

词汇 possessed
释义 pos.sessed形容词
1 a. 鬼魂附身的; 著了魔的, 疯狂的, 著迷的
He seemed ~.他似乎著了魔
b. 著了[…]魔的, 疯狂的[by, with](cf. possess 2 a)
He thought he was ~ with an evil spirit.他认为自己被鬼魂附了身
He is ~ by a fear of failure.他对失败心怀恐惧
2 (文语)拥有[…]的[of]
(cf. possess 1 c)
He is ~ of great wealth [the facts].他拥有巨大的财富 [掌握著事实]
3 镇定的, 冷静的 (self-possessed)
like one possessed (像著了魔一般) 猛烈 [疯狂, 狂热] 地, 拼命地




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