

词汇 well
释义 well[wɛl; wel]副词(bet.ter[`bt; 'bet]; best[bst; best])
1 令人满意地, 良好地, 圆满地
(←→ ill, badly)
dine [sleep, work] ~吃得 [睡得, 工作得] 好
He dresses ~.他穿得很好
She carries herself ~.她举止大方
Things are going ~.事情进行顺利
2 (能力方面) 良好地, 高明地
speak French ~法语说得很好
W~ done !.做得好 ! 干得好 !
W~ played ! (运动等) 打得好, 表演得好
3 (无比较级、最高级)充分地, 全然地, 好好地; 亲密地
Shake ~ before using.使用前充分摇匀
I don't know her very ~.我不十分瞭解她(我认识她不深)
4 a. (无比较级、最高级)相当地, 颇
He was ~ over fifty [~ into his fifties, ~ on in his fifties].他五十好几了(将近六十岁)
His assets amounted to ~ over $1 billion.他的财产远远超过十亿美元
~ up in﹍ → up adv. 7e.
b. 相当地, 充分地, 十分地(cf. better adv. 2b)
He is ~ able to lead the people.他相当有能力领导人民
I was ~ aware of the danger.我充分意识到那种危险
This car is ~ worth the price.这部车子是相当值这个价钱的
The plan is now ~ advanced.那计画现在有相当的进展
5 适切地, 适当地; 正好, 恰好
That is ~ said.说得好; 正是如此
W~ met !.(古)恰好相遇 !
6 富裕地, 安逸地
live ~过得很富裕
He's doing rather ~ for himself.他过著相当安逸的生活
7 a. 好意地, 善意地; 亲切地, 殷勤地
Everyone speaks [thinks] ~ of her.每个人都称赞她 [认为她好]
→ SPEAK well for
They all treated me ~.他们都待我很好
b. 爽快地, 高兴地; 平静地
He took the news ~.他平静地接受那消息
as well
(1) 也, 又
He speaks Russian as ~.他也能说俄语
(2) 同样地 [一样地] 好
He can speak Russian as ~.他说俄语也 (与…) 一样好
as well as﹍
(1) 与…一样好
(2) (除…外) 又…, 不但…而且…
He has experience as ~ as knowledge.他不但有知识而且有经验
cannot [could not] well do﹍
(理所当然) 实在难以…
I can't [couldn't] very ~ refuse.我实在难以拒绝
come off well
结果良好, 进行顺利 could just as well do﹍
做…较好, 不妨做…
You could just as ~ have apologized then and there.你当时当场道歉就好了(实际上未道歉)
do oneself well
生活富裕, 过奢侈生活 do well
(1) 很顺利, 成功
(2) 康复, 渐渐好起来
(3) 礼遇[某人][by]
He's always done ~ by me.他总是待我很好
do well out of﹍
He did ~ out of the sale of his car.他卖出自己的车子从中获利
do well to do﹍
You would do ~ to say nothing about it.关于那件事你什么也不要说较好
You would do ~ to stay in school.你还是留在学校的好
just as well
也无妨, 也可以
" I'm sorry, I don't have a pen." " A pencil will do just as ~." .“对不起, 我没有带钢笔”“ (用) 铅笔也可以”
may[might] (just) as well do (as﹍)
(如果要做…) 做…也一样, (与其做…) 还不如做…
You may (just) as ~ go at once.你还是立刻去的好
You may just as ~ confess. (因证据确凿) 你还是招认的好
One may as ~ be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. → sheep 1
You might as ~ throw money away as spend it in gambling.与其花钱赌博还不如把钱丢掉
You might just as ~ talk to your son.你还是与你儿子谈一谈的好
We might just as ~ have stayed at home.我们倒不如一直留在家里的好
You might just as ~ have confessed. (那样申辩) 你等于招认了
