

词汇 scheme
释义 scheme[skim; ski:m]《源自希腊文“形”的意思》可数名词
1 a. (周密有组织的) 计画, 方案[for]
a ~ for building a new highway建设新公路的方案
b. (英) (政府、公司等正式的) 事业计画
a governmental nuclear power generation ~政府的核能发电计画
2 a. (邪恶的) 计谋, 阴谋
b. …的图谋, 诡计
Their ~s to evade taxes were very crafty.他们逃税的计谋非常狡猾
3 a. 组织, 机构, 体系, 结构
a ~ of philosophy哲学的体系
the present ~ of society现存的社会结构
in the ~ of things在事物的组成[性质]方面
b. 配合, 构成→ color scheme
a painter's ~ of color某画家的色彩之调配
4 一览表, 分类表
a ~ of postal rates邮资一览表
1 a. 图谋[…][for]
He is scheming for the collapse of the Government.他在图谋颠覆政府
b. 策划
He ~d to become president.他处心积虑地想当总统
2 策划[反对…][against]
He was arrested for scheming against the president.他因策划反对总统而被捕
图谋, 计画…< out>




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