

词汇 enough
释义 e.nough[ə`nʌf, ɪ`nʌf; iˈnʌf, əˈnʌf]形容词(无比较级、最高级)
1 (通常指数量上) 充分的, 足够需要的 (sufficient)
~ eggs [butter] = eggs [butter]
~充足的蛋 [奶油]
Thank you, that's ~.谢谢, 那样就够了
Ten chairs are ~.十张椅子就够了
【同义字】 enough 能充分满足某种特定需求或目的 sufficient 较形式化, 用以表示程度 adequate 能满足最低的需求, (数量、性格、资格)
2 a. 足够…的, 充足的[for]
There is time ~ for the work.有足够的时间做那工作
b. 足够< 做…> 的 (→1{用法})
He hasn't ~ sense [sense ~] to realize his mistakes.他没有足够的辨别力去认识自己的错误
He was fool ~ to believe it.他傻得竟然去相信它
He was hero ~ to do it.他做那件事够英勇的了
c. 足够[人]< 做…> 的
There's ~ room for 100 people to enter.有足够容纳一百人的空间
1 a. 足够 (的量, 数) ; [对…]足够的量[数][for]
→ more than ENOUGH.
He has eaten quite ~.他已经吃得很够了
There is [are] ~ for everybody.有足够分配给每一个人的量[数]
E~ has been said on [about] the problem.关于这个问题已经讲够了
E~ is as good as a feast.(谚)吃得够就如同享盛筵(知足常乐)
b. 足够< 做…> 的量[数]
He earns just ~ to live on.他赚的钱刚好过日子
There are ~ of the candies to have one each.有足够的糖果供每人吃一块
c. 足够[人]< 做…> 的量[数]
He earns just ~ for us to live on.他赚的钱刚够我们生活
2 够了
I have had quite ~ of your impudence.我受够了你的厚颜无耻
E~ about my affairs.我的事说够了
E~ (of that) !.够了!别说了!
E~ is ~.算了, 够了
Cry' ~ '.快认输吧!
enough and to spare
绰绰有余 (的东西)
They had ~ and to spareof the food.他们的食物绰绰有余
have enough to do ﹍ to do
好不容易才…; < 做…> 很吃力
I had ~ to do to get here, without thinking about presents.我好不容易才来到这里, 没想到送礼物的事
more than enough
(1) 太多, 超过所需
You have done more than ~.你已经做得够多了
(2) (多得) 令人厌烦地
1 a. 充分地; [对…]足够地[for]
Is it large ~?.它够大吗?
It isn't good ~.它不够好
It is good ~ for me.它对我来说够好了
b. 足够< 做…> 地, 充分地
He is not old ~ to smoke.他还没大到可抽烟的年纪
She was kind [good] ~ to lend me the book.她真好, 把书借给我看
c. 足以让[人]< 做…> , 充分地
It is warm ~ for you to play out of doors.天气很暖和, 你可以出去玩
d. (美口语)足以< 做…事> , 充分
She is old ~ that she can get married.她已达到可结婚的年龄
2 a. [轻微的强调] 完全, 全部
We are ready ~.我们完全准备好了
I know well ~ what he is up to.我十分清楚他的企图
b. [常带讽刺] 还可以, 还过得去
She paints well ~.她画得还可以
It's bad ~.相当不好, 相当糟糕
3 [强调句子的修饰语] 实在, 十分
oddly [curiously, strangely] ~十分奇怪的是
cannot [can never]﹍ enough无论怎样…都不够; …不尽
I can never thank you ~.我对你感激不尽




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