

词汇 scared
释义 scared[skɛrd; skɛəd]形容词(more ~; most ~)(cf. scare v.t. 1)
1 a. 受惊吓的
a ~ child [look]受惊吓的孩子[表情]
b. [被…]吓著的[at, by]
She was ~ (to death) at [by] the strange noise.她被奇怪的声响吓了一跳 (吓得要死)
2 a. 害怕[…]的[of]
I was ~ of slipping on the ice.我害怕在冰上滑倒
She is ~ (stiff) of snakes.她怕蛇 (怕得身体发僵)
b. 害怕…
He was ~ to cross the rickety bridge.他害怕过那座摇晃的桥
c. < 怕…而> 提心吊胆
I was ~ (that) we'd run out of gas.我怕瓦斯告罄而提心吊胆




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