

词汇 bread
释义 bread[brɛd; bred]不可数名词
1 面包
a loaf [slice, piece] of ~一条[片]面包
2 (日常的) 食物, 食粮; 生计
one's daily ~日用的饮食, 生计
the ~ of life生命的粮
beg one's ~乞食, 讨饭吃
earn [gain] one's ~餬口, 谋生
3 (俚)钱 (money) bread and butter(1) 涂有奶油的面包
a slice of ~ and butter一片涂了奶油的面包
(2)(口语)必需品; 生计; 谋生之路
quarrel with one's ~ and butter抱怨自己的谋生之路, 厌弃自己的职业
bread and cheese
(1) 附乾酪的面包
(2) 简单的餐食 bread and milk
牛奶泡面包(幼儿的食物) bread and salt
(象徵款待的) 面包和盐 bread and scrape
涂有一层薄奶油的面包 bread and water
只有面包和水的劣食 bread and wine
圣餐 (礼) bread buttered on both sides
极佳之境遇, 鸿运高照 break bread
(1) (共) 用餐[with]
(2) 领受圣餐 cast[throw]one's bread upon the waters
为善不图报, 积阴德 eat idle bread
吃闲饭, 好吃懒做 eat the bread of affliction [idleness]
过悲惨 [游手好闲] 的生活 know (on) which side one's bread is buttered
知道自己的利益所在; 善为个人利益谋算 take the bread out of a person's mouth
(1) 夺人之生计
(2) 夺走他人正要享受的乐趣




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