

词汇 sit
释义 sit[sɪt; sit](sat[st; st]; sit.ting)不及物动词
1 a. 坐, 就坐
~ next to a person坐在某人邻座
~ cross-legged on the floor盘腿坐在地板上
~ with one's legs bent beneath one正坐, 端坐
b. 坐[在…]< down> [on, in]
Please ~ down.请坐
He sat down on the bench.他坐在长凳上
c. 坐 [在…处] [on, in]; 坐 [在桌子边] [at]
~ at table入席 [坐下吃饭]
~ on [in] a chair坐在椅子上
d. < 以…状态> 坐著
She sat still for hours.她静静地坐了好几小时
e. 坐著< 做…>
She sat reading in the sitting room.她坐在起居室 [客厅] 读书
2 a. < 狗等> [用…]坐著, 蹲著[on]
The dog was sitting on his hind legs.那只狗用它的后腿端坐著
b. < 鸟> 栖息 [于树枝] [on]; 栖息 [在树上] [in]
A bird was sitting in a tree.鸟栖息在树上
c. < 鸟> 孵蛋[on]
The hens don't ~ this year.这些母鸡今年都不孵蛋
3 a. 任 [委员会、议会等的] 一员[on, in]
~ ona jury [committee]担任陪审员 [委员]
~ in Parliament [Congress]任国会议员
b. (英)代表 [选区] [for]
~ for a constituency(在议会) 代表一个选区
4 a. < 议会> 开会; < 法庭> 开庭; 进行议事讨论
The court will ~ next week.法庭预定下周开庭
b. (文语) < 委员会等> 调查[事件][on, upon]
5 参加 [考试等] [for]
~ for an examination参加考试
6 a. 让 [画家] 画像; 让 [摄影师] 拍照 [for, to]
~ for [to] an artist [a photographer]摆好姿势让艺术家 [摄影师] 画像 [拍照]
~ for a painter充当画家的模特儿
b. 为供人画像 [拍照] 而摆姿势[for]
~ for one's portrait坐著让人画像
7 a. < 衣服、地位等> 适合, 配合[on, upon]
That dress [hat] ~s well on her.那件衣服 [那顶帽子] 很适合她
The jacket ~s badly on your shoulders.那件夹克肩部很不合你的身
b. 配合; 适合; 调和[with]
The curtain doesn't ~ well with the room.那窗帘和房间不调和
He doesn't ~ well with me.他和我合不来
8 a. < 损害、责任、劳苦等> < 以…状态> 成为[…的]负担[on]
Care sat heavy on his brow.他的眉间显出忧虑; 他愁眉苦脸
b. < 食物> < 以…状态> 停滞, 沈滞 [于胃里] [on]
Rich foods ~ (heavy) on the stomach.油腻的食物沈滞于胃里 [不消化]
9 a. < 东西> 位于 (…) , 坐落于 (…)
The house ~s on a hill.那一幢房子坐落在一座小山上
The house ~s back from the street.那一幢房子并不靠街道
b. < 风> (从…) 吹来
The wind ~s in the east.风从东方吹来; 刮东风
c. < 东西、事情> 放置于 (…) , 留在原处不动
His car sat in the garage.他的车子停放在车库里
10 a. (美)当临时保姆, 替人照顾婴儿 [小孩] (babysit)
b. 照顾 [病人] [with]
11 (口语)
a. [把人] (粗暴地) 压住; [使人]沉默[on]b. [把报导、调查等] 搁置[on]及物动词
1 a. 使…就坐于 (…)
He sat the child at table.他使小孩坐在餐桌前
b. [~ oneself]坐在 (…)
He sat himself at my side.他坐在我的旁边
2 骑< 马> , 骑乘…
She sat her horse well [gracefully].她善于 [优雅地] 骑马
3 (英)应 < 试> , 参加 < 笔试> sit back(1) (靠椅背而) 坐
(2) 袖手旁观
(3) (工作后) 放松休息 sit by sit down on﹍
反对… sit down to﹍
(1) 就席, 入席 < 用餐>
(2) 热心著手< 工作> sit down under﹍
温顺地忍受, 甘受 < 轻蔑、对待等> sit in
(1) < 在比赛、会议等> 代理…, 担任…[for] < as>
~ in for a person as chairman代理某人担任议长
(2) 静坐抗议 [示威] sit in on﹍
参观, 出席, 见习 < 讨论会、教室等> sit on one's hands→ hand sit out
(1) 坐在户外 (向阳处)
(2) 不参加 < 跳舞> , 坐冷板凳
(3) < 戏剧、音乐会等> (即使乏味也) 看[听]完, 坐到…的终场
He decided to ~ the lecture out and see if it got better.他决定听完 (乏味的) 演讲, 看看是否中途会变得有趣些
sit through
= sit out (3) sit tight → tight adv sitting pretty → pretty adv sit up
(1) (从睡姿改为坐姿的) 坐起
~ up in bed < 病人等> 坐起于床上
(2) 端坐
~ up (straight)笔直地坐正
Come and ~ up (at [to] the table).来就座 (用餐) 吧
(3) 不睡
~ up late [all night]熬夜, 整夜不睡
~ up at work做夜工
~ up for a person夜晚不睡而等人
~ up with a patient不睡而照顾病人
~ up with a corpse为死者通夜守灵
(4)(口语)吓一跳, 惊起, 奋起
make a person ~ up使人吃惊 [吓一跳] ; 鼓励 (无精神的) 人, 使人振作
(5)< 狗> 用后腿站起来
~ up and beg < 狗> 用后腿站起, 做拜拜的姿势
(6) 使< 人> 坐起来 sit up and take notice
(口语)吃惊, 兴奋, 害怕




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