

词汇 slide
释义 slide不及物动词
1 a. 滑, 滑行
(→ slip 【同义字】)
The bureau drawers ~ in and out easily.这五斗柜的抽屉容易推进和拉出
Let's go sliding on the ice.让我们溜冰去
We slid down the slope.我们滑下山坡
b. 滑落
Her blouse slid from the chair.她的短衫从椅子上滑下来
The glass slid out of his hand to the floor.那只玻璃杯从他的手中滑落到地板上
The runner slid into second base.跑垒者滑进二垒
2 偷偷进入 [溜走]
The boy slid out of the classroom.那个男孩子偷偷溜出教室
The thief slid behind a curtain.那名窃贼溜到窗帘后面
3 < 时间等> (不知不觉地) 过去, 溜走 < past, by, away>
The years slid past [away].岁月流逝
Time slid by.时光荏苒
4 陷入 [罪恶] , 渐渐养成 [坏习惯] [into, to]
~ into [to] bad habits渐渐养成 [不知不觉地染上] 坏习惯
1 使…滑 (行)
S~ the left ski forward and then the right.先使左边的滑雪板向前滑, 然后滑右边的 (滑雪板)
They slid the boat into the river.他们把小船滑进河里
2 把< 东西> 轻轻放入[…中][into]
He slid his hand into his pocket.他把手轻轻伸入口袋
He slid a coin into her hand.他把一枚硬币偷偷放入她的手中
(口语)不去理会…, 使…听其自然 slide over[around]﹍
避开, 回避, 爽快处理< 问题等>
1 滑, 滑行, 滑动
2 滑落, 滑下
3 a. 滑面, 滑台, 滑道, 滑坡
b. (儿童玩的) 滑梯
4 (使东西滑落的) 斜沟, 滑板
5 a. 幻灯片
b. (显微镜的) 载玻片
6[常构成复合字]山崩, 土崩, 雪崩
→ landslide, snowslide.
7 (伸缩喇叭用以改变音程的) U形管
8 (女用) 发夹, 发针




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