

词汇 take
释义 take[tek; teik](took[tk; tuk]; tak.en[`tekn; 'teikn])及物动词A
1 (用手) 取, 拿
【同义字】 take 拿 seize 突然用力夺取 grasp 紧握
a. 拿, 取, 抓 [in, between, with]
The child took my hand.那小孩抓住我的手
The boy took the ball between his knees.这个男孩把球挟在膝盖之间
b. 抓< 人> [的身体[衣服]之某部位] [by]
The child took me by the hand.那小孩握 [抓] 住我的手
c. 将…抱 [在怀中] [to]
She took her child to her breast.她把孩子抱在怀中
2 捕捉
a. (用陷阱、诱饵等) 捕 < 鸟兽> ; 逮捕 < 罪犯等> , 俘虏
~ three trout捕捉三条鳟鱼
The thief was taken in the act.小偷在做案时当场被捕
b. 捕捉…< 作…>
~ a person captive俘虏某人
He was taken prisoner.他被俘虏
c. 占领 < 要塞、城市等> , 攻取, 夺取
~ a fort攻取要塞
3 a. 获得< 奖赏等> , 得到, 把…拿到手
~ a degree取得学位
~ a bribe收贿
His team took (the) first prize at the contest.他的队在竞赛中获得第一名
b. [从…]接受, 赚取[from]
He ~s 600 dollars a week (from his job).他拿六百美元的周薪
T~ that! (一边揍著对方) 收下这个 (拳头) !
I'm not going to ~ any more of your insults [any more insults from you].我已受够了你的侮辱 [我不想再忍受你的侮辱] !
c. [~ it](口语)接纳, 采纳, 承诺, 收下, 承受, 接受
TAKE it or leave it.要嘛接受要嘛放弃, 不容讨价还价
4 a. 买< 物>
I'll ~ this hat.我要买这顶帽子
b. 订购< 报纸等> , 预订 < 票、座位等> ; (订合约) 租用< 房屋等>
What paper do you ~?.你订什么报纸?
We have taken a cottage by the sea for the holidays.我们在海边租了一间小别墅供度假之用
5 a. 摄取 < 药、饮料、食物等> , 吃, 喝, 服用
~ medicine服[吃]药
Not to be taken internally.不可服用 (只可注射或涂敷)
I don't ~ coffee.我不喝咖啡
b. 将 < 牛奶、糖等> 放入[…中][in]
~ sugar in one's coffee把糖放入咖啡中
c. 吸入< 空气>
~ a deep breath做深呼吸
→ take the AIR.
6 a. 采用< 人> , 录取; 收< 学生> ; 收容 < 房客> ; 娶 < 妻>
~ pupils收学生
~ lodgers收容房客
~ a wife娶妻
b. 将< 人> 纳入[…中], 接纳…为新会员[to, into]
We took him into our plans.我们吸收他参与我们的计画
7 a. 采取 < 手段等>
~ measures [steps]采取措施[手段]
b. 使用< 机会等> , 利用…
I'll ~ (advantage of) the next opportunity.我要利用下次机会
T~ your time before answering.慢慢想再回答(不用急)
c. 举… (作例子)
T~ Susan for [as an] example.举苏珊作例子吧
8 a. (选) 用…, 采用…
I usually ~ size nine shoes.我平常穿九号鞋子
b. < 机器> 使用…
This vending machine ~s any coin.这种自动贩卖机可以使用任何硬币
9 a. 修 < 学科、课程等> ; 上 [受] < 课>
~ dancing lessons学跳舞 [上舞蹈课]
~ biology修生物学
b. 徵求 < 专家的意见> , 请教
~ medical [legal] advice接受医师的诊断 [请教律师]
10 a. [从…]得…[from]
This medicine ~s its name from the inventor.这种药的名称取自发明者的名字
b. [从…]引用…, 借用[from]
This line is taken from Shakespeare.此行引自莎士比亚
11 a. < 恐怖、疾病、情绪等> (突然) 侵袭< 人>
Fear took him.= He was taken with fear.他忽然感到恐惧
She was taken with sickness [illness].她生病了
b. 使< 人> < 生病>
She was taken sick [ill].她生病了
c. [在某种状况下] 袭击, 突袭< 人> [by, at]
~ a person by surprise突然袭击某人
~ a person at a disadvantage趁其不备袭击某人
12 < 人> 患 [罹] < 疾病等> , 引起, 感染
~ (a) cold患感冒
13 吸引 < 耳目、关心> ; 使< 人> 喜悦, 使< 人> 销魂, 迷住< 人>
~ a person's eye吸引某人的注意力
The song took my fancy.这首歌深受我喜爱
I was much taken with [by] her beauty.我深深地被她的美貌所吸引
14 a. 著< 火>
~ fire著火
b. 吸收 < 染料、气味等>
The milk has taken the smell of fish.这牛奶沾有鱼腥味
c. 收 < 磨、擦拭等的> 效果
Marble ~s a high polish.大理石可以磨得极为光滑
15< 鱼> 咬上 < 饵>
16< 男人> 与< 女人> 性交
17(俚)欺骗< 人>
18‘文法’字尾加…, (后面) 要有…
Ordinary nouns ~ -s in the plural.一般名词的复数字尾加 -s.
