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thrill[θrɪl; θril]可数名词1 (因快感、恐怖等而) 心情动荡 [心惊胆战] 的感觉, 刺激, 兴奋, 激动a ~ of joy [terror]使人心情动荡 [心惊胆战] 的快乐 [恐怖] , 一阵欢乐 [恐怖]a story full of ~s充满刺激的故事the ~ of speed高速的快感[刺激]A ~ went through her.她感到一阵寒栗[兴奋]【字源】thrill 一字源自古英语, 原义为“穿透”“贯穿”. 现在是指强烈的恐怖、快乐、兴奋等情绪, 就如电一般的东西穿过体内似的感觉2 震颤; 悸动, 心跳, 脉搏及物动词使< 人> 感到心情动荡 [心惊胆战、刺激、兴奋、寒栗] , 使…感动The sight ~ed the on lookers.那情景使旁观者激动不已The audience was [were] ~ed with his performance.观众为他的表演而激动不及物动词1 a. < 人> [为…而]感到心惊胆战, 感到刺激, 激动, 兴奋, 感动, 感激[at, to]They ~ed at [to] the news of victory.他们听到捷报感到非常兴奋The audience ~ed to his speech.听众为他的演说所感动b. < 强烈的感情> 使全身颤栗, 使热血沸腾; 深入心窍[through]Fear ~ed through my veins.恐惧使我全身颤栗c. < 做…而> 兴奋, 感动, 激动I ~ed to see him win (the) first prize.我看到他获得首奖感到很兴奋2 [因…而]震颤, 颤抖[with]Her voice ~ed with terror [joy].她害怕[高兴]得声音发抖 |