

词汇 impression
释义 im.pres.sion[ɪm`prɛʃən; imˈpreʃn]《impress 的名词》名词
1 (C)印象, 铭感
auditory [visual] ~s听觉 [视觉] 的印象
Those are his first ~s of Tokyo.那些是他对东京的初次印象
leave a favorable ~ on a person给人留下好印象
make an ~ on﹍ 给…印象, 使…感动
2 (C)
a. (不确定的) 感觉, 模糊的想法
My ~ is that she is unwilling to join our party.我觉得她不愿意参加我们的集会
b. (不明确的) 感觉, 想法
He had a vague ~ that he had left his house unlocked.他觉得自己出门时好像没锁门
I am under the ~ that I'm still in London.我觉得自己好像还在伦敦
3 (U)效果, 影响[on, upon]
Punishment made little ~ on him.惩罚对他没有什么效用
4 a. 盖印, 铭刻
b. (C)印, 痕迹
5(C)‘印刷’印同一版的总数; (原版的) 印刷
(→edition 【同义字】)
the second ~ of the fifth edition第五版的第二次印行




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