1 (从某处) 拿去, 带去
(→ bring 【同义字】)a. 将< 物> 拿去 (…) ; 将< 人、动物> 带去 (…) ; < 交通工具、道路> 将< 人> 运往 (…)
He took sweets home to his children.他带糖果回家给他孩子们
Please ~ these dishes away and wash them.请你把这些盘子拿去洗一洗
My father often ~s me to the zoo.我父亲时常带我去动物园
Will this road ~ me to the station ?.走这条路能到车站吗 [这条路通到车站吗] ?
He took me over to the museum in his car.他用车子载我到博物馆
T~ Mary out for lunch.带玛丽出去吃午餐
The bus took us home again.那部公共汽车又把我们载回来
b. 将< 物> 携带 [在人的身边] ; 带著< 人> 同行[with]
T~ your umbrella with you.带著雨伞去
Most people ~ guides with them.大多数的人都带著向导与他们同行
c. 将< 物> 拿去给< 人> ; 将< 物> 拿去[给人][to]
Bring me a cup of tea and ~ the driver a cup, too.=Bring a cup of tea to me and ~ a cup to the driver, too.请拿一杯茶给我, 也拿一杯给司机
d. (美)[为…]将< 人> 带去; 带< 人> 去[做…][for]
He took her (out) for a drive.他带她 (出) 去兜风
e. 将< 人> 带去[做…], 带< 人> 去[做…]
I took him swimming.我带他去游泳
f. < 努力、工作等> 使< 人> 去[…], 使…达到[…][to]
Business took him to New York.他因工作而去纽约
Diligence took him to the top of the class.他由于勤奋而在班上名列前茅
2 a. (误或擅自) 带走, 取去< 物>
Someone has taken my umbrella.有人带走了我的雨伞
b. [从…]除去…; (减算时) [从…]减去…< away> [from]
He was taken from school and taught at home.他退学在家接受教育
If you ~ 3 (away) from 8, you have [it leaves] 5.八减去三剩下五 [八减三等于五]
c. (委婉语)夺走< 人> 的性命
He was taken very young.他死时很年轻
d. [从…]移开, 取下, 放开; [从…]带走, 救出, 撤离< 人> [off]
T~ your hand off the handle.把你的手从把手上移开 [别握住那把手]
He never took his eyes off his book.他眼睛一直没有离开书
The survivors were taken off the wrecked ship.幸存者从失事的船中被救出
→ take the EDGE off, take the GILT off the gingerbread.e. [从价格等] 扣除…, 减去…[off]
~ ten percent off the price从定价中减去一成
3 需要
a. 耗费< 人> < 时间、劳力、金钱等> , 使< 人> 耗费 [花费] < 时间、劳力、金钱等>
The work took him a week.他花了一个星期完成这项工作
The book took me two years to write.这本书我花了两年才写好
All it ~s is a phone call.只要打通电话就行了
→ have WHAT it takes pron.
She took a long time to prepare breakfast.她花了很长的时间准备早餐
b. < 做…> 耗费 [需要] …
It only ~s ten minutes (for me) to walk there. (我) 步行到那儿只要十分钟
c. < 做…> 耗费< 某人> …
It took me three hours to do the job.这工作花了我三个小时
How long will it ~ this letter to reach London ?.这封信寄达伦敦需要多久 ?
d. < 人、物、事> (对于某人而言) 颇费… [很难予以…]
That ~s some believing.那件事很难相信
He took a lot of convincing.费了一番口舌才说服了他
The work ~s a lot of doing.这工作很费事
4 越过< 障碍等> , 跳过, 跃过
~ a hedge跨越篱笆
a. 将…认作 [视为, 当作, 以为] […][for]
To hear him speak English, one would ~ him for an Englishman.听他讲英语, 谁都会当他是英国人
What do you ~ me for ?.你把我当作什么 ?
