

词汇 way
释义 way[we; wei]名词A
1 道路
a. (C)[常构成复合字]路, 道路→bikeway, expressway, highway, motorway, railway.b. [W~; 与专有名词连用] (古代罗马人建造的) 街道; (英) (城市的) 街道
the Appian [`pn; 'pin]W~阿比恩街
He lives in Abbot's. [`bts; 'bts] W~.他住在阿巴玆路
c. (C) [常the ~] [通往…的] 路线, 道路[to]
the shortest ~ from there to Seattle从那里到西雅图的最短路线
ask [show] the ~ to the station询问 到车站的路
The furthest ~ about is the nearest ~ home.= The longest ~ round is the shortest ~.(谚)绕最远的路 (回家) , 才是 (回家的) 捷径(欲速则不达)
a. (C)[the ~, one's ~]去的路
lose [miss] the [one's] ~迷路
take [go] the wrong ~走错路
proceed on one's ~继续向前走
on the [one's] ~ home在回家的路上, 在归途中
on the ~ out (of the house)正要出 (家) 门时
He saw the accident on the ~ to school.在上学的路上他看到那意外事件
b. (C) [the ~, a person's ~] 经过的路, 去路
in the ~ (of﹍) 挡住 (…的) 去路, 成为 (…的) 障碍
clear the ~ for an ambulance为救护车开路
out of the [a person's] ~在不妨碍的地方
keep out of the ~避开 (路) , 让开
get a person [a thing] out of the [one's] ~使人[东西]让开到不妨碍之处
Tell him not to stand in the [my] ~. = Tell him to stand out of the [my] ~.告诉他别挡住我的路 [别妨碍我]
c. (U) [one's ~; 与动词连用] 前进, 去
make one's ~前进, 去
feel one's ~ down a dark hallway在黑暗的走廊摸索著前进
push one's ~ to the front of a crowd挤到人群的前面去
3 a. [用单数]路程, 行程, 距离
It is a long ~ from here. (该处) 离此尚远
He is still a long ~ from passing his exam.他想通过考试还差得远
I will go a little ~ with you.我将陪你走一段路
It's only a little ~ to the church.到教堂很近
The station is a long ~ off [away].车站 (离此) 有很长一段路
(→far adv. 1 b)
b . [a ~s; 当副词用] (美口语)远远地
quite a ~s颇远地
run a long ~s跑一长段路
4 a. [用单数]方向, 方面
go this [that, the other] ~向这边 [那边, 另一边] 走
He took his ~ to the north [toward the light].他朝北方 [光的方向] 前进
We wandered this ~ and that.我们四处徘徊; 我们到处流浪
Which ~ is the wind blowing ?.风吹向何方?情形变成怎样 ?
b. (U) [常one's ~ 或与地名连用](口语)方向, 一带, 附近
Drop in if you come my ~.如果你路过, 请顺便过来看我
He lives somewhere Highgate ~.他住在 (英国伦敦北郊) 海格特区附近某处
5(U)‘航海’ (船的) 航行
(船在水上的前进; cf. under WAY (2)
gather ~增加速度
lose ~失去速度
The ship still has ~ on.船还在前进 [没有停驶]
1 方法
(→method 【同义字】)a. (C)做法, 手段[of]
the middle ~中庸
in a different ~以不同的方法
in a polite ~有礼貌地
in this ~这样地
find a ~ out of a difficulty找出摆脱困难的方法
There are three ~s of dealing with the situation.处理该情况有三种方法
No two ~s about it [that].(口语)一定如此; 一点不错
I don't like the ~ she speaks.我不喜欢她说话的样子
b. [省略介系词in 当副词用] 用 (…的) 方法, (…) 样地
Do it your own ~.用你自己的方法去做
Do it this ~.这样做
He has [wants to do] everything his own ~.他凡事都要 [想要] 照自己的想法去做
some ~ or other设法
→ one WAY or another, one WAY or the other.c. (C)< 做…的> 方法, 做法
This is the best ~ to solve the problem.这是解决该问题的最好方法
This is not the right ~ to do it.这不是 (做那件事的) 正确方法
What's the best ~ to get to the station ?.到车站怎么走最好 ?
d. (C)[某人]< 做…的> 方法
What's the best ~ for me to learn Russian quickly ?.有什么捷径可让我很快学会俄语 ?
