

词汇 wash
释义 wash[wɑʃ, wɔʃ; wɔʃ]及物动词
1 洗, 洗濯
a. 洗< 身体> ; 洗濯 < 衣物>
~ one's face and hands洗脸和洗手
She ~ed the clothes.她洗衣服
Where can I ~ my hands ?.洗手间在哪里 ?
b [+受] [~ oneself]洗身体 (的某部位)
c. 把…洗成< …>
Please ~ these clothes clean.请把这些衣服洗乾净
d. [用…]洗…[with]
~ one's hands with soap用肥皂洗手
e. 洗掉, 洗去< away, off, out>
I can't ~ this stain out.我洗不掉这块污迹
f.[从…]洗去…, 洗掉[…的]…[off, from]
He ~ed the mud from his car.他洗去车身上的泥
W~ the dirt off your face.把你脸上的灰尘洗掉
2 a. < 波浪、河水等> 打在…, 冲洗…; 润湿, 沾湿
The waves ~ the foot of the cliffs.波浪拍打断崖底部
The grass was ~ed with dew.草沾满了露水
The cliff is ~ed by the sea.悬崖被海水冲击
b. < 流水、波浪等> 冲损, 冲坏, 冲蚀< out>
The sea had ~ed a channel through the narrow part of the island.海水在岛上的狭窄部分冲出一道水渠
The road was ~ed out by the heavy rain.那一条道路被豪雨冲损
c. 冲走, 卷去
The flood ~ed the bridge away.洪水把那座桥冲走了
Our house was ~ed away in the flood.我们的房屋在洪水中被冲走了
A huge wave ~ed him overboard.巨浪把他从船上卷落海里
An empty boat was ~ed up [ashore, to the shore] by the tide.一条空船被潮水冲上岸来 [冲到岸上]
3 (宗教上、道德上的意义) 洗清 < 人的罪> , 使…清白< away>
~ away a person's sin(s)洗净某人的罪恶
4 < 洗洁剂等> 可用以洗…, 适合…
This powder won't ~ wool.这种洗衣粉不能用来洗毛料
5 a. [用…]镀于< 金属> [with]
silver ~ed with gold镀金的银
b. [把颜料] 薄涂于…[with]
He ~ed the background with a pale blue.他以淡蓝色画背景(他把背景画成淡蓝色)
6‘矿’ (用水) 洗选 < 矿石>
1 a. [用…]洗身体 (的某部位) [in, with]
(cf. WASH up(1)
~ in [with] cold water用冷水洗 (脸等)
You must ~ before each meal.餐前你必须洗手
b. 洗身体 (的某部位)(cf. v.t.1 b)
He ~es clean before a meal.他餐前把手洗乾净
2 洗衣服
~ twice a week一周洗衣两次
My aunt ~es for a living.我的姑妈以洗衣为生
3 a. < 纺织品、颜色等> 经洗而不褪色的, 耐洗的
This cloth won't ~ (well).这种布不 (太) 耐洗
This soap ~es well.这种肥皂好洗
b. < 污迹、颜色等> 洗得掉< off, out>
This stain won't ~ out.这块污迹洗不掉
4 (口语)[对…而言]< 话等> 难以相信, 靠不住[with]
His story won't ~ (with me). (对我而言) 他的话难以相信
5< 波浪> 冲洗, 冲击
Great waves ~ed over (the deck) [against the cliff].大浪冲击甲板 [悬崖]
6 被 (雨水、流水等) 冲走, 被挖去< away>
The hillside has ~ed away.山腰已被冲损
wash down
(1) (尤指以强力水流) 冲洗, 冲掉
~ down a car(用橡皮管的水) 冲洗车子
(2) [用水等] 把< 食物> 吞入 (喉中) [with]
He bolted a hot dog and ~ed it down with Coke.他匆匆吞下热狗, 并且用可乐把它咽下去
wash out
(1) → v.t. 1 e, 2b
(2) 把…洗褪色
(3) 把…冲走
The heavy rain ~ed out the bridge.豪雨把桥冲走了
(4)(口语)放弃 < 希望、计画等>
The whole plan was ~ed out.整个计画都落空了
(5)(英) < 因雨> 取消< 比赛> ( (美) rain out)
The game was ~ed out.比赛因雨而取消
(6) → v.i. 3 b
(7) 被冲走
The bridge ~ed out during the storm.那座桥在暴风雨中被冲走了
(8)(美 俚)< 学生> 不及格, 失败 wash up
(2)(英) (饭后的) 洗碗盘 [餐具] ; 收拾餐具
Kate is ~ing up.凯蒂在洗碗盘
(3)(英)洗 < 餐具> ; 收拾碗盘
You ~ the dishes up while I dry the glasses up.我擦乾玻璃杯时你去洗碗盘
(4)< 波浪等> 把…冲上海边
His body was ~ed up two days later.他的尸体在两天后被冲上海边
1 a. [a ~]洗, 洗净
have [get] a ~洗一洗
give a car a good ~把车子好好地洗一洗
b. [the ~]洗衣服
at the ~ < 衣服等> 在洗衣店里
in the ~在洗衣中[时]
send clothes to the ~把衣服送去洗
2 [用单数; 集合称] 待洗衣物, 洗濯物
I've got a large [heavy] ~ this morning.我今天早上有很多衣服要洗
3 (U)[the ~]
a. (水、波浪的) 冲击b. (水、波浪的) 冲击声
4 (U)[常 the ~]
a. (船只经过时产生的) 尾流, 涡流
Our boat rocked in the ~ of a large ship.我们的小船在大船经过的余波 [尾流] 中摇摆
b. (飞机飞行产生的) 气流
5 a. (U) (厨房的) 残肴剩饭
b. (U) [又作 a ~] 多水的食物
This tea is (a) mere ~.这茶简直是水
6(C)[常构成复合字]洗涤剂; 化妆水
→ eyewash, hairwash, mouthwash. come out in the wash
(1) < 可耻的事等> 败露, 东窗事发
(2) 最后变好, 有好结果
(美口语)耐洗的, 经洗的 (washable)
a ~ dress耐洗的衣服




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