

词汇 sing
释义 sing[sɪŋ; siŋ](sang[s; s]; sung[s; s])不及物动词
1 a. 歌唱
~ in a chorus进入合唱团唱歌
She ~s well.她歌唱得好
You are not ~ing in tune [are ~ing out of tune].你唱得荒腔走板
b. [配合乐器等] 唱歌[to]
He sang to the piano.他和著钢琴唱
c. [对人等] 唱歌 [for, to]
Come and ~ for [to] us.来, 给我们唱歌吧; 来, 唱给我们听吧
2 a. < 鸟、虫等> 鸣叫
The birds were ~ing in the trees.鸟儿在林中鸣叫
b. < 风> 嗖嗖作声; < 小溪等> 作潺潺水声; < 水壶> 丝丝作响; < 子弹等> 发出咻声
The kettle was ~ing on the fire.水壶在火上丝丝作响
3 a. < 耳朵> (嗡嗡) 作响, 耳鸣
My cold makes my ears ~.感冒使我耳鸣
b. < 话、声音等> 萦绕耳中
His voice sang in her ears.他的声音在她耳中萦绕
4 (文语)[把…]作成诗[歌]; (作成诗[歌]) 赞美, 歌颂, 吟咏[of]
Homer sang of Troy.荷马吟咏特洛伊城
5 < 歌词等> 可唱成 (…) , 可成歌
This song ~s well in French.这首歌用法语唱起来好唱
6(美俚) < 犯罪者> 告密; 自白, 承认
1 a. 唱 < 歌等>
~ a German song唱德国歌
~ the tenor part唱男高音部
b. 唱歌般地说出…, 唱出…
Don't ~ the lines like that; speak them naturally.别像唱歌般地说台词, 自然地说出来
The priest ~s Mass.牧师吟唱弥撒曲
c. 为< 某人> 唱< 歌> ; 唱< 歌> [给某人听] [for, to]
Please ~ us a song.= Please ~ a song for us.请为我们唱一首歌
2 < 鸟、虫等> 鸣叫, 唱< 歌>
3 a. 唱歌送走…< out> ; 唱歌迎接…< in>
They sang the old year out and the new year in.他们唱歌送走旧年, 迎接新年
b. 唱歌度过…, 唱歌消除…< away>
~ one's life away (悠闲地) 唱歌过一生
~ away one's troubles唱歌解愁
4 唱歌使< 人> 陷入[进入][…状态][into, to]
She sang her child to sleep.她唱歌使她的孩子入睡
He sang himself into a happier humor.他唱歌使自己心情开朗
5(文语)把…作成诗[歌]; 把… (作成诗[歌]) 拿来吟咏, 歌颂
~ a person's praises歌颂某人
sing for one's supper做分内的回报, 做应做的事
sing out
(1) 大声喊叫, 吼叫; 大声叫 (人)
S~ out if you need help.如果你需要帮助, 大声喊出来
(2) 大声说
~ out a command大声吩咐
(3) 大声喊叫…
He sang out that land was in sight.他大声喊叫看到陆地了
(4) 大声说…
" Ready?" he sang out.他大声说 :“准备好了吗?”
(5) → v.t. 3 a sing small
(因受挫或受惩罚而) 变谦逊, 颓丧 sing up
提高嗓子唱, 更大声唱
S~ up, so that we all can hear you.你大声点唱让我们大家都听得到
(美)合唱会 [的聚会] ( (英)sing-song)




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