e. [the ~; 当连接词用] (口语)照…的方法 (as) ; 根据…
Do it the ~ I told you (to).照我告诉你的方法去做
The ~ I see it, the situation is serious.据我看, 情形变得很严重
2 a. (C) (个人的) 做法, 作风, 习惯
She has a ~ of exaggerating things.她有夸大其辞的习惯
It's (only) his ~.他就是这个样子 [这样的人]
It is always the ~ with him.他总是那个样子
set in one's ~s →way 成语
She wanted (to have) her (own) ~ all the time.她总是想为所欲为
He has a ~ with children.他应付小孩有一套办法
b. (C)[常 ~s] (社会的) 风气, 习惯, 惯例
the American ~ of living美国式的生活
the ~ of the world世俗
the good old ~s良好的旧习
c. [~s]行径, 行为, 举止
mend one's ~s改正行为
He fell into evil ~s.他走入歧途 [堕落了]
3 (C) [in﹍ ~] 方面, 点
in some ~s在某些方面
in every ~在任何一点[方面]
→ in a WAY, in no WAY
He is willing to help you in any~.他在任何方面都愿意帮助你
4 [a ~]
a. (口语) (健康等的) 状态, 情形
He is in a bad ~.他的健康情况欠佳
b. (英口语)兴奋状态
She is in a (terrible) ~.她极为兴奋
all the way
(1) 一路上, 路上一直
I slept all the ~ back.我归途中一直在睡觉
(2) 老远地, 专诚地
He went all the ~ to Egypt.他远赴埃及
(3) [从…起] [到…]各种地[from][to]
Prices go [are] all the ~ from $100 to $1000.价钱从一百美元至一千美元都有 [不等]
(4) →go all the WAY any way = anyway be in a fair way to do﹍→fair both ways
(1) 往返, 来回
I was on the same train with him both ~s.我来回都与他坐同一班列车
(2) 两边, 双方
cut both ~s脚踏两条船, 骑墙
You cannot have it both ~s.你不能脚踏两条船
by a long way
(差) 远地
I'm not convinced by a long ~.我才没有被说服呢
That is by a long ~ the silliest story I have ever heard.那是我听过的最愚蠢的事
(我没听过那样愚蠢的事) by the way
(1) 顺便一提, 却说
By the ~, have you read this book ?.顺便提一下, 你读过这本书吗 ?
(2) (非本题的) 题外话, 附带提的话
But this is by the ~.但这是附带提的话
(3) 在路边
She sells apples by the ~.她在路边卖苹果
(4) (旅行等的) 途中
I met him by the ~.我在途中遇到他
by way of﹍
(1) 经过…, 经由… (via)
go to Paris by ~ of Anchorage经由安克利治到巴黎
(2) 作为…, 当作…, 意在…
by ~ of introduction [warning]作为前言 [警告]
by ~ of a joke当作玩笑, 开玩笑地
(3) 为了…, 想要…
They made experiments by ~ of explaining the phenomenon.他们为了说明该现象而做实验
(4)(口语)做出…的样子, 被公认为…
He is by ~ of knowing everybody.他做出认识每一个人的样子
She is by ~ of being a fine singer.她被公认是一名好歌手; 她也算是个好歌手
come a long way
一路进步 [发迹] , 变成好得多 come[fall]a person's way
(1)< 事情> 发生在某人身上, 临头
It fell my ~ to serve as translator.我成了翻译工作者
(2)(口语)< 事情> (对人) 顺利 (进行) (every) once in a way = once adv give way
(1) 坍塌, 折断, 断裂; 掉落
The bridge gave ~.那座桥崩塌了
His conviction gave ~.他的信念崩溃了
(2) 屈服 [于要求等] ; [对人]让步; 忍不住 [悲伤等] [to]
give ~ to tears [anger]忍不哭 [愤怒]
(3) 让路[给某人][to] go all the way
(1) 一直走到 [通到] […为止] [to]
(2)(口语)完全同意 [某人的话等] [with]
(3)(委婉语)性交; 走到目的地为止[with] go a long way → go go a long way toward (s) [to]﹍ → go go a long way with a person → go go out of the[one's]way to do
特地 [故意] 做…
He often goes out of his ~ to insult me.他常常故意侮辱我
go one's own way(口语)随心所欲地做,
为所欲为, 我行我素, 一意孤行 go the way of﹍
< 人、事物> 走上与…相同之路, 像…一样地灭亡
The nation went the ~ of the Roman Empire.该国走上与罗马帝国相同之路
go the way of all flesh [all the earth, all livingthings]
(委婉语)死亡 happen a person's way = come[fall]a person's WAY in a big [great, large] way
大规模地, 铺张地
He likes to do things in a big ~.他做事喜欢铺张
in a small way
小规模地, 简朴地 in a way
(1) 在某一点上, 就某种意义来说
His accusation is right in a ~.就某种意义来说, 他的非难是正确的
(2) 有几分, 有一点, 多少
(3) → way B 4b in no way
绝不…, 一点也不… (not﹍at all)
I am in no ~ to blame.我一点也没错
in one way = in a WAY (1), (2) in one's[its] (own) way
相当地; 就其特色而言
The picture is good in its ~.就其特色而言, 这幅画很不错
