释义 |
break[brek; breik](broke[brok; brouk]; bro.ken[`brokn; 'broukn])及物动词A1 切断a. 将< 物> 毁坏 (成二个以上或细片) , 打破, 打碎, 弄破Who broke the mirror?.是谁打破了镜子?She broke the cup in two [into pieces].她把杯子打破成两半 [碎片]b. 折断 < 树枝等> , 扯 [揪, 扭, 拧] 断~ one's pencil弄断铅笔心The boy broke a branch off [from the tree].这男孩扯断 [从树上扯下] 树枝c. 折断 < 骨> , 折断…的骨, 扭伤…的关节, 使…的关节脱臼~ one's leg [arm]折断腿[手臂]d. 割破, 割伤, 划破, 擦破< 皮肤> ~ the skin擦破皮肤e. 弄坏, 损坏 < 钟、表等> ; 使…失灵2 a. 打破 < 沈默、单调、有规则 (之状态) 等> , 扰乱 < 和平、安宁等> ~ a person's sleep扰乱某人的睡眠The shot broke the peace of the morning.枪声打破了早晨的沈寂Only the whir of the air conditioner broke the silence in the office.打破办公室内寂静的, 只有空气调节机呼呼的转动声b. 使 < 步伐等> 乱~ step < 部队> (在行进中) 走乱步伐~ ranks搞乱队伍3 中断 < 正在继续之物> , 遮断~ an electric current切断电流~ diplomatic relations with﹍ 与…断绝外交关系~ one's journey中止旅程~ a strike破坏罢工, 迫使罢工者结束罢工He broke short the conversation.他突然停止了谈话4 a. 开辟< 道路> ~ a trail [path] through the woods在树林中开出一条小径b. 开垦< 土地> , 耕< 地> ; 破 < 土> ~ ground耕地; 破土c. 开拓 < 新领域等> , 打开 < 局面等> ~ new [fresh] ground (研究、事业等) 启步踏入新的领域, 开辟新天地d. < 鱼> 跳出< 水面> I saw a fish ~ the water of the pond.我看到一条鱼跳出池塘水面e. 推开, 打开, 撬开< 物> ~ a crate (open)撬开板条箱~ a door open撬[打]开门5 a. 分开, 拆散, 分离, 卸开 < 整体之物、完整之物> ~ a set拆开成套之物 (零售)b. 将 < 大钞> 换零 (change)~ a hundred dollar bill把一百美元钞票换成零钱6(口语)a. 毁灭< 人> b. 使 < 人、银行> 破产(cf. broke adj.)This expense will ~ us.这种开支会使我们破产B1 违反, 违背, 未遵守; 触犯 < 法律、规则、契约等> ~ one's promise [word]违约, 违反诺言, 食言She broke her date with me.她跟我爽约了2 破 < 记录> ~ a world record破世界记录3 a. 戒除, 破除; 弃绝 < 坏习惯等> < off> ~ (off) the habit of smoking戒除吸烟的习惯b. 使< 人> 戒除 [坏习惯等] , 使…弃绝[…][of]He broke his child of that bad habit.他使他的孩子戒除了那坏习惯c. [~ oneself]戒除 [坏习惯] , 弃绝[of]He broke himself of that bad habit.他戒除了那坏习惯4 逃出, 挣脱 < 束缚等> , 突破 < 包围> ~ jail越狱~ bounds逾限, 越轨5 a. 挫 < 锐气、自尊心等> , 伤害< 健康等> ~ a person's heart使人伤心, 使人心碎, 使人失恋Such hard work will ~ your health.这样的辛苦工作会损害你的健康b. 攻破 < 敌阵> , 使…溃散, 使…溃不成军< down> 6 阻挡< 风> , 减弱 < 风力、坠落的势头等> ; 削减 < 势力> The trees ~ (the force of) the wind.树木可以挡风 (力)The dense bushes broke my fall from the ladder.茂密灌木的阻挡减弱了我从梯上坠落的势头(有茂密灌木承托, 我从梯子上摔下来, 未受重伤)7 (巧妙地) [向人]透露 < 坏消息> , 传达, 报知, 泄露[to]He gently broke the sad news to his wife.他委婉地把那伤心的消息告诉他妻子8 使< 马等> 习惯 [于马具等] , 驯服[to]~ a wild horse (to the saddle)驯服野马 (使习惯装马鞍)9 a. 破解 < 密码、暗号等> ~ a secret code破密码b. 