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flood[flʌd; flʌd]《源自古英语“ (水的) 流动”的意思》名词1 a. (C)[常 ~s]洪水, 水灾, 大水There was a bad ~ [There were bad ~s ] after the typhoon.台风后酿成大水灾b. [the F~] ‘圣经’诺亚时代的大洪水2 [a ~ 或 ~s] 氾滥, 激烈的流出 [流入] , 充溢, 大量涌到, 汹涌[of]a ~ of tears [phone calls]泪如泉涌 [纷纷打来的电话]~s of rain倾盆大雨, 豪雨~s of words滔滔不绝的话a ~ of light in the room满室通明3 (C)涨潮, 满潮 (←→ ebb)4 (口语)=floodlight 1■ at the flood(1) (潮水) 正当高涨The tide is at the ~.潮水正在高涨(2) 正值高潮, 在恰好的时机■ before the Flood(口语)在太古时期, 在很久以前■ in flood< 河川> 氾滥, 变成洪水及物动词1 a. 使 < 河水> 氾滥, 使< 土地> 淹没The typhoon ~ed the river.台风使河水氾滥The river was ~ed by heavy rains [with rainwater].那条河因豪雨而氾滥; 豪雨使那条河氾滥b. 使水流入 < 牧地等> , 灌溉2 a. < 光等> 充满< 某处> Autumnal sunlight ~ed the room. = The room was ~ed with autumnal sunlight.那个房间充满了秋天的阳光b. 使 [光等] 充满< 某处> [with]~ the stage with light使灯光照亮舞台The stage was ~ed with light.舞台上灯光灿烂3 < 信函、申请书等> 大量涌至 < 某人、某处> Applicants ~ed the office.应徵者涌到办公室The millionaire was ~ed with requests for money.大批要求资助的函件潮涌般寄到百万富翁处不及物动词1 < 河水> 氾滥2 < 潮水> 涨 (←→ ebb)3 a. < 人、物> (像洪 [潮] 水般) 涌入, 涌到Fan letters ~ed in.崇拜者的信像潮水般涌来Sunlight ~ed into the room.阳光泻入室内b. < 人们> 大举前往People ~ed from Ireland to America.人们自爱尔兰大举涌入美国■ flood out < 洪水> 迫使< 人> 离家People living near the river were ~ed out.住在那条河附近的居民因受洪水所迫而离家 |