He took it for granted that he would be welcomed.他以为他当然会受到欢迎
b. 将…认为 [视为, 以为] < …>
I took her to be intelligent [his wife].我以为她聪明 [她是他太太]
c. 将…认为 [视为, 以为] < …>
He took my remark as an insult.他把我说的话当作侮辱
He took the matter as settled.他认为那件事已解决
Let us ~ it as read.让我们把它视为已 (在上次会议的会议记录等) 宣读通过
d. [~ it][由…]相信[认为]< …> [from]
I ~ it (that) he has not been invited.我认为他未被邀请
I took it from his silence that he was guilty.我由他的沉默推测他有罪
2 a. 将 < 言语、行动等> 当…, 解释, 了解, 领会
He didn't ~ the hint (that I wanted to leave).他没有领会 (我想离去的) 暗示
You must not ~ it ill.你不可以把这件事当作恶意
Don't ~ it seriously.不要把它看得 (太) 认真
b. < 照实> 了解…
T~ things as they are.照实了解 [不要曲解] 事情; 接受事物的现状, 安于现状
You had better ~ the world as it is [as you find it].你还是面对现实为好, 世间就是 [如你所发现] 这样(不要期望过高)
c. 对…采取 (…的) 态度
~ it [things] easy从容不迫, 放轻松, 悠然自得
~ it [things] calmly沉著处事, 保持冷静
3 a. [~ it from me] 相信…
Just ~ it from me it is important.相信我的话, 这件事重要
He doesn't tell lies; ~ it from me.他不会说谎的, 我保证
b. [~ my word for it] 相信…
T~ my word for it, I have nothing to do with the affair.相信我的话, 我与这个事件无关
4 a. 听从, 顺从 < 忠告等>
T~ my advice.听我的忠告吧
b. 甘受, 忍受 < 谴责等>
I will ~ no nonsense.我不允许胡闹
~ hard punishment忍受严厉处罚; (口语)< 机器等> 耐用, 非常坚固
I can't ~ any more of it from you.我无法再忍受你
c. [~ it]经得起 (考验、磨炼、谴责、苛刻的使役等) , 忍耐, 坚持到底D
1 做, 行, 为
a. 采取 < 某种行动>
~ aim at﹍ 瞄准…
~ counsel商量
~ one's departure出发
~ a drive驾车去出游
~ exercise做运动
~ an excursion去远足
~ one's exit离去, 退场
~ a glance at﹍ 看…一眼
~ a guess推测
~ a journey去旅行
~ one's leave告别, 辞去
~ a look at﹍ 看一看…
~ objection to﹍ 反对…
~ a peep at﹍ 瞥一眼…
~ refuge逃难
~ one's revenge报仇
~ a ride搭乘 (交通工具)
~ shelter避难
~ a step踏出一步; 采取措施
~ a survey of﹍ 眺望一下…
~ a tour去旅行
~ a turn改变方向
~ a voyage航海
~ a walk散步
b. 享用 < 休息、休假> , 享有, 得到
~ a holiday [vacation]休假
~ a rest休息
~ one's ease休息, 宽舒, 放轻松
~ a pause歇一下, 中止
~ a nap小睡, 睡午觉
c. 沐 < 浴> ; 受 < 户外空气、阳光>
~ a bath洗澡, 沐浴
~ a shower淋浴
~ the sun on the lawn在草坪上沐日光浴
d. 加以 < 注意、照顾等> ; 表示 < 决心、看法等>
~ no notice [note] of﹍ 对…不注意 [不留意]
~ care注意, 当心
~ care of﹍照顾, 照料
~ a different [gloomy] view of﹍对…持不同的 [悲观的] 看法
e. 感受< 感情等> , 产生
~ courage [heart]鼓起勇气, 振作精神
~ delight [pleasure] in﹍ 乐于
~ a fancy to﹍ 爱好…, 喜欢上…
~ an interest in﹍ 对…有兴趣
~ pride in﹍ 以…自豪
~ pity [compassion] on﹍ 对…表示怜悯 [同情]
f. 立< 誓>
~ a vow立誓, 发誓
~ (an) oath宣誓, 立誓
2 a. 搭乘< 交通工具>
~ a taxi [bus] to the station坐计程车[公共汽车]到车站
~ a train to York搭火车到约克
~ a plane to Paris搭飞机到巴黎
b. 取 < 道> , 走 [经由] < 路线等>
We took the shortest way to school.我们走最近的路去上学
You can only let the matter ~ its own course.你只好让事情自然发展
3 a. 占 < 位子> , 就 < 座>
~ a seat就座, 入座
~ a chair就座, 入座
→ take a BACKSEAT
Is this seat taken ?.这个座位有人坐吗 ?
