

词汇 little
释义 lit.tle[`lɪtl; ˈlitl]形容词A
[(C)的名词, 修饰 people 等集合名词]
(←→ big, large)a. 小的, (小而) 可爱的 (形状、规模)
a ~ bird小鸟
a ~ village小村庄
a ~ farm小农场
→ little toe, little finger
the ~ people [folk]小精灵们
b. (无比较级、最高级)年轻的, 年少的 (young)
(my) ~ man [用于称呼] 小弟弟
our ~ ones我们家的孩子
the ~ Smiths史密斯家的孩子
one's ~ brother [sister]弟弟 [妹妹]
→ little woman
She is too ~ to go out alone.她太小, 不能一个人出去
(←→ great)
2 a. 微不足道的, 像小孩的; 琐细的; 小气的, 卑鄙的, 胸襟狭窄的
a ~ mind狭窄的胸襟
We know his ~ ways.我们知道他小气的作风
L~ things amuse ~ minds.(谚)小事娱小人; 小人对无聊事兴高采烈
b. [the ~; 当复数名词用慗oiM@不重要的 [没有权力的] 人们
3 (无比较级、最高级) < 时间、距离等> 短的
our ~ life我们短暂的生命
go but a ~ way to﹍ 离…差得远, 不够…
He will be back in a ~ while.他过一会儿就会回来
I'll go a ~ way with you.我来陪你走一小段
1 [不加 a, 表示否定] 只有少许的, 没有多少的, 几乎没有的
(←→ much) (cf. few adj. 1)
There is ~ hope.没有什么希望了
We had (very) ~ snow last year.去年雪下得 (非常) 少
I have but ~ money.我只有一点点钱
Office jobs require ~ physical effort.办公室的工作几乎不需要花力气
2 [a ~, 表示肯定] (有) 少许的, (虽少) 有一点的
(←→ no, none) (cf.few adj. 2)
I can speak a ~ French.我会讲一点法语
There is a ~ hope.有一点希望
3 [the ~或 what ~] 仅有的一点点
I gave him the ~ money (that) I had.= I gave him what ~ money I had.我把仅有的一点钱全部给他
little﹍, if any =little or no﹍即使有, 也只是一点点; 几乎没有
I have ~ hope, if any.= I have ~ or no hope.我几乎毫无希望
no little=not a little不少的, 很多的 (very much)
You've been no ~ help(to me).你帮了 (我) 不少忙
quite a little(美口语)很多的, 可观的
He saved quite a ~ pile (of money).他存了一大笔 (钱)
some little少量的, 少许的, 或多或少的
There was some ~ ink left.还有一点点墨水
副词(less; least)
1 [不加 a, 表示否定]
a. 几乎不 [很少] …
They see each other very ~.他们彼此很少见面
b. 一点也 [根本] 不… (not at all)
I ~ knew.我一点也不知道
L~ did I dream a letter would come from him.我做梦也没想到会有他的来信
2 [a ~, 表示肯定; 常与比较级的形容词、副词连用] 有一点, 稍微
I can speak French a ~.我稍会讲一点法语
She seemed to be a ~ afraid.她似乎有些害怕
He is a ~ better.他 (健康情形) 稍微好些
A ~ more [less] sugar, please.请再加 [减少] 些糖
She was a ~ older than he.她年纪比他稍微大些
little less [better] than﹍几乎与…一样多[坏], 差不多 [简直] 等于…
It is ~ better than robbery.那简直等于抢劫!
little more than﹍几乎与…一样少; 不过…
It costs ~ more than a dollar.那价钱不过一元
not a little相当地
He was not a ~ perplexed.他深感困惑
代名词(less; least)
1 [不加 a, 表示否定] (程度、量) (只) 一点点, 少量, 少许
He has seen ~ of life.他不懂世故
L~ remains to be said.没有什么可说的了
There is ~ to choose between them.他们之间没有什么可选择的
Knowledge has ~ to do with wisdom.知识与智慧没有多大关系
2 [a ~, 表示肯定]
a. (程度、量) (有) 一点, 少许
He drank a ~ of the water.他喝了一点水
Every ~ helps.(谚)一丝一毫都有助, “积少成多”
b. (时间、距离) 一会儿, 一下子, 一点
after a ~过一会儿 (之后)
for a ~一会儿 (之间)
Wait a ~.等一会儿 [一下]
Move a ~ to the right.向右移一点点
3 [the [what] ~] 仅有的一点东西
I did the ~ that I could.=I did what ~ I could.我竭尽了棉薄之力
in little小规模地[的]; 画成缩图地[的], 缩图上 (的) , 缩小地[的]
(cf. in (the) large)
little by little一点一点地, 逐渐地
little if anything=little or nothing (即使有也) 只是一点点, 几乎没有 make little of﹍
(1) 轻视…
(2) 几乎无法了解…
I could make ~ of what he said.我几乎无法了解他所说的事
not a little不少地, 相当地
He lost not a ~ on the races.他在赛马上输了不少
quite a little(美口语)大量, 很多, 丰富
He knew quite a ~ about it.他对此事知道得相当多




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