

词汇 melt
释义 melt[mɛlt; melt](~.ed; ~.ed, (古)mol.ten[`molt; 'moultn])不及物动词
1 a. < 固体> (因热) 溶解, 融化
b. [在…之中] 溶解[in]
Sugar ~s in water.砂糖在水中溶解
Let the cough drop ~ in your mouth.把这止咳糖含在嘴里溶解
→ melt in a person's[the]mouth.
2 渐渐地溶解[于…], 慢慢地转移[为…][into]
The sea seemed to ~ into the sky at the horizon.在水平线处, 海洋似乎渐渐没入天际
3 < 感情等> 软化; < 人> 生怜悯之情; < 勇气等> 减弱
Her heart [anger] ~ed at this sight.看到这情景, 她的心 [愤怒] 软化 [消失] 了
4 (口语)热到快熔解的地步
I'm simply ~ing.我热得发昏
1 (用热) 溶解, 融化 < 固体>
Fire ~s ice.火能融化冰
2 使…软化, 使…感动
Pity ~ed her anger.怜悯之情平息了她的气怒
melt away
(1) 渐渐地 [快速地] 消失, 融化[离去]
The snow ~ed away.雪融掉了
The congregation gradually ~ed away.群众慢慢地散去
(2) 驱散…, 使… (渐渐地) 消失
melt down




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