

词汇 used
释义 used[just; ju:st]《源自 use v.i. 的过去式》助动词
1 常常, 经常, 向来
We ~ to play in this playground every day.我们过去每天在这个运动场上玩耍
I ~ to think I'd like to be a sea captain.我曾经常想当船长
It ~ to be believed that the sun moved round the earth.从前人们常以为太阳绕著地球转
2 从前是…, 有过…
The country inn was as pleasant as it ~ to be in the old times.这家乡下小客栈一如往日令人感到愉快
There ~ to be a storehouse here.从前这儿有一座仓库(现在已经没有了)




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