

词汇 smell
释义 smell[smɛl; smel](~ed[~d; ~d], smelt[smlt; smelt])不及物动词
a. < 东西> 有 [发出] …气味
This flower ~s sweet.这朵花散发芳香
The room ~ed damp.这个房间发出潮湿味
b. < 东西> 发出 […似的] 香味[like]; 有[…的]香味[of]
It ~s like violets.它发出紫罗兰似的香味
His breath ~s (strongly) of tobacco.他的呼吸有 (强烈的) 烟臭味
c. 觉得似乎[…], 感觉出 [有…] 迹象[of]
His suggestion ~s of trickery.他的建议似乎有诈
2 有臭味, 很臭
The meat began to ~.肉开始发臭
His breath ~s.他有口臭
3 嗅[…的]味道, 闻[…的]气味[at]
The dog ~ed at his shoes.狗嗅他的鞋味
4 能辨别气味, 有嗅觉
Not all animals can ~.并非所有动物都有嗅觉
1 a. 嗅 [闻] 出…气味, 凭香气[气味]知道
You can ~ the smell of cheese.你能嗅到乾酪的气味
I cannot ~ anything.我闻不出什么
Can a camel ~ water a mile off?.骆驼能嗅出在一哩外的水吗?
b. 闻到< 在做…> 的气味
~ cooking闻到在煮菜的气味
c. 闻到… < 在…> 的气味
I ~ something burning.我闻到什么东西烧焦的气味
d. 能嗅出 [凭嗅觉知道] < …事>
I can ~ that this meat is rotten.我能嗅出这块肉已经腐坏了
e. 凭嗅觉知道
I can ~ when it's going to rain.我凭嗅觉能预知什么时候会下雨
2 a. 察觉< 阴谋等> , 发觉
~ a good idea发觉一个好主意
I ~ed some trouble.我察觉会有一些麻烦
b. 察觉< 某事>
He could ~ disaster coming.他察觉灾难即将来临
c. 发觉< …事>
I could ~ that something was going wrong.我发觉某事不对劲
3 a. 嗅…的气味
She picked up a flower and ~ed it.她捡起一朵花, 闻它的气味
b. < 狗> 嗅出 < 猎物等> ; < 人> 探出…< out>
Our dog ~ed out the thief.我们的狗嗅出那名窃贼来
4 使< 场所等> 充满气味 < out, (美)up>
The cigarettes ~ed the room out.那房间充满了烟味
smell of the lamp → lamp名词
1 (U)嗅觉
He has a good sense of ~.他有灵敏的嗅觉
2 (C)
a. 气味, 香味
a bad [good]~臭 [香] 味
This flower has a strong ~.这朵花有一股强烈的气味
【同义字】 smell 气味的泛用语 odor 令人不舒服的气味 fragrance 花、香水等令人舒服的芳香 scent 淡淡的气味 stench 强烈的恶臭
b. 恶臭c. 臭味; 迹象, 嫌疑[of]
There is a ~ of trickery about it.那件事似乎有诈
3 (C)闻, 嗅
have a ~ of﹍ 嗅一嗅 [闻一闻] …
She took a ~ at the flower.她闻一闻那朵花




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