

词汇 use
释义 use[juz; ju:z]及物动词
1 a. 用, 使用, 利用< 东西>
~ a knife用刀子
~ a train利用火车
This noun is ~d only attributively.这个名词仅作修饰形容词用
b. [为…]使用< 某物>
Gravel is much ~d for making roads.碎石常用于筑路
2 行使, 运用 < 才能、暴力等>
~ force诉诸暴力, 使用武力
~ care注意
U~ your head [common sense].运用你的头脑 [常识]
3 耗用, 消耗< 东西> < up>
~ 100 liters of gasoline in a month一个月耗用一百公升的汽油
I have ~d up all my energy.我耗尽了全部的精力
4 (文语) (以…) 对待< 某人> (treat)
~ a person well待人很好
~ a person ill [badly]待人不好
5 a. (为达一己目的) 利用< 他人>
I was merely being ~d.我不过是被人利用罢了
b. [could ~] (口语)能得到…就好了
I could ~ a drink.我真想喝一杯
Your suit could ~ a pressing.你的衣服要烫一下了
→ used use up
(1) → v.t. 3
(2)(美口语)使< 人> 筋疲力竭
He was pretty well ~d up after the long walk.他长途跋涉后十分疲惫
[jus; ju:s]名词
1 (U)使用, 利用 (法)
maps for ~ in schools学校用的地图
buy a thing for one's personal ~购买自用之物
a dictionary for the ~ of students学生用的辞典
teach [learn] the ~ of a machine教授[学习]机器的用法
come [be brought] into ~开始被使用
→ in USE, out of USE
This sofa has got worn with ~.这沙发因久用而磨损了
2 (U)
a. 使用的能力
He has lost the ~ of his right hand.他已失去使用右手的能力
b. 使用的许可 [自由] , 使用权
He gave me the ~ of his books.他让我借用他的藏书
He has offered me the ~ of his car.他主动提出让我用他的车子
3 (U)
a. 有用, 功效, 益处
What is the ~ of talking ?.说有什么用 ?
b. [ (of) ~] (有、无) 益
be of (great) ~ (极) 有用, (甚) 有益
be of no ~无用, 无益
A telephone is of little ~ in this town.电话在本镇不大有用处
Advice is no ~ to him.忠告对他无效
It's no ~ talking [to talk].= It is of no ~ to talk.说也没用
It is no ~ your trying to deny it.你想否认也没用
c. [对做…] 有用的[in]
There is no ~ (in) talking.说也没用
What ~ is there in worrying ?.担心有什么用?
4 a. (C)使用目的, 用途
a machine with many ~s有许多用途的机器
This tool has [serves] plenty of ~s.这件工具有许多用途
Can you find a ~ for this old radio ?.你能为这台旧收音机找到一种用途吗?
b. (U)使用[…的]需要[机会][for]
We have no further ~ for the house.我们不再需要用那幢房子
5(U)惯例, 习惯 (custom, habit)
U~ makes perfect.(谚)习惯成自然 [熟能生巧]
Such things are learned by ~.这种事情只有通过不断使用才能学会
have no use for﹍
(1) →4 b
(2) 讨厌…, 不能容忍…
I have no ~ for gambling [such people].我讨厌赌博 [这种人]
in use
被使用, 被实行
These implements are in general ~.这些工具广被使用
This word is not in common ~.这个字不常用
make use of﹍
使用 [利用] …
Any member can make ~ of the reading room.任何会员都可以使用这间阅览室
You must make good [the best] ~ of your time.你必须好好 [尽量] 利用你的时间
out of use
不用的, 被废弃的
The custom has gone [fallen] out of ~.这个习俗已被废弃
put﹍to use
使用 [利用] …
Put your energy to good ~.善用你的精力




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