释义 |
re.volt[rɪ`volt; riˈvoult]名词1 [对当权者、政府等的] (较小规模的) 叛乱, 背叛, 叛变[against]in ~ against﹍ 反抗…rise in ~造反, 举旗起义2 厌恶, 讨厌, 恶心, 不快, 反感[from, against]She turned her face away in ~ from the bloody scene.她对流血的场面感到恶心而把脸转过去不及物动词1 [对当权者、政府等] 造反, 背叛, 反抗[against]The mob ~ed against the governor.暴民起来反抗统治者2 [对…]感到恶心, 嫌恶, 起反感 [at, from, against]The stomach ~s at such food.这样的食物倒胃口His whole nature ~ed against [from] that case of corruption.他对那宗贪污案痛心疾首及物动词使< 人> 感到讨厌, 使< 人> 恶心, 使…起恶感The meal ~ed him.那一顿饭使他倒胃口She was ~ed at [by] the scene.那场面使她反感 |