

词汇 name
释义 name[nem; neim]名词
1 (C)名, 名称; 名字, 姓名
a common ~俗称
a pet ~匿称
He deserves the ~ of poet.他理应享有诗人之名
My ~ is Tom Brown.我的名字叫汤姆.布朗
What ~ shall I say?=What ~, please?.请问如何称呼您?
May I have your ~, please?.请问尊姓大名?
Tolerance is another ~ for indifference.宽容是不关心的别名
What's in a ~?.名字有什么 (意义) 吗?, 名字并不重要
Give a dog a bad [an ill] ~ (and hang him) .→ dog
2 a. [a ~, one's ~] […的]名声, 声望 [for, as]
a good [bad] ~好的[坏的]名誉, 好的[坏的]声望
get oneself a ~扬名
make [win] a ~ (for oneself)赢得名声, 扬名, 成名
She made her ~ as a pianist.她以钢琴家扬名
The joiner has a ~ for reliability.那个木匠以可靠闻名
b. (C)(口语)知名之士, 名人
the great ~s in science科学界的名人
→ big name.
3 (C)恶言
call a person (bad) ~s辱骂某人
4 (C)名义; 空名, 虚名
→ in NAME.
5[用单数; 常 the ~]‘圣经’ (神、耶稣基督的) 尊名 by name(1) 指名, 名叫
mention [call] a person by ~指[叫]某人的名字
I asked for him by ~.我指名要见他
(2) 名叫…
He is Tom by ~.=He is by ~ Tom.他名叫汤姆
(3) [常 only by ~] (未见过面) 只知道名字
" Do you know her ?" -" Only by ~." .“你认识她吗?”“只知道她的名字”
by the name of﹍
名叫…的, 称为…的
go [pass] by the ~ of Jack俗称杰克
I met a man by the ~ of Hunter.我遇见一位名叫韩特的人
in God's name
(1) 对神发誓; 凭神之名 (请求)
(→ in the NAME of(1)
(2) [强调疑问句] (口语)究竟, 到底
(→ in the NAME of(4)
What in God's ~ are you doing?.你到底在干什么?
in name (only)名义上
in reality and in ~名副其实地
He is a scholar in ~ only.他只是个名义上 [有名无实] 的学者
in one's own name
以自己的名义, 独立地
He started a new enterprise in his own ~.他以自己的名义 [独立] 开创新企业
Apply in your own ~.用你自己的名字申请
in the name of﹍=in a person's name
(1) 凭…之名, 对…发誓
in the ~ of God对神发誓, 凭神之名 (请求)
(2) 代表, 代替; 用…的名义
deposit money in the ~ of one's wife用妻子的名义存款
(3) 以…之名, 凭…的权威
commit wrongs in the ~ of justice以正义之名做坏事
open in the ~ of the law以法律之名打开
(4) [强调疑问句] (口语)究竟, 到底
What in the ~ of God [heaven] did you do?.你到底干了什么事?
name names举出 (尤指罪行牵连者的) 名字
of [of no] name有名 [无名] 的
of the name of﹍=by the NAME of
put one's name down for﹍登记为…的候选人; 报名入学 [入会, 应徵] …
put one's name to﹍署名于< 文件等>
take the [a person's] name in vain→ in VAIN (2) the name of the game
(口语)最重要的事, 最紧要的一点; 物之本质
That's the ~ of the game.那是最重要的事 [那是问题的实质]
to one's name
(口语) (尤指) < 金钱等> 属于某人自己 (的名下)
He doesn't have a penny to his ~.他一文不名
under the name (of﹍)
以…之名, (自) 称…
1 (美)有名的, 一流的
a ~ brand名牌 (的东西)
a ~ hotel一流旅馆
a ~ actor名演员
2 记载名字用的
a ~ tag名牌
a ~ tape (附加于携带物品上的) 标名布条
1 a. 为…取名, 给…命名
~ a newborn child给新生儿命名
England was ~d after [(美)for] the Angles.英格兰以盎格鲁族之名命名
b. 将< 人> 命名为…
What did they ~ him?.他们给他取什么名字?
They ~d the baby Ronald.他们给婴儿取名为罗纳
The baby was ~d Ronald after [(美)for] his uncle.婴儿取叔父之名被命名为罗纳
Once there was a doctor ~d Dolittle.从前有一位名叫杜立德的医生
2 a. 指名< 某人> 担任 [职位、工作] , 任命[for]
Who was ~d for class president?.谁被任命担任班长?
b. 指名 [任命] < 某人> < 为…>
He has been ~d as the probable successor.他被指名为可能的继任 [承] 者
He was ~d (to be) dean of the Medical School.他被任命为医学院院长
c. 指定 < 时日、价格等>
~ a date for the wedding指定婚礼的日期
~ the day指定日期; (尤指) < 女方> 指定结婚日期
You may ~ your own fee.费用可由你决定
3 说出…的 (正确) 名字
Can you ~ the capital of the Netherlands?.你能说出荷兰的首都名称吗?
4 a. [向人]提出, 举出…[to]
~ several reasons举出几个理由
Don't ~ the place tome.别跟我提起那个地方
b. 举出 [说出] …的名字 [名称]




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