解决 < 事情、问题等> ; 破 < 案> The police broke the case.警方破了该案10 使 < 军官> 降级, 使…免职, 使…撤职The major was broken for neglect of duty.这少校因玩忽职守而被降级不及物动词1 a. 损坏., 破碎, 破裂, < 绳等> 断Crackers ~ easily. (苏打) 饼乾易破碎The cup broke to [into] pieces.杯子破成碎片b. 折断, 拉断The robot's hand has broken off.机器人的手断掉了c. < 泡沫> 破, 消散; < 肿泡> 溃破d. < 波浪> [冲击…而] 碎, 散开 [on, over, against]The surf broke on the rocks.迎头浪冲上岩石四下迸溅e. [~ open] 破 [碎] 开; 解 [松] 开The toy fell on to the floor and broke open.玩具掉到地板上裂开了A seam broke open at the sleeve.袖子上接缝处裂开了一点2 a. < 人、健康、锐气> 衰弱, 衰退, 减弱, 挫伤He broke under the strain of heavy work.他在繁重工作的压力之下累坏了Her heart broke when her child died.当她孩子死时, 她悲痛欲绝His health is ~ing fast.他的健康迅速地衰退b. < 部队、阵线等> 混乱, 崩溃, 瓦解; < 群众等> 四散The enemy broke and fled.敌人被打得溃不成军, 狼狈逃窜3 a. < 雾> 消散, < 黑暗> 消失; < 云> 散开 < 霜> 溶化The clouds began to ~.云开始散开b. < 天气> (持续一段之后突然) 转变, 停止The spell of rainy weather has broken.持续的雨天突然放晴了The weather was about to ~.天气即将要转变4 a. < 暴风雨、呻吟、笑声等> 突然发生, 来临The storm broke soon.暴风雨一下子突然大作A gasp [sob] broke from her.她突然发出一声喘息 [啜泣]A happy smile broke over his face.他脸上顿时露出幸福的微笑b. < 天> 破晓Day was beginning to ~.天将破晓c. < 嗓音> 突变The boy's voice has broken.这男孩的嗓音变了5 忽然成为[…的状态], 突然[…]< out> [into]~ into tears [laughter]突然放声大哭 [哄堂大笑]The low rumble all at once broke into a loud peal of thunder.低沉的隆隆声突然变成大声的雷鸣6 a. [为…而]休息, 停止工作[for]We broke for coffee.我们停下工作喝咖啡(cf. tea break)School ~s for vacation on July 10th.七月十日起停课放假b. 断绝 (关系) , 断交, 绝交[with]~ with an old friend跟老朋友绝交~ with old habits戒绝老习惯c. 妨碍[…], 打扰; 打断 [话等] , 插入[into]~ into the conversation插嘴~ into a person's leisure打扰某人的休闲时间7 a. 挣脱, 摆脱 [束缚等] ; [自…]脱逃, 脱离 [from, out of]~ out of jail越狱b. [~ free [loose] ] 脱离, 挣脱[…]; [自…]脱逃, 逃出[from]Two prisoners broke free (from jail) last night.两名囚犯昨晚越狱逃走The horse has broken loose.马逃脱了8(口语)< 消息等> 刊出, 透露出; 传开The news [story] broke unexpectedly.这个消息 [传闻] 突然传开了 [不胫而走]9 破产, 倒闭10‘球戏’< 球> 转向11‘拳击’[用祈使语气]分开■ break away(1)[从…]逃走, 脱逃, 挣脱, 逃离[from]The cat broke away from the girl's arms.猫从女孩的手臂中挣脱出来(2) 脱离[…], 摆脱, 离开, 退出; 革除; 放弃[from]The state broke away and became independent.该州脱离而独立She is beginning to ~ away from his influence.她正开始摆脱他的影响(3)[从…]突然改变[from](4)[从…]拆除…[from]■ break down(1) 破坏, 打破, 捣毁~ down a wall把墙拆毁(2) 压倒, 镇压 < 反对、敌人等> ~ down all opposition [resistance]镇压一切反抗 [抵抗](3) 将…分类 [分析] [成…][into]Learn to ~ down large tasks into manageable units.