

词汇 breach
释义 breach[britʃ; bri:tʃ]《break 的名词》名词
1 [法律、道德、承诺等的] 违反, 不履行, 侵害[of]
a ~ of contract违反契约, 毁约, 背约, 违约
a ~ of duty失职, 玩忽职守行为
a ~ of etiquette违反礼俗
a ~ of faith背信, 背约行为
(a) ~ of promise违约, 毁弃婚约
sue a person for ~ of promise控告某人毁弃婚约
a ~ of the peace妨害治安
a ~ of privacy侵害隐私
a ~ of trust违反信托, 辜负信任
be in ~ of﹍ 违反…
2 绝交, 不和[between]
heal the ~弥合裂痕, 调停
3 (C) (城墙、堤防等的) 裂缝, 裂罅, 破洞
make a ~ in the fence在围墙上挖洞
fill the breach
= step into the BREACH stand in the breach
独当难局 step [throw oneself] into the breach
(紧急情况中) 伸出救援之手, 救人于危难之境
攻破, 突破 < 城墙等>
< 鲸鱼> 跃出水面




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