释义 |
swing[swɪŋ; swiŋ](swung[sw; sw])不及物动词1 a. < 悬吊的东西> 摆动, 摇摆 摆动, 摇摆(以一定点为轴, 前后或绕圆弧有规律地)~ like a pendulum像钟摆一样地摆动~ back and forth前后摇摆The pendulum ~s with great regularity.钟摆很有规律地摆动著 【同义字】■ sway 因外来力量而不稳定的摇动■ rock 缓慢有规律地前后或左右摇动, 或激烈震动 b. 荡鞦千, 坐鞦千c. [在…与…之间] 往还, 来回[between]; [从…][到…]来来回回[from][to]~ from joy to sadness一喜一忧, 转喜为悲The country had swung between prosperity and depression for centuries.该国几世纪以来均在繁荣与萧条间递嬗2 a. < 门> (在轮轴上) 转动The door swung in the wind.门在风中摇摆b. < 门> (前后) 摇摆< 成…状态> The door swung open [shut, back, to].门开 [关上] 了3 a. 悬吊[from]A lamp swung from the ceiling.一盏灯悬吊于天花板b. 悬吊著移动, 摇荡Monkeys are~ing from branch to branch.猴子在树枝间荡来荡去c. (口语) [因…罪而] 被吊死[for]~ for murder因杀人罪而被吊死You'll ~ for this.我会跟你算清这笔帐4 a. 回转, 转弯He swung round and faced the detective.他转过身来面对那位侦探The cab swung around the corner.那部计程车转过街角The taxicab swung out into traffic.那部计程车转向驶入车流之中b. < 道路等> 成弧形地延伸The highway ~s (to the) south here.公路在这里渐次地弯向南方5 a. 大摇大摆地走 [移动, 前进]The soldiers came ~ing along [down the road].那些士兵大摇大摆地 [沿著道路] 走过来b. (抓住某物) 敏捷地移动身体~ aboard a train (抓住扶手) 跃身跳上火车c. 迅速采取 […动作] ; 开始[…][into]They swang into action.他们迅速采取行动6 (振臂) 打[…][at]~ at a ball振臂打球7(口语) < 乐队等> 演奏摇摆乐 (swing music)及物动词1 a. 摇动, 摆动, 挥动~ one's legs [arms]摆动著[手臂]~ a tennis racket挥动网球拍b. 把…放在鞦千上荡c. (旋转地) 挥 < 棒> ~ Indian clubs挥动 (体操用的) 瓶状木棒There wasn't room to ~ a cat (in).连一只猫旋转的余地也没有(地方实在太狭小)2 摆动…而 (迅速) 吊起~ cargo into the hold of a ship < 起重机> 迅速吊起货物放入船舱He swung his jacket over his shoulder.他迅速把夹克搭在肩膀上3 把< 东西> 悬吊[在…][from]; 把< 东西> 吊在 […之间] [between]~ a chandelier from the ceiling在天花板悬吊一盏枝形吊灯He swung the hammock between the trees.他把吊床挂在两棵树之间4 使< 门等> (在轮轴上) 旋转< 成…状态> He swung the door open [shut].他把门打开 [关上]5 把…的方向变为 (…) , 使…转弯He swung the car around [around the corner].他使车子调头 [转过街角]He swung the car into the parking lot.他使车子转弯进入停车场You won't ~ him around to your point of view.你无法说服他接受你的看法6(口语)随意操纵 < 舆论、选举、交易等> , 善加处理; 设法办成功~ an election随意左右选举~ a business deal谈妥一笔生意I can't ~ a house of my own yet.我还没法把一幢属于自己的房子弄到手7 以摇摆乐的方式演奏 [编写] < 曲子> 名词1 a. (U)摇摆, 摆动, 摇动the ~ of a pendulum钟摆的摆动b. (C)摆动的距离, 振幅a ~ of 3 inches三吋的振幅2 a. 挥动 (棒子、手臂等) , 旋转b. (高尔夫、棒球等的) 挥杆 [棒] (法)a long [short] ~长挥 [短挥] 击球3 (C)鞦千; 荡鞦千sit on [in] a ~荡鞦千havea ride ona ~玩荡鞦千4 (C)摇摇摆摆的步伐walk with a ~摇摇摆摆地走5(C)a. (情况、舆论等的) (大) 转变, 改变a ~ in prices物价的变动~s between prosperity and depression在繁荣与萧条之间来回变动b. 变更, 转业, 改行[为…][to]6(U)自由活动let it have its ~ =give full [free] ~ to it使其自由活动, 听其自然7(U) [又作 a ~] (音乐、诗等的) 律动, 节奏, 韵律8(C)(美) (周游) 旅行9 (又作swing music) (U)摇摆音乐(流行于 1930-40 年代, 由大乐队演奏的爵士乐)■ go with a swing(1) < 歌曲、诗等> 节奏轻快的(2)< 工作等> 顺利 [顺畅] 进行; < 聚会等> 圆满, 成功■ in full swing(1) 正起劲, 正浓, 正在全速 [全力] 进行中(2) 很顺利 [顺畅] |