

词汇 week
释义 week[wik; wi:k]名词
1 (C)周, 星期; 一星期, 一礼拜, 七天
(从星期天到星期六; ◆常当副词用)
by the ~按周
this ~本周, 这星期
last ~上周, 上星期
next ~下周, 下星期
the ~ before last上上星期
the ~ after next下下星期
every other ~每隔一周
in the course of this ~ =during this ~本周中, 这个星期中
(on) Friday (of) this ~在本星期五
today [this day] ~(英)下周 [上周] 的今天
a ~ on Saturday = on Saturday ~(英)上星期的星期六
a ~ from Firday=(英)Friday ~ 下星期的星期五
a ~ last Monday上上星期一
a ~ next Monday下下星期一
~s ago几星期以前, 几周前
for ~s几星期 (之久)
every day of the ~一星期每天 (不中断)
He will leave in the first ~ of April.他将在四月的第一个星期出发
He earns 500 dollars a ~.他一星期赚五百美元
What day of the ~ is it (today) ? = What is the day of the ~ ?.今天是星期几 ?
2 (C)
a. (星期日) 或星期六 (以外的) 平日, 工作日, 周日
I have no time to spare during the ~.我平日没有闲暇的时间
b. (每周的) 工作时数
They work a 40-hour ~.他们每周工作四十小时
3 [W~] (U) (有特别活动的) 周
Bird W~.爱鸟周
Fire Prevention W~.防火周
any day (of the week) →day a week of Sundays
七周; 长期 knock a person into the middle of next week
(口语)将< 某人> 揍扁 week after week
每周; 一周又一周 week by week
每星期; 每周 (weekly) week in (, ) week out
一星期又一星期地; 连续几星期地




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