

词汇 time
释义 time[taɪm; taim]名词A
1 (U)[无冠词] (从过去、现在到未来连绵延续的) 时, 时间; 时间的经过, 光阴, 岁月, 时光
~ and space时间和空间
T~ heals most troubles.时间会治愈大多数的苦恼
T~ will tell.时间会证明一切 [说明真象]
T~ is money.(谚)时间即金钱 [一寸光阴一寸金]
T~ flies.(谚)光阴似箭
T~ and tide wait for no man.(谚)岁月不待人
2 (U) [又作 a ~] (某一) 期间, 某一段时间
for a ~暂时, 一时
after a ~过一会儿
in a short ~不久
It's a long ~ since I met you last.好久不见 [久违] 了
He has lived there (for) a long ~.他已在那儿住了很久
He takes ~ to speak.他讲话慢吞吞的 [费时间]
It was no ~ before he was back. (才去一下) 他马上就回来
What a ~ you have been!.你费时不赀 [花了相当长的时间]
There isn't any (more) ~. (已经) 没时间了
3 a. (U)[常 the ~]时刻, 时候, …时, …点
The child doesn't know how to tell (the) ~.这小孩不会看钟表[时间]
What [At what] ~ do you get up?.你几点起床?
b. (U) 标准时间, 时间→ Greenwich (Mean) Time, summer time.
4 a. (某一) 时刻, 时候, 时
at any ~随时, 任何时候
at no ~从来没有, 决无; 永不
at some ~在 (未来的) 某一个时候
by this ~在这个时候以前, 到了这个时候; 现在已经
at a convenient ~ of day在方便时
at this ~ of day (偏偏) 在 (一天当中的) 这个时刻; 到了这个时候 [这么迟] (才) ; 这么早 (就)
b. (U)时节, 季节
at Christmas ~在耶诞节前后这个时节
at this ~ of year在这个季节
a. (某一个预定的) 日期, 预定的时刻; 时机, 机会, 机运
arrive ahead of ~较原定 [预定] 时间早抵达
behind ~较原定时间晚, 迟到
This is the first ~ I've been here.这是我第一次来这儿
The ~ will come when.﹍. 将来…的时机会到来
b. …的时间, 期间→ bedtime, lunchtime, teatime.c. […的]时间, 期间[for]:It's ~ for tea.喝茶时间到了
It's high ~ for lunch.正是午餐的时刻了
(cf. A 5 d)d. < 该…的> 时刻, 时间
It's ~ to have lunch.是该吃午餐的时刻了
(cf. A 5c)e.[人] < 该…的> 时刻
It is ~ for me to go to bed.是我该就寝的时刻了 [我该就寝了]
f. [It is (high) ~ (that) ﹍.] 正是该…的时候
It's ~ you went to bed.是你该就寝的时刻了 [你 (早) 该就寝了]
a. (必要的) 时间; 闲暇, 余暇, 空 (闲)
give a person ~给 [宽限] 某人时间
be pressed for ~时间紧迫, 时间不够
b. [对于做…必要的] 时间; 闲暇, 余暇, 空[for]
I have no ~ for reading.我没有时间 [闲暇] 阅读
(cf. A 6 c)
He managed to find ~ for a trip.他抽出时间去旅行
c. < 该…的> 时间; 闲暇, 余暇, 空
I have no ~ to read books.我没有空看书(cf. A 6 b)
have no ~ to spare没有余暇, 忙碌
There is [I have] no ~ to lose.刻不容缓 [我不能再迟缓]
7 …时
She smiles every ~ she sees me.她每次看到我时都微笑
I'll bring you my book next ~ I come.我下次来时会把我的书带来给你
→ (the) first TIME.