in the family way→family in the way of﹍
(1) →A 2 b
(2) 在…方面, 关于…
I met him in the ~ of business.我因生意关系而遇到他
There is nothing special in the ~ of scholarship in the paper(but it reads well).那篇论文在学术方面没有什么特别之处 (但有趣味性)
(in) the worst way
(口语)很, 非常 know one's way around [(英)round]
(口语)熟悉 (某处的) 地理环境; 熟知 (…的) 事情[情况]
He knows his ~ around (Washington).他熟悉 (华盛顿的) 地理环境; 他熟知 (美国政治的) 事情
lead the way
(1) 带头而行, 领路
He led the ~ and I walked slowly behind him.他领路, 我慢慢地跟著走
(2) 率先, 示范, 著先鞭, 抢先 look the other way
(1) (避开别人的视线而) 把脸转过去
(2) 假装视而不见 make way
(1) 开路, 让路[给…][for]
make ~ for a fire engine让路给消防车
(2) 前进, 进步, 进展
make little ~没有进展
make one's way
(1) →A 2 c
(2) 繁荣, 兴隆
The miniskirt rapidly made its ~ into universal favor.迷你裙迅速风行得到普遍的喜爱
(3) (因努力而) 发迹, 成功
He has made his (own) ~ in life [the world].他靠自力发迹
no way
(1)(口语)绝不… (in no way)
This is no ~ inferior to that.这个绝不比那个差
(2)(俚)绝对不行, 不要
" Will you lend me money?" - " NO ~." .“你借钱给我好吗?”“不行”
one way and another
以种种方法, 设法 one way or another
(1) 这样那样地, 不知如何
One ~ or another everything turned out badly that day.那一天不知如何一切都变得不顺利
(2) 设法
We must finish the work one ~ or another.我们必须设法完成这件工作
one way or the other
(1) 两者取其一地
make up one's mind one ~ or the other在两者中决定取其一
(2) 反正, 无论如何
He will accept it, one ~ or the other.他反正会接受它
on the[one's]way
(1) →A 2 a
(2) 迈向[…]之路, [向…]进展中[to, toward]
He is already well on the ~ to recovery.他已在迅速康复中
Our country is on the ~ to industrialization.我国正迈向工业化之途
(3) 在进行中, 接近
New Year's Day is on the ~.新年快到了
I have two children, and one on the ~.我有两个孩子, 还有一个即将来临
(4) [on one's ~] 去, 回去
Be on your ~ or you'll miss the train.去吧, 否则你会赶不上火车
I must be on my ~ now.我现在该回去了
out of the way
(1) →A 2 a, b
(2) 离开道路的, 在偏僻处
His house is rather out of the ~.他的房子位于相当偏僻的地方
(3) 异于常轨的, 异常的, 不寻常的
That is a little out of the ~.那是有点不寻常 [奇怪]
pave the[one's]way for[to]﹍
打开…之路, 为…铺路 [作准备] ; 使…容易
The function of the UN is to pave the ~ for world peace.联合国的功能是为世界和平铺路
put a person in the way of﹍
That [He] put me in the ~ of a good bargain [of getting a good post].那件事[他]使我有机会做一笔好交易 [谋得好职位]
put a person out of the way
暗中除去 < 妨碍者> (予以暗杀或监禁) put oneself out of the way to do﹍
特意 [不惮其烦地] 去做… right of way = right-of-way see one's way (clear) to do (ing)
认为能做到…; 有意去做…
He didn't see his ~ to apologizing [to apologize] her.他无意向她道歉
set in one's ways
< 老人等> 固守自己作风的
He seems very set in his ~s.他似乎顽固不化
show the way
(1) 带路, 引路
I showed him the ~.我给他带路
(2) 示范, 做榜样 take one's own way=go one's own WAY the hard way →hard adj the other way about [ (a) round]
相反 (地) , 以相反方式 [方向] the parting of the ways → parting n to my way of thinking
依我的想法 [看法] under way
(1) 在进行中
The project is not yet under ~.该项计画尚未进行
(2)‘航海’< 船> 在航行中, 开始前进 ways and means
(1) 手段, 方法
It is difficult, but there are ~s and means of getting money.事情虽困难, 但有办法可以弄到钱
(2) [常Ways and Means] 财源
the Committee on Ways and Means(美)= the Committee of Ways and Means(英)岁入委员会
[we; wei]《源自 away 字首消失的变体字》副词
[强调副词, 介系词] (口语)老远地, 非常
~ above在上面很高处, 在极上面
~ ahead在很远的前方
~ down South在很远的南方
The water was ~ over my head.水高出我的头很多; 水极深
from way back
(1) 从很远的乡下 (的)
(2) 从很古的时候 (的)




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