

词汇 engage
释义 en.gage[ɪn`gedʒ; inˈɡeidʒ]《源自古法语“质押”“允诺”的意思》及物动词A
1 a. 雇< 人>
~ an entertainer for the party为宴会雇用表演的艺人
b. 雇< 人> < 当…>
I ~d a young woman as a temporary secretary.我雇用一位年轻妇女当临时秘书
2 (文语)
a. 预约 < 房间、座位等>
~ seats预订座位
b. 雇 < 计程车等>
3 (文语)
a. [~ oneself]允诺< 做…>
He ~d himself to pay the money by the end of the month.他允诺月底前付那笔钱
b. 答应< 做…>
She ~d to visit you tomorrow.她答应明天去访问你
c. 允诺, 保证< …事>
I cannot ~ that I will finish the work by the end of this month.我不能允诺在这月底前完成该项工作
4 使< 人> 订婚B 1 [~ oneself]从事于, 参与, 忙于[in]
She ~d herself in knitting.她忙于编织
2 使< 人> 参加 [卷入] [谈话等] [in]
He boldly ~ed the girls inconversation.他大胆地使那些女孩子加入谈话
3 a. 吸引 < 注意、兴趣等>
The child's attention was completely ~d by the new toy.那个孩子的注意力完全被那新玩具吸引住
b. 消耗, 占用< 时间>
Just then my time was fully ~d with that work.刚好那时候我的时间全被那工作占去
4 与 < 敌军> 交战; 使< 军队> 交战
5‘机械’使 < 齿轮等> 咬合
1 担保, 保证[for]
That's more than I can ~ for.那事我不能保证
2 从事, 参与[in]
After graduating from college, he ~d in business.大学毕业后他从商
They were ready to ~ in the contest.他们准备参赛
3 交战[with]
4‘机械’ < 齿轮等> 啮合, 咬合, 衔接[with]
5(文语)著手 [新的工作等] , 开始[upon]




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