

词汇 to
释义 to[(轻读)(子音之前)tə; tə; (母音之前)tʊ, tə; tu; (在句子或子句的末尾)tu; tu:; (重读)tu; tu:]
1 a. [不含到达之意表方向] 向…方
turn to the right转向右方, 向右转
point to the tower指著塔
with one's back to the fire背向火
b. [含到达之意表示方向; cf. from 1] 迄…, 到…, 至…, 达…
go to the office去公司上班
I have often been ~ India.我常到印度去
Something dropped to the floor.有东西掉到地板上
→ from PLACE to place.c. 在…方
Their house is to the north of the park.他们的房子在公园的北面
2 (变) 成…, (变) 得…
rise to wealth变成富有
grow to manhood长大成人
The light has changed to red.信号灯转为红色
3 a. 到…, 至…
from beginning to end自始至终
count from one to thirty从一数到三十
all wet to the skin湿透
b. 至…, 到…的程度, 成…, 得…
tear a letter to pieces把信撕成碎片
to the best of my belief [knowledge]在我所相信 [知道] 的范围之内, 据我所信 [知]
to that [this] extent到那 [这] 个程度
They were killed to the last man.他们被杀到最后一个人 [被赶尽杀绝]
4 a. 令 (某人) …的是, 令 (某人) …地
to my surprise [joy, disappointment, sorrow]令我惊讶 [欢喜, 失望, 伤心] 的是
b. [引导表示结果、效果之片语]
to one's cost对某人有损失[不利]; 归某人负担
to no purpose白白地, 徒然
to the point [purpose]适切 [中肯] 地
5 a. 到…
stay to the end of June停留到六月底
put the meeting off to next Saturday把集会延期到下星期六
from one to four o'clock从一点钟到四点钟
It's still about an hour to supper.离晚餐时间大约还有一个钟头
b. (时刻为) …差 (几分钟) ( (美)of, before)
at (a) quarter to eight在八时差一刻 [七点四十五分] 时
It's ten (minutes) to four.现在是四时差十分钟
6 为…, 以便…
He came to my rescue.他来救我
We sat down to dinner.我们坐下来吃晚餐
7 对著…, 与…相对著
sit face to face [back to back]面对面 [背靠背] 而坐
fight hand to hand短兵相接; 肉搏
8 a. 对…
Listen to me.听我说
I'd like to talk to you.我想跟你谈谈
There can be no answer to this problem.对这个问题无法回答 [无计可施]
b. 为…
drink to (the health of) Mr. Johnson为约翰生先生乾杯
Here's to you. [乾杯时之用语] 祝你健康
create a monument to (the memory of) a national hero为纪念一位民族英雄而建立一座纪念碑
c. [引导相当于间接受词之片语] 对…
I gave all of them to him.我把它们全都给了他
d. 对…而言, 对…
That's very important to me.那对我很重要
To her it looked like a rabbit.在她看来, 它像只兔子
9 在…, 于…, 在…之上, 加在…
apply soap to a cloth把肥皂抹在布上
He put his ear to the door.他把耳朵贴在门上
He fastened a shelf to the wall.他把搁架装在墙上
They live next door to us.他们住在我们隔壁
Add 25 to 36.三十六加上二十五
10 a. 符合…, 配合…, 依照…的
correspond to﹍ 符合…
made to order定制的
to one's taste合某人的嗜好 [口味]
work to a plan依照计画工作
b. 应…→ rise to the OCCASION
The dog came to my whistle.我一吹口哨, 狗就来了 [我吹口哨, 狗就应声而来]
c. 合著…, 随著…
dance to the music随音乐跳舞
11 a. 与… (比较) , 较…, 比…
Compared to his brother, he isn't particularly brilliant.跟他哥哥[弟弟]比较起来, 他并不特别聪颖
Her skill is superior [inferior] to yours.她的技术比你的高明 [低劣]
I prefer walking to driving.我喜欢步行甚于驾车
My work is nothing to what you've done.跟你所做过的比较起来, 我的工作不算什么
b. 对…, …比…
one penny to the pound每磅一便士
→ TEN to one
Reading is to the mind what food is to the body.阅读之于智力如同食物之于身体
12 …的, 对…而言的
a key to the door门的钥匙
brother to the King国王之弟
I have no right to the use of the land.我没有那块地的使用权
1 [名词用法] 做…
To err is human, to forgive divine.犯错乃人之常情, 宽恕则是超凡的 [犯错在人, 宽恕在神]
It is foolish to read such a book.读这样的书是愚蠢的
I began to think so.我开始那样想
The best way is to visit the country.最好之方法是访问该国
2 [形容词用法] 做…的, 做…之用的
He was the first to come and the last to leave.他是最早来最后走的人
I have [There is] nothing to do.我没事干
water to drink饮用水
a house [room] to let出租的房屋[房间]
3 [副词用法]
a. 为做…, 以便…
We eat to live.我们为生存而吃东西
She is wise enough to know it.她很聪明, 懂得这一点
The stone was too heavy for me to lift.那石头 (太) 重, 我举不起来
I am sorry to hear that.我很遗憾听到那件事
He must be mad to say such things.他说那样的话, 一定是疯了
d. [限定适应之范围] 对于做…
Freshly caught fish are the best to eat.刚刚捕到的鱼吃起来味道最好
I'm ready to help them.我随时愿意帮助他
e. 到做…为止, 做…的结果
She lived to be ninety.她活到九十岁
He awoke to find himself in a strange room.他醒来 (结果) 发现自己在一个陌生的房间里
f. 若做…, 做起…
To tell the truth, I don't like it.说老实话 [老实说 (起来) ] , 我不喜欢它
4 [其他用法]
a. [be+to do] → BE to do(cf. be aux. 3)
The ship is to arrive tomorrow.船预定明天抵达
He seems to be [have been] innocent.他似乎是 [似乎一直是] 清白的
I'll ask him to come.我会请他来
d. [疑问词+ to do]
I don't know how to do it.我不知道该如何做这件事
[tu; tu:]副词
He pushed the door to.他推门使它关上 [他关上门]
I can't get the lid of my trunk quite to.我无法将皮箱的盖子盖得很紧
Is the door to?.门关著吗?
2 苏醒 (过来)
He didn't come to for some time.他一时之间没有苏醒过来
He brought her to with smelling salts.他以嗅盐使她恢复神智
3 (美)在前方, 向前地
He wore his cap wrong side to.他把帽子前后戴反了
4 在身边, 在近处
I saw him close to.我看见他就在我眼前
5 著手…
→ to (1), set to (3), TURN to. to and fro
来回地, 往复地




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