

词汇 tide
释义 tide[taɪd; taid]《源自古英语“时”的意思》名词
1 (C)潮, 潮的涨落; 潮流
→ ebb tide 1, flood tide 1
a [the] spring [neap] ~大[小]潮
The ~ is in [out, down].现在在涨潮 [退潮]
The ~ is making [ebbing]. = The ~ is on the flow [on the ebb].正在涨潮 [退潮]
2 (C) (舆论等的) 潮流, 倾向, 形势
go [swim] with the ~顺应潮流, 顺从时势
go [swim] against the ~违逆潮流, 倒行逆施
turn the ~改变形势
The ~ turns.形势转变
The ~ turned against him [in his favor].形势变得对他不利[有利]
3 (C)盛衰, 消长; 最盛时期, 最恶时期; 机运, 良机
the full ~ of pleasure欢乐的顶点
4 (U) [除构成复合字外为古语] 时, 节, 季节; (尤指宗教上的) 节
→ Christmastide
6(C)溪流, 激流
像潮水般奔流; 顺潮水漂行
1 a. 度过, 克服 < 难关等> < over>
~ over a difficulty克服困难
b. 使< 人> 度过< over>
The food is enough to ~ us over till spring.食物足够 (使) 我们维持到春天
2 使< 人> 度过 [困难的时期] [over]
These supplies will be enough to ~ us over the winter.这些粮食将足够使我们过冬




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