

词汇 wear
释义 wear[wɛr; wɛə](wore[ewor, wr; w:]; worn[worn, wrn; w:n])及物动词A
1 穿著< 衣服等> , 戴著, 佩带著
She always ~s green.她经常穿著绿色衣服
Jeans are being much worn at present.现在很流行穿牛仔裤
The lady wore a diamond ring on her finger.那位女士手指上戴著钻戒
She wore no make-up.她没有化妆
He was ~ing a gun.他带著枪枝
He wore a red carnation in his buttonhole.他的扣洞上插了一朵红色康乃馨
2 a. 蓄 [留] < 胡子等>
~ a moustache蓄髭
b. 使< 头发等> 成< …状态>
She wore her hair up [down].她的头发高梳 [垂下来]
He wore his hair long [short].他蓄长[短]发
She ~s her hair in a braid.她的头发梳成辫子
3 表露 < 表情、态度等>
He always ~s a smile [a frown].他总是面带笑容 [愁眉苦脸]
He [His face] wore a troubled look.他面带忧容
The house ~s an air of sadness.那屋子呈现出一种阴郁的气氛
1 a. 磨损, 耗损, 用旧 < away, off, out, down>
That old overcoat of my father's was much worn.我父亲的那件旧大衣已经穿得很旧了
Constant dropping [dripping] ~s (away) the [a] stone.(谚)不断的滴水可穿石(滴水穿石)
The inscription seems to have been worn away.那块碑铭好像已被磨损
b. 使…耗损 < 渐成…状态> , 磨损
~ one's coat threadbare把上衣磨损得露出布线
~ the steps smooth把阶梯磨踏成平滑
→ WEAR thin (4)
~ one's socks into holes把袜子穿出洞来
c. (磨损而) 形成 < 洞、沟等>
~ holes in one's socks把袜子穿得磨出洞来了
(cf. 1 b)
There were deep ruts worn in the road.路面上有磨损而形成的深凹辙迹
A track was gradually worn across the moor.一条横越荒野的小径渐渐被 (人们) 踩出来了
2 < 工作等> 使< 人> 疲倦, 使…吃不消 < out, down>
Babysitting wore me out.看顾小孩使我觉得很疲累
I really feel worn out.我确实感觉疲惫不堪
He was worn with care and anxiety [from overwork].他因操心与烦恼 [过劳] 而感到困乏
3 [~ it; 常用于否定句] (口语)接受, 承认, 同意
Suggest the plan to him; I'm afraid he won't ~ it, though.向他提提该计画; 不过, 恐怕他不会接受
1 a. 耗损, 磨损; 逐渐消失 < away, down, off, out>
The inscription had worn away.碑文已磨损得看不清了
His heels always ~ down on the outside(s) first.他的鞋跟总是先从外侧磨损
Cheap shoes ~ out quickly.便宜的鞋子很快就穿破了 [不耐穿]
A tattoo will never ~ off.刺青永不消失
b. (逐渐损耗) 变成< …> → WEAR thin (1).c. (逐渐损耗) 变成[…][to]
My jacket has worn to shreds.我的夹克已经磨损破烂
2 a. 耐用, 耐久, 耐穿
Leather will ~ well [for years].皮革耐用 [好几年]
This cloth has worn badly.这布料不耐用
b. (口语)< 人> 常保青春
Among my old friends he has worn [is ~ing] best.在我的老友当中, 他看来最为年轻
Poor woman!She ~s badly.可怜的女人 ! 她看来好苍老
3 < 时间等> (逐渐) 过去, 移动, 经过 < on, away, through>
It grew warmer as the day wore on.随著日子一天天的过去, 天气逐渐变暖和
The time wore on toward midnight.时间一分一秒地过去而接近午夜
wear down
(1) → v.t. B 1 a
(2) → v.t. B 2
(3) 使…的力量减弱, 挫败…
~ down the enemy's resistance挫败敌人的抵抗; 消耗敌人的抵抗力
(4) → v.i. 1 a wear off
(1) → v.t. B 1 a
(2) → v.i. 1 a
(3) < 药效、痛苦、印象等> 减弱, 逐渐消失
The pain is ~ing off.疼痛逐渐消失
wear on
[(vi adv)~ on] → v.i. 3
[(vi prep) ~ on] 使…恼火; 使…难以忍受
His jokes have begun to ~ on me [my nerves].他的玩笑开始使我 [我的神经] 难以忍受 [受不了]
wear thin不及物动词
(1) 磨损 [用旧] 变薄
This coin has worn thin.这枚硬币磨损变薄了
The soles of my shoes have worn thin.我的鞋底磨薄了
(2) < 忍耐等> 已达极限
My patience is ~ing thin.我快要无法忍耐了
(3)< 话等> (因重复而) 失去新鲜, 惹人厌; < 兴趣等> 渐失
My adolescent interest in sports has worn thin.我现在不像年轻时对运动那样感兴趣
(4) 使< 东西> (因使用) 变薄, 变少
My gloves are worn thin at the fingertips.我手套的指尖部分已磨薄了
1 a. (衣服等的) 穿, 戴, 使用
a suit for evervday ~便服, 便装
clothing for working [spring, winter] ~工作服 [春装, 冬装]
b. (穿戴的) 流行
in ~ < 衣服等> 在流行
Miniskirts have come back into ~.迷你裙又开始流行了
2 [集合称; 常与修饰语连用, 或构成复合字] 衣服类; 穿戴物, 服饰品
casual ~便服
men's [ladies', children's] ~男 [女, 童] 装
→ footwear, sportswear, underwear.B
1 耗损, 磨损; 穿旧
The coat showed signs of ~.那件上衣显得旧了
Synthetic fibers resist ~.合成纤维不容易磨损
This stuff will stand hard ~.这种材料经得起粗用
2 耐用, 耐久, 经穿
There is no ~ in cheap shoes.便宜鞋子不经穿
be the worse for wear
(1)< 衣服> 穿得很旧
(2)< 人> (在工作等后) 疲倦, 消耗精力
(3) (发生事故等而) 受伤, 损伤
Other than a few scratches I was none the worse for ~.除了一点点擦伤外, 我没受什么伤
wear and tear
[-tr; -t]磨损, 损耗; 消耗
take a lot of ~ and tear < 东西> 非常耐用的, 具有相当耐久性




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