

词汇 start
释义 start[stɑrt; stɑ:t]不及物动词
1 出发, 动身, 起程
a. 出发< off, out>
Let's ~ early [at five].我们提早 [在五点] 出发吧
He ~ed on a journey.他动身去旅行
b. 动身, 起程[往…][for]
He ~ed for London yesterday.他昨天动身前往伦敦
c. [从…]出发, 动身[from]
He is going to ~ from Seattle.他将从西雅图出发
d. < 以…状态> 开始
He ~ed rich but ended up in prison.他以富有开始, 但以入狱收场
2 开始走, 起步; < 汽车等> 起动, 发动
~ down the steps [up the stairs]开始走下台阶 [走上楼梯]
She ~ed for the door.她起步走向门口
3 a. < 工作、战争等> 开始, 发生
How did the war [fire] ~?.那场战争 [火] 是怎么发生的?
b. 起[于…][at]; [从…]开始, 著手[from]
The performance ~ed at eight.表演在八点钟开始
The railway line ~s from Paddington.那一条铁路起自柏丁顿
The fight ~ed from a misunderstanding.那一场打架起于误会
c. (事物) 开始[with]
The meal ~ed with soup.那一餐以汤开始(为第一道菜)
4 a. 开始[工作等]; 著手[…][in, on]
She has ~ed on a new book.她已著手写一本新书
He ~ed in business.他开始做生意
He ~ed on cleaning the room.他开始打扫房间
b. (某人) 开始, [从…]开始[with]
We ~ed with soup.我们先从喝汤开始
c. 从起薪[…]开始 (工作) < off> [at]
I ~ed (off) at 30 dollars a week.我从起薪每周三十美元开始 (工作)
5 a. (受惊而) 跳起, 跳开, (吓) 一跳
He ~ed aside [back].他受惊而跳开 [退缩]
I ~ed up from my chair.我 (吓得) 从椅子上跳起
b. [被…]吓一跳[at]
She ~ed at the strange sound.她被那奇怪的声音吓了一跳
6 a. < 眼睛> [从…]跳出< out> [from]
His eyes seemed to ~ out from their sockets.他的眼睛似乎要从眼窝里跳出来
b. (文语) < 泪水、血等> 突然涌到[…][to]; [从…]突然涌出[from]
I saw tears ~ing to [from] her eyes.我看到她热泪盈眶 [热泪夺眶而出]
7< 机器> 起动, 开始运转
The engine ~ed at last.引擎终于发动了
1 开始
a. 开始; 创办< 事业等>
~ a conversation with a person与某人开始交谈
~ school =(美)~ the first grade开始入学, 上一年级
~ a [one's] journey起程旅行
~ work开始工作
~ a company [magazine]创办公司[杂志]
~ a rumor造谣
Who ~ed the war [this quarrel]?.谁发起这场战争 [争论] ?
b. 使< 人> 开始 [经商等] , 使< 人> 著手[…][in, on]
~ a person in life使某人开始到社会上做事 [谋生]
He ~ed his son in business.他使儿子开始经商
She ~ed her baby on solid food.她开始喂婴儿固体食物
c. 以起薪[…]使人就职< off> [at]
I'll ~ you (off) at 30 dollars a week.我给你起薪每周三十美元
d. 开始< 做…>
She ~ed crying.她开始哭泣
He ~ed walking slowly.他开始 (放慢步子) 慢慢地走
It ~ed snowing.开始下雪了
e. 开始< 做…>
They are ~ing to move.他们开始在移动
The butter ~ed to melt.奶油开始融化
It ~ed to snow.开始下雪了
f. 使< 人> 开始< 做…>
That ~ed him thinking [laughing].那使他开始思考 [发笑]
The heavy smoke ~ed me coughing.浓烟呛得我咳嗽
2 使< 机器等> 起动, 使…开始运转< up>
I could not ~ (up) the engine.我无法发动引擎
3 (赛跑时) 向 < 跑者> 发出起跑信号, 使… (先) 出发
4 使< 猎物> 惊起, 赶出 < 猎物等>
~ a hare把兔子 (从藏匿处) 驱出
start (all) over again
=(美)start (all) over
=(英)start (all) again
再从头做起, 重来过 start from scratch → from scratch start in
(1) 开始 [工作、用餐等] , 著手[…][on]
~ in on work开始工作
(2) 开始< 做…>
He ~ed in to write a novel.他著手写一本小说
(3)(口语)非难[…][on] start off
(1) 起程, 动身
(2) (精神饱满地) 出发, 开始动
The runner ~ed off at full speed.那名 (者以全速起)
(3) = start out (5) start out
(1) → v.i. 1 a
(2) → v.i. 6 a
(3) 起程, 动身
(4) 著手, 计画[…][on]
~ out on a program著手一项计画
(5) 开始< 做…>
He ~ed out to write a short story, but it turned into a novel.他开始只想写一本短篇小说, 结果写成一部长篇小说
start something
(口语)引起争论 [争吵, 问题]
You wanna [are trying to]~ something?.你想吵架吗?
to start with
(1) [常置于句首] 首先, 第一
To ~ with, I think I must explain the aim of this meeting.首先, 我想我必须说明一下这次开会的目的
(2) 起初, 开始时
They had only five members to ~ with.起初他们只有五名会员
1 (C) (受惊而) 一怔, 吃惊; 跳起, 跳开
get a ~吓一跳
give a person a ~使人吓一跳
What a ~ you gave me!.你吓了我一跳!别吓我!
2 (C)
a. (旅行等的) 出发, 动身
You had better make an early ~.你最好早点动身
b. (赛跑的) 起跑 (点, 线) ; 出发点c. (事业等的) 著手, 开始
make a ~开始, 著手
give a person a ~ in life让某人到社会上谋生[工作], 使某人开始经商 (等)
He got a good [poor] ~ in life.他踏入社会起步得好[不好]
3 (U) [又作 a ~]
a. (赛跑时的) 起步, 先跑 (权)
We gave him five minutes' ~ [a five-minute ~].我们让他先跑五分钟
b. 有利, 便利, 机先
get the ~ of比…占优先, 比…抢先一步
4 (C)[常 the ~]最初的部分, 开头, 创始
the ~ of a film一部影片的开头
at [from] the ~起初 [从一开始]
5[~s]发作, 冲动
by fits (and ~s) →fit for a start
作为开始; 首先 from start to finish
从头到尾, 自始至终




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