~ the place of a person =~ a person's place代替某人, 接替某人
b. 就 < 官职、职位>
~ the throne [crown]登基, 即位
4 < 容器、交通工具等> (能) 收容…
The car ~s five people.这部汽车可乘坐五个人
This cask ~s three liters.这只桶可装三公升
5 a. 承担< 责任等> , 承办< 工作等> ; 担任, 负责 < 班级、学科等>
~ a job接下工作
~ charge of﹍承办; 保管; 看管; 监督
Which of the teachers has taken your class (for English)?.哪一位老师负责你们班 (的英语科) ?
b. 执行, 主持 < 任务、职务等>
The Rev. Thomas Smith will ~ the morning service.汤玛斯.史密斯牧师将主持早上的礼拜
6 呈现 < 形状、性质等>
Water ~s the shape of a vessel containing it.水呈现盛它的容器的形状
7 a. 拍< 照片> , 拍摄 < 相片>
Please ~ a snapshot of me.请为我拍一张快照
I had my picture taken.我请人给我照相
b. 记下…< down>
~ a copy抄 [誊] 写
~ notes做笔记; 做记录
The police took a statement from the witness.警方从目击者记下供述
I took his broadcast down in shorthand.我用速记把他的广播记下来
c. 将…录 (音、影) [在…上][on]
I am going to ~ his speech on tape.我准备把他的演说录在带子上
8 a. (以诊脉等) 检查, 测量
The nurse took the patient's temperature.护士量了病人的体温
He went to the tailor's to have his measurements taken.他去裁缝店让人量尺寸
b. 进行, 做 < 调查>
~ a census进行人口 [户口] 调查
~ a poll做民意测验
1 < 火等> 著
The fire took quickly.火迅速地烧著
2 博得[…]好评, 受[…]欢迎[with]
The play took from its first performance [with the public].这出戏从演第一场起就受欢迎 [受大众的欢迎]
3 相照得 (…)
4 生根
5 < 药、忠告等> 有效, 奏效
6(口语.方言)患< 病> , 感染
~ ill [sick]患病
7 减弱 [效果、价值] , 损 [名声等] [from] be taken aback →aback be taken up with﹍热中于…, 埋头于…, 专心…
not taking any=not having ANY pron take after﹍
(1)模仿…; 像…
(2)追赶… take apart
(1)分解, 拆散 < 小机器等>
~ a watch apart拆开表
(2)(口语)剖析 < 他人的作品等> , 将…贬得一文不值; 严厉地批评
(3)分析 take away
(1)→ v.t. B 1 a
(2)→ v.t. B 2 b
(3)减弱[…的]效果[价值][from] take back
(1)将… (在使用之前) 取回; 将 < 退还之物> 收下
~ back one's money把钱取回
(2)(口语)撤回, 撤销 < 以前说 过的话等>
(3) 将…带回 [到过去] [to] take down
(1)→ v.t. D 7 b
(2) (自高处) 取下< 物>
~ down a box from a shelf从物架上取下一个箱子
~ down a crane降下起重机
(3)拆毁< 房屋等> ; 拆开 [拆卸, 拆除] < 枪等>
~ down a wall拆毁一道墙
(4) 使< 人> 丢脸, 挫< 人的> 锐气 [傲气]
~ a person down a pegor two挫某人的锐气
take in
(1)收进, 容纳< 物>
~ the washing in把洗的衣物收进
(2)留宿< 人>
~ in lodgers收留房客
(3) 承接 < 裁缝等工作> 带回家做
~ in sewing在家承接裁缝工作
