

词汇 waste
释义 waste[west; weist]《源自拉丁文“空的”的意思》及物动词
1 a.浪费 < 金钱、时间等> , 虚掷; 失去 < 良机>
~ money [time]浪费钱[时间]
~ an opportunity失去良机
b. 浪费 < 钱、时间等> [在…上], 虚掷 [in, on, over]
~ one's money on gambling虚掷金钱在赌博上
Advice is ~d on him.给他忠告是白说的(对他忠告是无用的)
Don't ~ time on [over] trifles.别为琐事浪费时间
He always ~s his time (in [on]) doing nothing.他总是无所事事地虚掷光阴
c. [为某人]浪费< 时间等> , 耗掉[for]
I ~d a lot of time for him.我为他浪费了很多时间
d. [因做…而] 浪费 < 钱、时间等> [by]
I ~d my time by listening to his idle talk.我因听他的废话而浪费了时间
2 使< 土地等> 荒废
The land was ~d by war.那块土地因战争而荒废
3 < 疾病、年老等> 使 < 体力> 消耗, 使< 人> 衰弱
He had been ~d by long illness.他因久病而身体衰弱 [消瘦了]
4 (美俚) < 职业杀手> 杀< 人>
1 浪费
W~ not, want not.(谚)不浪费, 不愁缺
2 < 人、体力> 耗损, 衰弱, 消瘦< away>
He ~d away through illness.他病得消瘦了
He ~d away to a mere ninety pounds from cancer.他因癌症而消瘦到只剩九十磅
3 (罕)< 东西> 被浪费
The water is wasting.水正白白流掉
1 (U) [又作 a ~] 浪费, 徒耗
It's (a) ~ of time.那是浪费时间
What a ~ !.多浪费!好可惜 !
2 a. (U)[又作 ~s]废物, 废弃物, 残物
radioactive ~放射性废弃物
find uses for industrial ~(s)寻找工业废料利用的途径
b. (U) (动物排出的) 排泄物 (waste matter)
3 (C)[常 ~s]荒地, 荒野, 不毛之地; 沙漠
the ~s of the Sahara撒哈拉沙漠
The city was a ~ of tumbled walls.该城已成为断垣残壁的废墟
run[go]to waste
变成废物, 被浪费, 被糟蹋掉
1 < 土地> 荒芜的, 荒废的, 不毛的
~ land荒地
lie ~ < 土地> 荒芜, 未被开垦
lay ~蹂躏 < 土地、国家> , 使荒废
2 无用的, 剩下的; 废物的; 废弃的
~ matter (动物的) 排泄物
→ waste product, wastewater.
3 放废物的, 搬运废物的
a ~ bin垃圾箱, 废物箱




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