话
She is always ~ing.她老是在说话
She often ~s in her sleep.她常常说 梦话
b. 谈话, 交谈[to, with]
She was ~ing to [with] her neighbor.她正在跟邻居谈话
I'll ~ to you later. [用于电话] 待会儿再跟你讲
She sometimes ~s to herself.她有时自言自语
c. 谈[…之事], 聊 [about, of, on]
What are you ~ing about [of] ?.你在说什么?
→TALK about﹍!, TALKing of
We ~ed of one thing and another.我们无所不谈
His death was ~ed about for years afterwards.他的逝世在其后几年仍是话题
d. 讨论, 商谈, 商量, 磋商, 商议[with]
Let me ~ with you about a problem I have.我想跟你商量我碰到的一个问题
e. 商量, 商议< together>
Have you ~ed together yet?.你们已经商量过吗?
2 谈论[有关…的]传闻, 说闲话[about, of]
People will ~.人言可畏, 他人会讲闲话的
He never ~s about others behind their backs.他从不在背后议论他人
You'll be ~ed about if you go there too often.你如果太常去那儿, 这会引起别人的闲话
T~ of the Devil (, and he is sure to appear).(谚)“说到曹操, 曹操就到”
3 (受到胁迫等而) 供认, 招认
The policeman made the suspect ~.那位警察使嫌犯招认了
4 [用手势、信号等] 表示, 传达; [用无线电] 通讯 [by, in, with]
~ in sign language [by gesture, with one's hands]用手语 [比手画脚, 用手势] 交谈
1 谈论< …之事>
We ~ed politics for a long time.我们谈论政治谈了很久
~ shop → shop n. 4
→ talk BUSINESS.
2 a. 说, 讲 < 外国语言等>
He ~s French like a Frenchman.他法语说得像法国人
b. 以言语表达, 说
~ sense讲有道理的话
~ nonsense谈无聊 [无意义] 的话, 胡说八道
3 a. 说服< 人> [致使…] [into]; 劝服< 人> [放弃某事] [out of]
He ~ed his father into buying a new car.他说服父亲买新车
They ~ed him out of going.他们劝服他放弃前往
b. [~ oneself]说话而成< …状态>
He ~ed himself hoarse.他讲得声音沙哑
That night they ~ed themselves tired.那个晚上他们谈得很疲惫不堪
Talk about﹍!
(1)说到… (无可与之比拟)
T~ about wit!.说到机智, 那真是天下第一!
T~ about snow!.这[那]雪好大!
(2)哪里… (才不呢)
T~ about honesty!.那里老实 (才不老实呢) !
talk back
[跟…] 顶嘴, 反唇相讥, 回嘴[to]
Don't ~ back to your teacher.不要跟老师顶嘴
talk big
(口语)夸耀, 吹牛
He's always ~ing big about his business successes.他总是在夸耀他生意上的成功
talk down
(1)(美)驳倒< 对方>
(给飞行员无线电指示, 以引导其驾驶飞机穿过云雾安全下降著陆) talk down to a person
以宛如自己高高在上似的态度对某人说话; 适应对方程度说话
He ~ed down to his audience.他针对听众水准把话说得浅显易懂
talking of﹍
谈到…, 讲到…
Talking of weather, how is it in England this time of year ?.谈到天气, 这个时候英格兰 (的天气) 怎样?
Talk of﹍! =TALK about﹍! talk out
(1)彻底地讨论< 问题>
(2)以讨论 [磋商] 解决…
(3)(英)将议案的讨论拖延到闭会而使< 议案> 悬而不决 talk over
(1)商议…, 讨论, 商量[with]
I've got something to ~ over with you.我有事要跟你商量
(2)说服< 人> 改变想法
talk over a person's head以对方听不懂的话或方式说, 说得使对方听不懂
talk round
(1)说服< 人> , 说得使< 人> 回心转意
(2)拐弯抹角地讲… talk up
(1)明确地讲, 大声而明白地讲; 直言不讳
(2)(美)夸奖, 称赞; 宣传, 鼓吹
1 a. (C)话, 谈话, 会话
(→ speech 【同义字】)
I want to have a long ~ with you.我想跟你好好谈一谈
→ small talk, table talk
What kind of ~ is that? [!] [对于对方所说的话表示反对] 你不能说这种话!
b. (C) [常~s] 商谈, 会谈, 协商
summit ~s高峰会议
peace ~s和谈
c. (U) (只谈而不实行的) 无用的讨论, 空谈
There is too much ~ among them.他们谈论得太多
He is all ~.他只会说空话
That's just ~.那只是说说而已
2 (C) (不拘形式的) 讲演, 讲话
give a ~作非正式的演讲
3 (U)
a. 传闻, 风声, 谣传
There is ~ of his going abroad.据说 [有风声说] 他即将出国
b. [the ~] [街头巷尾[社会]] 所谈论的话题, 话柄[of]
He is the ~ of the town.他是大家所谈论的话题
4 (U)口气, 语调; 说话的样子
baby ~儿语; 婴儿 (般) 的说法
a. 像人类说话似的声音 [鸣叫声]b. 隐语, 黑话; 方言




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