

词汇 sleep
释义 sleep[slip; sli:p](-slept[slpt; slept])不及物动词
1 a. 睡眠
~ like a top [log]熟睡
We ~ at night.我们夜晚睡觉
Did you ~ well last night?.你昨晚睡得好吗?
I slept only three hours last night.我昨晚只睡了三小时
b. [在…]过夜, 睡觉[at, in]
I slept at his house last night.昨晚我在他家过夜
c. 长眠, 被埋葬
Keats ~s in an old cemetery in Rome.济慈被埋葬于罗马的一处古墓园里
2 不活动, 静止, 休止; 纳入
His sword now ~s in the sheath.他的剑现在在鞘内
His hatred never slept.他的怨恨永无休止
3 < 陀螺 (top) > 稳定地快速旋转
4 a. (与异性) 共眠
b. 同床睡觉[with]c. (口语)搞男女关系, 随便与人同床睡觉及物动词
1 睡觉
~ a sound sleep熟睡一觉
~ one's last sleep长眠, 死
2 可供 < 若干人> 住宿, 过夜
Our house can ~ ten persons.我们家可供十人住宿
3 a. 以睡眠消磨< 时间> < away, through>
I slept the night through.我一觉睡到天亮
He slept the day away.他以睡觉打发掉那一天
b. 藉睡眠而治好, 消除< off>
I slept off my headache.我藉睡眠来消除头痛
→ sleep it off.c. [~ oneself]藉睡眠而成< …状态>
He slept himself sober.他藉睡眠使自己清醒
sleep in
(1) < 佣人> 住在雇主家中
(2) 早上起得晚, 睡过头 sleep it off
(口语)睡觉以消除酒醉 sleep on [upon, over] ﹍
(口语)< 问题等> 睡一晚后思考, 把…的决定延至第二天 [稍微延后] sleep out
(1) 外宿
(2) 在外面过夜
(3) < 佣人> (不住在雇主家中而) 通勤 sleep over
(美)外宿 [于他人家中] , [在他人家中] 过夜[at] sleep round[around]the clock = sleep the clock (a) round sleep through﹍
不被 < 声响等> 吵醒而继续睡
~ through an earthquake未被地震吵醒而继续睡
1 (U)
a. 睡眠, 睡觉
get some ~睡了一会儿觉
talk in one's ~说 梦话
I didn't get enough ~ last night.我昨晚睡得不够
The boy cried himself to ~.那个男孩一直哭到睡著
b. 睡意
She rubbed the ~ from her eyes.她揉眼睛驱走睡意
2 [a ~]睡眠时间, 一觉
have a good ~熟睡
fall into a deep ~睡得很熟
a short [an eight-hour] ~小睡 [八小时的睡眠]
3 (U)长眠, 死
one's last [long] ~ = the big [long] ~最后的睡眠 [长眠]
4 (U)(口语)眼屎, 眼垢 get to sleep睡著
I couldn't get to ~ last night.我昨晚睡不著
go to sleep
(1) 睡著, 入睡
(2)(口语) < 手、脚等> 麻痹 lose sleep over[about]﹍
(口语)为…忧虑而失眠 put[send]﹍to sleep
(1) 使< 人> 入睡
(2) 使< 人> 麻醉
(3)(委婉语)使< 动物等> 安乐死




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