You might just as ~ have hit him in the face. (看你对他的无礼) 你等于打了他一耳光一样 may well do
(1) 有理由 做…, 难怪…, 大可…
He may ~ think so.难怪他这样想
You may ~ wonder !.难怪你会觉得奇怪(谁都会觉得奇怪)
(2) 也许…, 很可能…
It may well be true.那也许是真的
" Do you think he'll win ?" -" He may ~." .“你想他会赢吗 ?”“也许会”
pretty well
(1) 几乎 (almost)
The work is pretty ~ finished.那工作几乎完成了
(2)< 病人等> 变得相当好 [康复] ; (工作等) 相当顺利
" How's she doing ?" " Oh, (she's doing) pretty ~." .“她情形如何? ”“哦, 相当顺利[好]”
speak well of﹍→ speak think well of﹍→ think well and truly(英口语)完全地, 全然
I was ~ and truly exhausted.我筋疲力竭了
well away
(1) 在进行著, 有进展
We're ~ away.我们进行得很顺利
(2)(俚)开始醉, 变快活 well off→ well-off well out of﹍
(1) 远离
Stand ~ out of the way.站远一点(以免碍事)
(2)(口语)幸免于 < 不幸、事故等> , 幸好未…, 安然脱免
You're ~ out of the trouble.你幸好未卷入那麻烦事
I wish I was ~ out of this job.但愿我能从这件工作中脱身出来
形容词(bet.ter; best)
1 a. 健康的, 安好的
feel [look] ~觉得 [看起来] 身体好
Are you ~ ?.你 (身体[健康]状况) 好吗 ?
" How are you ?" -" Quite [Very] ~, thank you." .“你好吗 ?”“很好, 谢谢”(cf. adj. 2b)
b. (无比较级、最高级)(美)健康的
He is not a ~ man.他不是一个健康的人
2 (无比较级、最高级)
a. 令人满意的, 正好的 (right)
Things are ~ enough.情势相当好
All's ~ (that ends ~). (结局好) 一切都好
b. [常 Very ~; 表示同意、承诺] 好, 可以(cf. adj. 1a)
Very ~, you may go now.好, 你现在可以走了
3 (无比较级、最高级)
a. 适当的, 适宜的
It would be ~ to start at once.立刻出发为宜
b. (罕)方便的; 幸亏, 幸好
It was ~ that you met him there.幸好你在那里遇到他
(all) well and good
(口语) (既然…那么) 好吧; 就这样吧(表示接纳决定、建议)
That's all ~ and good, but I don't have the money.那也好, 但是我没有那笔钱
It's all very well
(口语)那样的确很好, (但是…)
It's all very ~ (for you) to suggest a holiday in Hawaii, but how am I to find the money ?.你提议在夏威夷度假的确很好, 可是我如何去筹那笔钱呢 ?
just as well
(1) 运气很好, 正好
It's just as ~ I met you.我碰到你正好
(2) 反而好
It was just as ~ you didn't marry her.你没跟她结婚反而好
" I didn't see the TV program." " Just as ~; it wasn't very good." .“我没看那个电视节目”“那反而好; 那节目不太好”
(just) as well﹍
做…较好; 最好…
It would be as ~ to explain.最好说明一下
It would be just as ~ for you to write [if you wrote] to him.你最好写信给他
let[leave]well (enough) alone→ alone形容词感叹词
1 a. 哎呀!啊!怎么
W~, I never ! = W~, to be sure ! = W~ now !.哎呀!真奇怪!怎么会 !
W~, I'm not sure.唔, 我不清楚; 我没把握
b. 好啦, 算了, 好吧; 有道理
W~, here we are at last.好啦, 我们终于到达了
Oh ~, I can't complain !.好吧, 我不能埋怨了
W~, you can't help it.算了, 这是没办法的事
W~, but what about the money ?.有道理, 但是钱 (的事) 怎么办 ?
2 那么; 对了
W~, as I was saying.﹍. 那么, 就像我刚才说的…




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