(4)(英)订 < 报刊、杂志等>
(5)(美口语)访…, 出席, 游览, 参观
~ in the World's Fair [the sights]参观世界博览会 [游览名胜]
(6)了解, 领悟
~ in a lecture了解演讲的内容
(8)聚精会神地倾听; 目不转睛地注视
(9)一眼看出…, 注意 [觉察] 到…
(10)缩小< 衣服等>
(11) 包括
(12) 欺骗< 人>
(13) 将< 谣言等> 信以为真, 把…当真 take it into one's head that[to do]﹍ →head take it or leave it
(1) (对于对方所开的价格等) 无条件地接受 [买] 或拒绝
(无条件接受或拒绝, 而不讨价还价)
(2) (对方所提出的) 任何一方均可 take it out of a person
(口语)使< 人> 疲惫不堪 take it upon oneself to do﹍
承担做…, 负责…; 毅然 [大胆] 去做… take off
(1)脱 < 衣服、帽子、鞋子等> ; 取下 < 眼镜、指环等>
~ off one's clothes脱衣服
(2)拿开, 除去 < 盖子等>
(3)切断 < 手、脚等>
(4)带走< 人>
(5)匀出, 腾出< 时间>
~ an hour off (from work)(从工作中) 匀出一小时
(6)使 < 火车、公共汽车等> 停驶
(7)(口语)模仿 < 人的癖好等>
(8)减 < 体重>
(9) < 飞机、太空船> 起飞; (乘飞机) 出发, 动身
(10)(口语)[向…]离去, 走掉[for]
(11) < 事情> 顺利进行; 形势好转
(12) [对…]热中, 兴奋[on] take on
(1)承担 < 工作、责任等>
~ on extra work [heavy responsibilities]承担额外的工作 [重责]
(2)雇用< 人> ; 给…入伙
(3)与< 人> 较量
(4) [~ +on+名] 逐渐有 < 性质、外观、意义等> , 开始有, 含带; 呈现 < 形势>
(5)< 交通工具> 搭载< 人>
(6) 受大家欢迎, 被大家接受, 开始风行
(7)(罕)兴奋, 激动, 喧嚣 take out
(1)取出, 拿出, 带出; 拔除 < 蛀牙等>
(2)将< 人> 带出去 [散步、吃饭等] [for, to]
(3)将< 饮料、食物> (在店买而) 带走
(5)取得, 获得, 拿到 < 执照等>
~ out a doctorate取得博士头衔 [学位]
~ out a patent on an invention获得新发明的专利
(6)破坏< …> , (澳口语)击垮 < 比赛的对手>
(7)将< 感情等> 发泄[到…上][on] take a person out of himself
< 事、物> 使某人消愁 [忘记烦忧] take over
(1) 接替 < 职务等> ; 接管, 接办< 事业等>
(2) 接收
(3) → v.t. B 1 a
(4)[从…]接管, 接办, 接收[from] take one's time → time take some [a lot of] doing → doing take to﹍
(1) 热中于 < 习惯、嗜好等> ; 耽于; 开始 (习惯性地) 做…
~ to drink [drinking]耽于杯中物, 喝酒上瘾
(2)开始喜欢 < 人、地方、想法等> , 与…亲近
(3) (寻求藏匿处、避难所而) 逃到…
(4)利用…, 依靠… take up
(1)拿起, 拾起
(3)接纳< 人> 搭乘 (交通工具)
(4)吸收< 水等>
(5)溶解 < 固体>
(6)占用 < 时间、地方等>
(7)< 问题等> 耗费 < 劳力等>
(8)开始, 著手, 从事 < 工作、兴趣等>
(9)采取 < 态度、语调等>
(10)提起, 处理< 问题>
(11) 讨论…[with]
(12) 继续开始讲, 接下去讲 < 中断的话>
(13) 偿清, 还清< 债> ; 赎回 < 典当物>
(14) 愿意接受< 人> [提议、约会等] [on]
(15) 使绷紧; 绷紧; 收缩 take up with﹍
1 a. 捕获量, 获取量; 获取物[of]
b. 售得金额, 门票收入
2 (收益、赌资等的) 分红[of]
3‘电影.电视’一次的拍摄 (场面) on the take(美俚)伺收贿之机




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