

词汇 sink
释义 sink[sɪŋk; siŋk](sank[sk; sk], (美.英罕)sunk[sk; sk]; sunk, sunk.en[`skn; 'skn])不及物动词
1 a. < 重物> 沈下, 沈落 [于液体、雪、泥泞等中] [in, into, under]
(←→ float)
The ship sank.船沈没
She sank in the snow up to her knees.她陷入深达膝部的雪中
He sank under the waves.他没入浪下
b. < 日、月等> 沈落[…] [in, behind, below]
The sun was slowly ~ing in the west.太阳正慢慢地在西方沈落
The sun sank behind the mountain.太阳沈落山后
2 a. < 地盘、建筑物等> 下陷
A portion of the road suddenly sank in.部分道路突然陷下去
The house has sunk about ten centimeters.那栋房屋下陷约十公分
b. < 眼睛、面颊> 陷下去, 凹入< in>
Her eyes [cheeks] have sunk (in).她的眼睛 [面颊] 凹陷下去了
c. < 土地> [朝…方向] 倾斜[to, toward]
This land ~s gradually to [toward] the lake.这块土地逐渐朝湖边倾斜
d. < 颈、肩等> 垂下; < 眼睛> 朝下
His head sank forward on his breast.他的头垂向胸前; 他颓丧地垂下头
3 a. < 人> (力竭而) 倒, 投[向…][to, into]
~ to one's knees (无力地) 双膝落地
He sank to the ground.他 (沮丧地) 倒在地上
She sank into his arms.她投入他的怀抱中
b. (无力地) 坐下[…] < back, down> [in, into, on]
~ back into a chair (疲倦地) 跌进 [一屁股坐进] 椅子
4 a. < 风、火势、洪水等> 减弱, 消退, 平静< down>
The flood is ~ing.洪水正在消退
The wind [flames] at last sank down.风 [火势] 终于减弱了
b. < 声音等> 降低 [而成为…] ; < 火势等> 变弱 [而成为…] [to]
His voice sank to a whisper.他的声音降低为耳语
The fire sank to embers.火势减弱而成余烬
5 a. < 价值、评价、水准等> 下降[至…][to]
The dollar is ~ing.美元在贬值
The shares sank to nothing.股票暴跌而贬值
b. < … (的数) > [由…]减少[为…][from][to]
Unemployment has sunk from 12.3 to 10.9 percent.失业率已经由 12.3 ( 降为10.9)
c. [评价、声望] 降低, 跌落[in]
He sank in the opinion of his girlfriends.女友们对他的评价很低
6 a. (因疲劳、生病等而) 体力衰退, 身体衰弱
The patient was ~ing fast.病人已濒于死亡
b. [因不幸、痛苦等而] 气馁, 泄气, 体力衰退 [under, from]
She began to ~ under her burden of worry.烦恼的重压开始使她气馁
c. < 心情> 沮丧, 灰心; < 意气> 消沈
My heart sank (within me) at the news.我一听到那消息就觉得失望
His courage [heart, spirits] sank (into his boots).(口语)他心情沮丧 [意志消沈]
7 a. 陷入 [沈睡、忘我、绝望等] ; 陷入 [思想、梦想、悲伤等] [into]
He sank into sleep [(a) reverie].他陷入沈睡 [梦想] 中
b. 陷入 [贫困、邪恶等] [into]
~ into poverty陷入贫困
The company sank deeper into the red.该公司因赤字扩大而处境益发困难
8 a. < 水、墨水等> 渗入, 渗透< in>
This dye ~s in well.这种染料容易渗进去
b. 渗入[…中][into, through]
Water ~s through sand.水渗入沙中
The ink soon sank into the blotting paper.墨水很快渗入吸墨纸中
c. < 教训、训诫等> 被充分接受, 使人铭记< in>
The idea took a long time to ~ in.这个观念费时甚久才为人所接受
d. 渗入 [人心] , 铭记 [于心] [into]
Let this lesson ~ into your mind.要把这个教训铭记在心
1 使…沈下 [沈没] , 击沈
The submarine sank an enemy ship.那艘潜水艇击沈一艘敌舰
2 a. 掘, 凿 < 井等>
~ a well凿井
b. 把 < 桩等> 打入 [地中] ; 把 < 管子、暗渠等> 埋入 [地中] [into]
~ a pile (ten meters deep) into the ground把木桩打入地下 (十公尺深)
c. 把 < 短剑等> 刺入[…]; 使< 牙齿等> 咬入[…中][into]
~ one's teeth into an apple(大口地) 咬苹果
d. 雕刻 < 印、字等> [于…][in]
~ words ina stone刻字于石头上
3 a. 垂下< 头等> , 垂下< 眼睛>
He sank his head on his chest.他颓丧地垂下头
b. 把 < 吊桶> 放下[…][into]
~ a bucket into a well把吊桶放下井
4 把 < 声音、调子等> 放低[到…][to]
She sank her voice to a whisper.她把声音放低成耳语
5 a. 降低 < 名声、威信等>
b. 降低对< 某人> 的 [评价等] [in]
That will ~ you in her estimation.那会使她对你的评价降低
6 减少…的水, 使…的水下降
The dry spell sank the river.持续的乾旱使河流的水位下降
7 a. 使< 人> 为难 [困窘] ; 毁掉< 人> 的身体
The difficulties would have sunk a rasher man.那些困难会使更蛮干的人都吃不消
We are sunk.我们完了; 万事休矣
b. 使< 计画等> 落空 [受到挫折]
8 将 < 资本> 投入 [不赚钱的事业等] [in, into]
He has sunk a lot of money in [into] the unfortunate undertaking.他已投入很多资金在那不顺利的事业上
9 隐瞒 < 身分、证据等> ; 对…置之不理, 忽视, 压抑
~ evidence隐瞒证据
~ one's own interests舍弃自己的利益 (而谋他人的利益)
~ one's pride压抑傲气
We sank our differences.我们摒弃歧见
10[~ oneself]陷入 [沈思、绝望等] [in]
He sank himself inthought [his work].他陷入沈思 [埋头工作]
11 还清 [偿还] < 借款>
12 ‘球戏’投 [击, 打] < 球> 进篮 [洞, 袋 (等) ]
sink or swim无论成败, 孤注一掷
1 a. (厨房的) 流理台, 水槽
a stainless steel ~不锈钢流理台 [水槽]
b. (美)洗脸台
2 a. 污水槽
b. 积水的低漥地
3 (文语)藏污纳垢之处[of]
a ~ of iniquity罪恶的巢窟 [渊薮]
everything [all] but the kitchen sink → kitchen sink




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