

词汇 swear
释义 swear[swɛr, swær; swɛə]《源自古英语“饶舌, 回答”的意思》(swore[swor, swr; sw:]; sworn[sworn, swrn; sw:n])不及物动词
1 a. 发誓, 宣誓, 立誓
Do you ~?.你发誓 (那是真的) 吗?
b. [对…]发誓[by]; [把手放在…上] 宣誓[on, upon]
~ by God对神发誓
~ on the Bible把手放在圣经上宣誓
c. 发誓 [说…] ; 断言[to]
I cannot ~ to it.这件事我不能断言
I cannot ~ to his having done it.我不能断言他做了那件事
Will you ~ to the truth of your statement?.你愿意发誓你说的话是真实吗?
2 a. 滥用神的名字, 冒渎神名, 说不敬神的话
He swore when he slipped and fell.当他滑倒时他咒骂了一声
b. [因…事而]咒骂[人], [对人]恶言恶语[for][at]
The captain swore at the crew ..船长咒骂船员
He resented being sworn at.他听到被人咒骂感到愤恨
1 发< 誓> ; 发誓表示 [保证]
a. 发< 誓> , 宣< 誓> , 立< 誓>
~ an oath立誓, 宣誓
They swore eternal friendship.他们立誓友谊永不渝
b. 发誓< 做…> , 约定
He swore to pay the money back immediately.他发誓立刻还钱
I ~ by Almighty God to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.我对万能的上帝发誓我要说实话, 全部的实话, 而且只说实话
c. 发誓< 做…事> , 宣誓
He swore he would love her forever.他发誓他会永远爱她
I ~ by Almighty God that I will tell the truth.我对万能的上帝发誓我要说真话
d. 发誓 < 戒酒、烟等> < off>
~ off drink [drinking]发誓戒酒
2 a. ‘法律’使 < 证人> 宣誓< in>
~ a witness in使证人宣誓
b. 使< 人> 誓守[…][to]; 使< 人> 宣誓 [加入…] [into]
~ a person to total silence使某人发誓完全保持缄默
~ a person into a club使某人宣誓加入俱乐部
Members of the club were sworn to secrecy.俱乐部的会员被要求誓守秘密
c. 使< 人> 发誓< 要做…>
~ a soldier to defend his country使士兵立誓保卫国家
d. 使< 某人> 宣誓就职< in>
The new President will be sworn in tomorrow.新总统明天宣誓就职
3 [常 I could ~ ﹍] (口语)断言…, 确定地说…
I could ~ I've seen him before [that was a gun shot].我可以确定我以前见过他 [那是枪声]
4 宣誓 < 控告> [某人][against]
~ a charge [an accusation] against a person发誓控告某人
5[~ oneself]咒骂 < 而成…状态>
They both swore themselves hoarse.他们两人骂得声音都哑掉了
swear by﹍
(1) → v.i. 1b
(2)(口语)非常信赖…, 相信…, 大力推荐…
He ~s by this medicine for preventing colds.他深信这种药可预防感冒
swear out a warrant
(美)由宣誓而获得签发授权令 [拘票]




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