

词汇 weight
释义 weight[wet; weit]《weigh 的名词》名词
1 (U)
a. 重, 重量; 体重
sell by ~论重量出售
gain [put on] ~体重增加
lose ~体重减轻
What is your ~ ?.你体重多少 ?
2 (C)
a. 重物
lift (heavy) ~s举起重物
The bag was such a ~.那手提包确实很重
b. 砝码, 锤c. (压东西的) 重物, 镇石, 镇纸→ paperweightd. (运动、竞赛用) 铅球, 铁饼, 链球; (举重用的) 哑铃
He lifts ~s.他举起哑铃
(cf. weight lifter)e.‘运动’ (拳击、摔角等选手) 依体重而分的等级
3 a. (U)度量衡制度, 衡量法
b. (C)衡量 [重量] 单位
~s and measures度量衡
4 (U)相当 (于…的) 重量
one ounce ~ of gold dust一盎司的砂金
5(C) (心里的) 负荷, 重压, 压迫; 负担
under the ~ of﹍ 受到…的重压
carry the ~ of care [responsibilities]忍受忧虑[责任]的重压
That's a great ~ off his mind.那可说是卸下了他心上的重担 [如释重负]
6(U)重要性, 份量; 势力, 力量
a man of ~重要人物, 有力者
an argument of no ~不重要 [无足轻重] 的议论
These points have great [no] ~ with him.这几点对他极为重要 [无关紧要]
carry weight
< 意见等> [对…]有影响力, 有分量[with]
His opinion carries great [no] ~ with us.他的意见对我们非常重要 [不重要]
get the weight off one's feet
(为休息而) 坐下来 pull one's weight
(口语)做自己能做的工作, 尽自己的本分; 尽力协助 take the weight off one's feet = get the WEIGHT off one's feet throw one's weight about[around]
(口语)仗势欺人, 作威作福 worth one's[its]weight in gold→ gold
1 a. 使…加重, 把重量放在…上
b. [用…]使…加重[with]
~ the head of a golf club with lead灌铅使高尔夫球杆的头部加重
2 a. 使…负重荷; 加砝码于…< down>
The donkey was ~ed too heavily.驴子负载过重
The corners of the tent were ~ed down.帐篷的各角用镇石压著
b. 使…负 [重荷] < down> [with]
He was ~ed down with a heavy rucksack.他背著很重的背包
3 < 忧虑、操心> 使< 人> 苦恼< down>
He was ~ed down with many cares.他忧心忡忡, 万分苦恼
4 使…增加重要性[价值]




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