8 a. (C)[常 ~s] (历史上的) 时代, 年代, …代
in ancient [modern] ~s在古代 [现代]
in the ~(s) of the Stuarts = in Stuart ~s在斯图亚特王朝时代
He is the greatest writer of all ~(s).他是古今最伟大的作家
b. [the ~; 常~s] 当代, 现代, 当今
the scientists of the ~(s)当代的科学家们
9 a. (C)[常 ~s]时势, 情势, 境况
behind [ahead of] the ~s跟不上 [超前] 时代
good ~s好时光, 好光景 [安和乐利的时代]
hard ~s不景气 [艰难时世]
as ~s go(口语)在这个时节, 由于是这样的时势
move [march, change] with the ~s与时代并驾齐驱, 不落于时代之后
Times have changed.时代变了
b. [have a ~] 经验; (经验的) 时间
have a good [fine] ~ (of it)过 [玩] 得愉快
have a hard ~ (of it)吃苦头, 遭遇困难
10(U)[常 one's ~]
(人的) 一生; (与某人有关的) 时期
The trouble happened before his ~.纷争在他来之前发生
He was no longer teaching there in my ~.当我在那儿的时候, 他已经不教了
11 (U)
a. [one's ~] (服务的) 年数; (兵役的) 期间
serve [serve out] one's ~服完兵役年数, 服务期满
b. (俚)刑期
do [serve] ~服刑
12 (U)
a. 工作 [上班] 时间 full ~ (劳动、工作等的) 央屁, 专任→ part time.b. 按时间计酬
pay double ~ for overtime work对加班工作支付双倍工资
13 (U)[one's ~]
a. 死期, 临终
He died before his ~.他英年早逝
His ~ has come.他的死期 [末日] 到了
b. 怀孕期; 分娩期
14 (U)‘运动’
a. 所需时间b. (比赛的) 暂停
call ~ < 裁判> 宣告暂停
a.‘音乐’拍子; 速度
in slow [true] ~以缓慢的 [正确的] 拍子
beat ~打拍子
double [quick, slow] ~跑步 [快步, 齐步] 走
16 [the ﹍ Times; 用于报纸名称] …时报
the New York Times纽约时报
1 次, 回
three ~s a day一天三次
at a ~一次, 同时
many [a lot of] ~s =(文语)many a ~ 屡次, 常常, 好几次
~s out of [without] number无数次
2 [~s]
ten ~s as large as﹍有…的十倍大
Four ~s two is [are] eight.二乘四是八(2 X 4=8)
One ~s one is one.一乘一是一(1*1=1)
against time
(为在所定时限之前完成而) 与时间赛跑, 抢时间, 赶时间 ahead of one's time
超越时代的, 进步的 all in good time
时机一到, 迟早, 不久 all the time
在那期间一直, 始终, 经常 at one time
曾经, 曾有一个时期, 从前 at the same time
(1) 同时, 在同时间内
Can you watch television and do your homework at the same ~?.你能同时又看电视又做功课吗?
(2) (与…) 同时地
At the same ~ that she was preparing her lessons, she had to look after the store.她在预习功课的同时又必须照管店面
(3) 可是, 然而
She didn't wish to spend any more money. At the same ~, she wanted to go on the trip.她不想再花钱, 可是她 (同时) 又想去旅行
at times
有时, 间或, 偶尔 bide one's time
等待时机 buy time
(1) 拖延时间
(2)‘广播.电视’ (付费用而) 取 [求] 得广告的时间 fall on hard times
遭遇厄运[不幸], 落魄 for old times' sake = for old times为怀念往日之故, 看在旧知的情份上 for the first time
He disobeyed his parents for the first ~ in his life.他生平第一次违抗了父母亲
for the last time
最后一次 (以其作为结尾)
I saw her then for the last ~.那回是我最后一次见到她
for the time being → being (from) time out of mind
从老远以前, 不知从什么时候开始 from time to time
时常, 间或 gain time
(1) (故意慢慢做事或藉故而) 拖延时间
(2) (赶快提前完成而) 节省时间
(3)< 钟表> 走快 half the time → half adv have a devil of a time → devil have an easy time (of it)
