

词汇 year
释义 year[jɪr; jə:, jiə]名词
1 (C)
a. 年, 岁; 一年 (期间)
a bad ~凶年, 不景气的一年
an average ~普通年, 平年
→ leap year
this ~今年
last ~去年
the ~ before前年
next ~明年
the next ~下一年
every other [second] ~每隔一年
a ~ (from) today从今天算起一年后, 明年的今天
by the ~按年, 以年度为准
in a ~'s time=in a ~一年后
in the ~ 1985在 1985 年
see the old ~ out辞岁
for ten ~s十年期间
It is exactly a ~ since I moved in the house.自我搬家刚好过了一年.
b. (按照特定计算的) 一年, 年度, 学年
the academic [school] ~学年
(英美一般为九月至六月, 在牛津与剑桥大学 (Oxbridge) 是十月至六月)→ lunar year, solar year.
2 a. (C) …岁
She is twenty ~s old [~s of age].她二十岁
at thirty ~s of age三十岁时
a five-year-old boy = a boy of five ~s = a boy in his fifth ~一个五岁的男孩
b. [~s]年岁, 年龄; (尤指) 老年
a man of his ~s与他年纪差不多的男人
old in ~s but young in vigor年老但有年轻人的精力
be advanced in ~s上了年纪
grow wiser with the ~s随著年龄的增长而变得更聪明
He looks older [younger] than his ~s.他看起来较实际年龄老 [年轻]
He is young for his ~s.他比实际年龄显得年轻
3 (C)学年, …年级
He is in his freshman ~.他是一年级学生
We were in the same ~ at college.我们在大学同年级
What ~ are you in ?.你念几年级 ?
4 [~s]极长的时间, 多年
~s ago多年前
→ donkey's years
It is ~s since we met last.从我们上次见面以来已经过了很多年了
He has studied Chinese for ~s.我学中文很久了
the ~s of Queen Victoria维多利亚女王时代
the depression ~s of the early thirties 1930年代初的不景气时期
in the ~s to come在即将到来的时代
all the year round
一年到头, 整年 from year to year
= year after year in [since, from] the year one [dot]
(英)在[从]西历一年; 在[从]很久很久以前 of late [recent] years
近年来 of the year
(1) 全年最优秀的
sportsman of the ~全年最优秀的运动员
(2) 出类拔萃的
That's the joke of the ~ !.那是个天大的笑话 !
year after year
年年, 年复一年地 year by year
年年; 每年 year in, year out
= year in and year out
岁岁年年; 不断地, 始终




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