

词汇 veil
释义 veil[vel; veil]《源自拉丁文“覆盖”的意思》名词
1 (C)面纱, 罩纱
drop [raise] one's ~放下 [掀起] 面纱
2 [用单数]
a. 遮盖物[of]
A~ of mist obscured the view.一层雾使景色模糊了
b. 藉口, 口实, 假托[of]
under the ~ of charity假托慈善之名
The whole truth is hidden under [behind] a ~ of mystery.整个真相被隐藏在一股神秘的气氛中
3 = velum draw a veil over﹍(1) 在…上面覆盖罩纱
(2) 隐瞒, 避不说明, 避不提及
It is time that we drew a ~ over these sordid events.现在该是我们不谈这些脏事的时候了
take the veil
< 女子> 进修道院, 当修女
1 以面纱罩…, 以面罩遮掩
2 (文语)隐瞒< 感情等> ; 隐蔽 (conceal)
She ~ed her contempt for her husband.她掩饰了对她丈夫的轻蔑




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