要学会把大任务细分成几个易处理的单元(4) (引起化学变化而) 分解为…(5) < 机器、引擎、汽车等> 损坏, 发生故障The car broke down on the highway.汽车在公路上发生故障 [抛锚]The engine has broken down.引擎坏了(6) < 反抗、交涉、计画等> 失败The negotiations broke down.交涉 [谈判] 失败了(7)< 健康> (迅速) 衰退, < 身体> 衰弱, < 精神> 崩溃His health broke down from lack of food.他因营养不良而健康 (迅速) 衰退(8) < 风气、道德> 堕落, 衰落The old morality has broken down since the end of the war.战后旧道德已衰亡 [不起作用](9)< 人> (抑制不住而) 大哭起来She broke down when she heard the bad news.她听到那不幸的消息就哇地一声大哭起来■ break even (于赌博等) 毫无得失; (生意) 不赚不赔; (球赛) 不分胜负■ break forth迸出, 突然发出; (尤指) < 愤怒等> 爆发■ break in(1) 驯服< 马等> ~ a horse in驯服马(2) 使 < 鞋、汽车等> 逐渐适合 (自己) 使用, 逐渐用惯~ in a new pair of shoes把一双新鞋穿得逐渐舒适合脚This car is pretty well broken in.这部车经过使用已变得相当好开(不会像刚出厂的全新车那样生硬不滑润)(3) 使< 人> 习惯新工作; 训练< 人> , 调教(4) < 小偷等> 闯入■ break in on[upon]﹍打断 < 他人的谈话> , 打岔, 插嘴It is impolite to ~ in on a conversation.打断别人的谈话是不礼貌的■ break into﹍(1) 侵入 [潜入] …, 破门而入Some burglars broke into the shop last night.昨晚有几个窃贼潜入店里(2) → v.i. 5(3) → v.i. 6 c(4) 侵占< 时间> Don't let play ~ into study hours.别让玩耍侵占读书的时间(5) (不乐意地) 将 < 大钞> 换小 [换成零钱] 使用I broke into a 20-pound note to pay the fare.我为了付车资把二十英镑钞票换成零钱(6) 动用 < 为紧急时而准备之储蓄等> We had to ~ into our emergency supplies of food and water.我们不得不动用为紧急需要备用之粮食和水■ break off(1) → v.t. A 1 b(2) → v.t. B 3 a(3) 突然停止 < 谈话等> ; 断绝 < 关系> ~ off an engagement解除婚约She broke off her relationship with him.她断绝了跟他的关系They broke off talking [their conversation].他们突然停止交谈(4) → v.i. 1 b(5) (暂时) 停止谈话 [工作 (等) ]We broke off for a few minutes and took a rest.我们歇手几分钟, 休息一下(6) 绝交, 断交[with]I broke off with my roomrate.我与室友绝交了■ break out(1) < 火灾、战争、暴动、流行病等> 突然发生A fire broke out in a neighboring store last night.昨晚邻近的一家商店发生了一场火灾Flu has broken out all over the Europe.流行性感冒已在整个欧洲蔓延开来Bloody fighting broke out in Lebanon last week.上星期在黎巴嫩爆发了血腥的战斗(2) < 疹子、汗等> 发出; < 人、脸> 被 [疹子、汗等] 覆盖[in, with]Sweat broke out on his forehead.他的前额出汗His face broke out in a rash.他的脸上发出一片红疹(3) 逃出, 逃走, 脱逃They broke out.他们脱逃了(4) 突然发出 [怒声等] , 突然开始[…][into]He broke out into curses.他突然破口大骂(5) 张开 < 升起的旗子> (6)(口语) (为庆祝等) 取出 < 香槟酒、葡萄酒、雪茄烟等> , 开< 酒等> ■ break through(1) 强行通过, 穿过, 突破The U.S. army succeeded in ~ing through the enemy's defense line.