(口语)不费力而得到钱财、职业等 have no time for﹍
(1) → A 6 b
(2)(口语)不为< 人、物> 浪费时间, 没有闲暇 [没空] 去理会…; 讨厌…
I have no ~ for women.我没有闲暇去理会女人
have the time of one's life → life have time on one's hands
闲得无聊 in good time
(1) 适时, 在合宜的时刻; 按时
(2) 保留充裕时间地, 及早地, 趁早地 in no time = in less than no time
立即, 立刻, 马上, 即刻 in one's own (good) time
(口语)在准备妥当时, 在方便时 in time
(1) 早晚, 迟早, 终究, 总会
That boy will learn that in ~.那个孩子终究会知道那件事
(2) 在[对…]适宜的时候, 来得及[…][for]
I got home just in ~ for dinner.我到家里正好来得及晚餐
(3) 合节拍[with] in time to come
在将来 keep good[bad]time
< 钟表> 走得准确 [不准确] keep time
(1) 记录时间
(2)< 钟表> 计时
(3) (脚) 合拍子[with] lose time
(1) 损失 [浪费] 时间
(2)< 钟表> 走慢 make time
(1) 前进; 快走
We made (good) ~ between Chicago and here.我们在芝加哥和这儿之间走得顺利[快]
(2)< 火车等> 赶时间以挽回延误 [误点]
(3)(俚) [对异性] 追求或视为性伴侣[with] mark time
(2) 停滞不前 (以等待良机) ; < 事物> 无进展, 停顿 on time
(1) 准时, 按预定时间, 按时
arrive on ~准时到达
(2)(美)以延期付款, 以分期付款
buy a piano on ~以分期付款买钢琴
out of time
(1) 过迟
(2) 不合时宜
(3) 不合节拍 play for time
拖延以换取时间, 慎重伺机 take a person all his time
(口语)使< 人> 十分费力
This work has taken me all my ~.这工作使我十分费力
take one's time
从容地 [慢慢] 做 take time by the forelock → forelock take time off[out] (to do[for]﹍)
抽空 (做…) , 拨 [腾] 出时间 (做…) (the) first time
The first ~ I met him, he was a young man about your age.我第一次遇见他时, 他是个年龄和你差不多的年轻人
(the) time of day
(1) 时刻, 时间
He asked me what was the ~ of day.他问我几点了
give [pass] the ~ of day(口语)互相问候(道早安或晚安等)
(2) 当时的情势
know the ~ of day知悉情势; 能见机行事
(3) [not give a person the ~ of day] (口语)最低限度的注意
She wouldn't give me the ~ of day.她连理都不理我 [对我不屑一顾]
the time of one's life
(口语)一生中最快活[不愉快]的时 [经验]
have the ~ of one's life体验一生中最快活[不愉快]的时光
give a person the ~ of his life使某人体验一生中最快活[不愉快]的时光
time after time = time and (time) again
屡次, 多次 Time was when﹍
(口语)以前曾有一时… to time
(英)按 (时刻表的) 时间, 按规定时间, 准时
The buses run to ~.那些公共汽车按时行驶
1 a. 时间的
→ time lag.b. 记录时间 [时刻] 的
a ~ register时间记录器
2 有定时装置的
→ time bomb.3 定期的→ time deposit.
4 分期付款的
1 使 < 行动、事件> 配合好时机, 斟酌时机行< 事>
→ ill-timed, well-timed
~ one's arrival opportunely看准适当的时刻到达
I will ~ my visit to suit your convenience.我会选择你方便的时候来访问你
2 定 [排] 时间以使< 火车等> …
a train ~d to leave at 6 : 30预定六时三十分开的火车
3 测定 < 赛跑、选手等> 的时间
~ a race [runner]测定赛跑 [赛跑者] 的时间
4 将…的拍子调整[为…][at]; 使…的拍子 配合[to]
~ the revolution of a disc at 33 1/3 per minute把唱片的旋转调整为每分钟 33 1/3 转
They ~d their steps to the music.他们按音乐节拍踏步 [跳舞]
5 看准最好的瞬间击< 球等>




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