

词汇 through
释义 through[θru; θru:]介系词
1 [表贯穿、通过]
a. 通过…, 经过, 穿过
fly ~ the air飞过天际
see ~ glass透过玻璃看
pass a comb [one's fingers] ~ one's hair梳 [搔] 头发
drive a nail ~ a board把钉子钉入木板
walk right ~ the village走过那村庄
He pushed his way ~ the crowd.他从人群中挤过去
b. 经过 < 门口、路线等> , 通过, 穿过, 从…
go ~ a door通过门
~ a pipe通过管子
He came in ~ the window.他从窗口进来
c. 闯过 < 红灯等>
The car drove ~ the red light.那辆汽车闯了红灯
d. 在 < 噪音等> 之中仍…, 尽管是在 < 噪音等> 之中
I could hear her scream ~ the howling of the storm.我在暴风雨呼啸之中仍听得见她的尖叫声
e. 穿过< 心等> ; 看穿 < 虚假等>
An idea flashed ~ his mind.一个主意闪过他的脑海
He saw ~ the trick.他识破了那诡计
f. 通过< 议会等> ; 脱离 < 人的管理等>
They got the bill ~ Parliament.他们使那议案在议会通过
The matter has already passed ~ my hands.这件事已不归我管(已离我的手)
2 a. 遍及< 地方>
travel ~ the country游遍全国
b. 在…之间 (到处)
The monkeys swung ~ the branches of the trees.群猴在树枝之间到处晃动
He searched ~ his papers.他搜遍文件寻找
3 [表自始至终; 常加重语气作 all ~]
a. 整个 < 时间、期间> 当中
We walked ~ the night.我们走了一整晚
He lived in the house all ~ his life.他毕生都是住那栋房子
b. …的自始至终, 从头到尾
I had a hard time sitting ~ the concert.那场音乐会我 (从头到尾) 听得实在 [真是] 受罪
c. (美) (从…) 到 (包括) …
(from) Tuesday ~ Saturday从星期二到星期六止
4 a. 经过…, 用完…
go ~ an experience [operation]经历, 体验 [接受手术]
I got ~ the examination.我考试及格
He went [got] ~ a fortune in a year.他在一年内就花光了一大笔钱财
b. [be ~﹍] 把…终了; < 考试> 及格
I am half ~ the poem.我把那首诗读[写]完了一半
Is he ~ his exam?.他考试及格吗?
5 [表手段、媒介物] 经由…, 透过
He got the job ~ my help.他经由我的帮助找到那个工作
John and George are related ~ their grandmother.约翰和乔治透过他们祖母而有亲戚关系
6 [表原因] 由于…, 因为…
He got injured ~ his own carelessness.他由于自己不小心而受伤
[θru; θru:]副词
1 通过, 穿过, 贯穿, 贯通, 透过
The bullet hit the wall and went ~.子弹打中墙壁并穿了过去
→ BREAK through.
2 从头到尾, 自始至终
read a book ~读完一本书
3 直达[到…]地, 全程地[to]
This train goes ~ to Berlin.这班火车直达柏林
Get tickets ~ to Boston.买直达波士顿的票吧
4 在整个 (时间) 当中, 连续不断地
We drank the whole night ~.我们喝了一整夜的酒
5 [尤用 wet [soaked] ~] 完全地, 彻底地
I was wet ~.我浑身湿透
He was soaked ~.他全身湿透
6 a. (顺利地) 完成, 通过
He got ~ this year.他今年 (考试) 通过了
I'll be ~ in a few minutes.我再过一会儿就会做完
b. [把…]结束, 断绝 关系, 停止[…][with]
When will you be ~ with your work?.你何时可以做完工作?
I'm ~ with Jane.我和珍已断绝关系 [已经吹了]
He is ~ with alcohol.他戒了酒
c. < 做…> 完 < doing>
I'm nearly ~ talking to Mr. Smith.我差不多跟史密斯先生谈完了
d. < 人> 变成没有用
As a boxer he is ~.作为拳师而言, 他已经完了
e.(美) (电话通话) 完毕
Are you ~? [接线生] 讲完了吗?
7 (接) 通
Are you ~?.(英)电话接通了吗?
You are ~.你的电话已接通了
I will put you ~ (to Mr. Green).我会接通你的电话 (到葛林先生那儿)
go through with﹍→ go v. see through→ see through and through完全地, 彻头彻尾地
I got wet ~ and ~.我全身湿透
He is a trustworthy person ~ and ~.他是个完全可以信赖的人
[θru; θru:]形容词
1 a. 直通的, 直达的
a ~ passenger全程的旅客
a ~ fare [ticket]全程 [联营] 运费 [车票]
a ~ train直达火车
b. < 道路> 可通行的, 直通的
a ~ road直通的道路
No ~ road.‘告示’此路不通
2 从一端贯穿到另一端的, 贯通的
a ~ beam贯穿的梁木




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