美军成功地突破敌军的防线He broke through the crowd.他穿过人群(2) < 阳光等> 自 < 云缝等> 照射出来The sun is ~ing through the clouds.太阳渐渐从云层中钻出来(3) (藉新发现等而) 克服< 障碍等> ; 打破 < 矜持等> I tried to ~ through her reserve.我试著去打破她的拘谨 [矜持](4) 突破(5) < 阳光等> (自云缝中) 照射出来At last the sun broke through.太阳终于 (自云端中) 钻出来了(6) (藉新发现等而在开发上) 重大突破■ break up(1) 击碎< 物> ; 使…解体, 拆散~ up a box for firewood把箱子拆散当柴烧~ up an old ship把旧船解体(2) 分解…[成…][into]~ up a word into syllables把一个字分成音节(3) 将…[在…之间]分配[among]~ up a piece of work among several persons把工作分配给几个人(4) 驱散, 使…解散The group of demonstrators was broken up by the police.示威的群众被警方驱散(5) 解散 < 集合等> , 结束, 使…闭幕, 使…散会It's time to ~ up the party.该是结束聚会的时候了(6)(口语)破坏< 男女> 间之关系, 拆散 < 夫妻、情侣> , 使…分离; 解除 < 婚约等> (7)(口语)扰乱…的心, 使…惊慌, 使…慌乱The sad news broke her up.那伤心的消息使她慌乱(8)(美口语)使< 人> 捧腹大笑The story really broke us all up.那话真使我们大家捧腹大笑(9) 变得零散; 解散, 散会, 闭幕, 落幕, 结束The party broke up at ten.聚会于十时结束了In ten years their marriage broke up.他们的婚姻维持了十年后终告破裂[结束] (10) < 学校等> 结业; 学期结束而开始 [放假] [for]School will ~ up next Friday.课业将于下星期五结束Our school [We] broke up for the summer holidays at the end of the week.(英)我们学校 [我们] 在那一周周末开始放暑假 (11) < 天气> 转变, 转坏The weather was ~ing up.天气正在转坏 (12) (口语) < 夫妻> 离婚, 离异 (13) < 人> 衰弱, 衰老; 崩溃; 累坏, (累) 垮; 沮丧, 颓丧He'll soon ~ up under all this strain.如果一直这样紧张, 他会崩溃 [累垮] 的 (14) (美口语)捧腹大笑可数名词1 裂口, 裂缝, 切口; 裂纹, 裂痕a ~ in the wall墙上的裂痕a ~ in the clouds云缝, 云层中的缝隙2 (工作、课堂等之间的) 小憩, 休息时间; (短期) 休假 the afternoon ~ 午休时间→ coffee break, tea breakCan't you get away during your lunch ~?.你能在午餐休息 [午休] 时间走开吗?My daughter is home for the Easter ~.我女儿回来在家过复活节假期3 中断, 间断a ~ in conversation交谈的中断without a ~不间断地, 连续地They established diplomatic relations with the country after a ~ of twenty-six years.经过二十六年的中断之后他们与该国建立了外交关系4 a. (突然的) 转变a ~ in the weather天气的转变b. 破晓, 黎明, 天亮at the ~ of day在破晓时分5 逃脱, 逃跑, 逃出; (尤指) 越狱→ make a BREAK for it.6 a. 断绝, 绝交[with, from]make a ~ with tradition与传统断绝关系, 弃绝传统b.‘电学’ (电路的) 短路, 电流的切断, 中断 (←→ make)7 a. 转折点, 分歧点, 转捩点a ~ in one's life人生的转捩点b. (进行路线的) 突然改变c. (行市的) 暴跌8(口语) (社交上的) 失态, 愚蠢的错误, 失策, 出丑, 失言make a (bad) ~失态, 说[犯]不应该说[犯]的话[错误], 举止不当9(口语)a. 机会, 运气; (尤指) 幸运a lucky ~幸运a bad ~倒霉, 霉运b. 机会Give me a ~.请给我一个机会10‘球戏’变化球, 曲球11‘网球’破解对方的发球12‘撞球’开球连续得分13‘拳击’分开■ make a break for it(口语)企图逃跑 |