

词汇 slip
释义 slip[slɪp; slip](slipped[slpt; slipt]; slipping)不及物动词
1 a. 滑, 滑落
~ along [off]滑下去 [滑落]
The snow sometimes ~s, forming snowslides.雪有时会滑落, 造成雪崩
The book slipped off [from] my knees.书从我的膝盖滑落下去
Some stones slipped down the face of the cliff.一些石头从悬崖面滑落
【同义字】 slip 在物体表面上滑行 slide 在光滑的表面轻轻滑动
b. < 飞机> 侧滑c. [在滑溜处] 滑倒[on]
Be careful not to ~ on the icy sidewalk.小心不要在结冰的人行道上滑倒
I slipped on a banana peel [skin].我踩到香蕉皮而滑倒
2 a. 偷偷地移动, 潜入, 溜走; 悄悄地经过
A mistake has slipped in [into the text].虽然谨慎但还是有一个错误 [在本文中]
She slipped away (from the doorway).她 (从门口) 悄悄溜走
Mother has just slipped across to the baker's.母亲刚才悄悄到对面的面包店去了
b. 如滑行般地行驶
The ship slipped through the waves.那艘船破浪前行
c. < 时间> 不知不觉地过去 [经过] < away, past, by>
Time [The hours] slipped by [past].时间不知不觉地过去了
d. < 机会等> 被错过, 被溜走 < away, past, by>
let an opportunity ~ (by)让机会溜走
3 a. [从脑子里、记忆中] 消失, 溜走 [from, out of]
His name had slipped from my mind [memory].我想不起他的名字了
b. < 秘密、话等> [从嘴里] 溜出, 不小心泄漏出去[from]
The secret slipped from his lips.他不小心泄漏了秘密
4 a. 迅速钻进, 迅速穿上[into]
~ into bed迅速钻进被窝里
~ into a dress迅速穿上衣服
b. 迅速脱掉[out of]
~ out of a dress迅速脱掉衣服
5 不小心犯错< up>
He often ~s (up) in his grammar.他常不小心犯文法上的错误
1 a. 使 < 脚等> 滑倒
b. 俐落地套上; 轻轻套上[取下] < 戒指等>
She slipped the ring on to [onto] her finger.她把戒指轻轻套入手指
She slipped the ring from her finger.她俐落地从手指上取下戒指
c. 把< 东西> 悄悄放入[…中][into]; 把< 东西> [从…]悄悄取出[out of]
He slipped a letter into her bag.他把信悄悄放入她的手提包里
He slipped his wallet out of his pocket.他从口袋中悄悄拿出皮夹子
2 a. 迅速 [悄悄] 穿上< 衣服> < on>
~ on a coat = ~ a coat on迅速穿上外衣
b. 迅速 [悄悄] 脱下< 衣服> < off>
~ off a coat =~ a coat off迅速 [悄悄] 脱下外衣
3 把…偷偷 (交) 给< 某人> , 偷偷交…[给某人][to]
He slipped the porter a quarter. = He slipped a quarter to the porter.他偷偷地塞给搬运工人两角五分钱的硬币
4 a. < 狗等> 挣脱 < 锁链、绳索等束缚物> ; 摆脱 < 追踪者等>
The dog slipped his leash.那条狗挣脱皮带逃走
He slipped his pursuers.他摆脱追踪者而逃走
b. [从…]放开, 释放< 狗等> [from]
He slipped the hound from the leash.他解开皮带放掉猎狗
5 从< 记忆> 中溜走; 忘记; 离开 < 注意>
Your name has slipped my mind [memory].我已经忘了你的名字了
It slipped my mind that I was visiting him today.我忘了今天要访问他的事
slip one over on a person
(美口语)蒙骗, 欺骗< 人>
1 (C)
a. 滑, 溜b. (飞机等) 滑向一边, 侧滑
2 (C)滑倒, 踩空, 绊倒
3 (C) (偶然的) 小过失, 失败, 失言, 笔误
(→ error 【同义字】)
a ~ of the pen写错, 笔误
a ~ of the tongue说错, 失言
a ~ of the press误植
There's many a ~ 'twixt [between] the cup and the lip.(谚)杯到口边也会失手 (钱弄到手才能算数) ; 功亏一篑
4 (C)妇女内衣 [衬衣]
6(C)[常 ~s]‘船舶’ (倾斜的) 造船台
a. [the ~s]外野(距三柱门数码后 (从打者位置来看) 的左侧部分)
in the ~s当外野手
b. (U)外野的守备位置c. (C)守外野位置的外野手
8[the ~s](英)‘戏剧’ (舞台的) 边门 give a person the slip(口语)躲开< 某人> 逃走




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