

词汇 as
释义 as[(轻读)əz, z; əz, z; (重读)æz; æz]《古英语 all so 至中古英语成为 also, 之后变为更弱并失去 l 而成; 因此与 so 亦有关》副词
[常 as ﹍ as ﹍, 置于形容词, 副词前] (同…) 一样地, 同样地, 相等地
He is ~ tall ~ you (are).他和你一样高
I love you as much as she (does).我和她一样爱你
I love you as much as I love her.我爱你如同我爱她
I love you as much as her.我爱你如同爱她; (口语)我和她一样爱你
This is twice [three times] as large as that.这个有那个的两倍 [三倍] 大
Tom is not as honest as John.汤姆不如约翰那样诚实
He is not as young as he was [as he used to be].他 (现在) 没有从前那么年轻
Take as much as you want.你要多少就拿多少吧
He has as many friends.他有和我 (所有的) 一样多的朋友
I can do it as well.我也能做得一样好
as﹍as any不亚于任何一个地…, 像任何一个那样…
He is as hardworking as any.他用功不亚于任何人 [他和任何人一样地用功]
as ﹍ as ever
依旧, 如故…
He works as hard as ever.他依旧用功 [他勤勉如故]
as ﹍ as one can = as ﹍ as possible
尽可能…, 尽…
He ran as fast as he could.他尽快跑
as soon as possible尽快
as long as ﹍
→ long adv as many
→ many as much
→ much
1 a. [as[so]﹍as﹍ 表示同程度之比较] 同…一样地, 像…, 如…般
(→ as adv.)
He is as tall as I [me].他和我一样高
Are you as good at Chinese as him?.你像他那样精通中文吗?
It is not as [so] easy as you think.这件事不如你所想的那么容易
(→ as adv. {用法})b. [ (as) ﹍as﹍ 构成明喻之惯用语] …般地 (非常, 极)
(as) busy as a bee (蜜蜂般地) 非常忙碌
(as) cool as a cucumber (胡瓜般地) 很冷静
(as) black as a raven (乌鸦般地) 乌黑
c. [so[as]﹍as﹍ 置于名词后] …般地…的
A man so [as] clever as he (is) [him] cannot have made such a blunder.像他那么聪明的人不可能犯这样的大错
d. [so﹍as to do] 非常…以至于…, …得…, …到…的程度 (→ so adv. A 6b)
He was so kind as to help me.他非常友好以至于 (主动) 帮助我
2 a. 如…; 照…, 依…
Do as you like.照你的意思做吧
Take things as they are.接受现状吧(面对事实吧)
Leave them as they are.让他 [它] 们保持现状吧
as you know如你 (们) 所知
England as she is.现在的英国
Living as I do so remote from town, I rarely have visitors.像我住得离城镇这么远, 所以罕有访客
b. [as﹍so﹍相关地使用] 如…一般地, 像…一样地
As rust eats (into) iron, so care eats (into) the heart.忧虑会像锈腐蚀铁一般地损耗心神; 忧虑损耗心神, 犹如锈腐蚀铁
3 a. 当…之时; 正值…之时, 边…边…
He came up (to me) as I was speaking.当我在说话时他走过来
Just as he began to sleep, there was a loud explosion.正当他想睡时, 响起了很大的爆炸声
He trembled as he spoke.他边说边发抖
b. [as a child [children] 等省略主词及述语之句型] 儿时, 小时候
As a boy, he was a good swimmer.小时候他很会游泳
4 随著… (越发) , 越… (越…)
As we go up, the air grows colder.我们越往上爬, 空气变得越冷
Two is to three as four is to six. = As two is to three, four is to six.二比三等于四比六
5 a. 因为…, 既然…
As it was getting dark, we soon turned back.因为天色逐渐变暗, 我们不久就回去了
As you are sorry, I'll forgive you.既然你有悔意, 我就原谅你吧
b. [形容词 [副词] +as﹍] 因为…(cf. 6 a)
Young as he was, it is not strange that he should have acted so foolishly.因为他年轻, 难怪他举动会那样愚蠢
a. [形容词, 副词, 无冠词之名词 + as﹍] 尽管, 虽然…, 纵然…
Woman as she was, she was brave.她虽然是女人, 却很勇敢
Young as he was, he passed with flying colors.他虽然年轻, 却成功地通过了 (考试)
b. [原形动词+as+主词+may, might, will, would] 不管怎样…也, 无论如何…也
Try as you may, you will find it impossible to solve the problem.不管你怎么努力, 你会发觉要解决这个问题是不可能的
7 [用以限定前面名词之概念]
a. [引导形容词子句]
The origin of universities as we know them is commonly traced back to the twelfth century.据我们所知, 大学之最早兴办一般可追溯到十二世纪
Socrates' conversations as reported by Plato were full of a shrewd humor.照柏拉图所传述的, 苏格拉底的谈话充满了慧黠的幽默
as above
如上 (所示) , 照上 as before
如前 as below
如下 (as) compared with[to]
(→ compare. as for) as for
就…而言, 说到…, 至于…
As for the journey, we will decide that later.至于旅行, 我们以后再决定
As for myself, I am not happy. (我不知道别人怎样, 不过) 就我来说, 我是不愉快意的 as from ﹍
< 法律、契约等> 自…起
The agreement is effective as from September 1.此协议自九月一日起生效
as if
(1) 俨若…, 好像…似的, 彷彿, 宛如, 犹如
I feel as if I hadn't long to live.我感觉彷彿我余生无多
She looks as if she were [was, is] dying.她看起来好像快要死了似的
He looked at her as if he had never seen her before.他宛如从未见过她似地看著她
(2) [as if to do] 好像做…似地
He smiled as if to welcome her.他微笑著, 像是向她表示欢迎
(3) [It seems [looks] as if﹍.] 显得 [看起来] …
It seemed as if the fight would never end.看起来战斗永远不会结束似的
It looks as if it is going to snow.看起来好像要下雪了
(4) [It isn't as if﹍ 或 As if﹍] 又不是…
It isn't as if he were poor.他又不穷(好像他贫穷似的)
It's not as if he has no talent.他又不是没有才干
as if you didn't [don't] know !你又不是不知道 (干嘛装得好像你不知道似的) !
as it is
(然而) 事实上 (与假想相反) , 实际上
I would pay you if I could. But as it is I cannot.假若我能, 我愿意付给你, 但实际上我不能
The situation is bad enough as it is.形势照现状而言已经够坏了
Don't take on any more jobs. You have too many as it is.别再承接工作了, 你现在的工作已经太多了
as it were
可谓, 好比是
He is, as it were, an eternal boy.他好像是个永远年轻的小伙子
as of ﹍
(1) < 某月某日> 现在的, 到…时候为止的
as of May 1 (到) 五月一日现在 (为止) 的
as of today [yesterday]到今天 [昨天] 为止的, 今天现在 [昨天当时] 的
(2) = AS from as opposed to ﹍
→ opposed as things are
→ thing 5b as though
= AS if as to
(1) = AS for
(2) 关于…, 有关
He said nothing as to the time.他没有提到关于时间的事
They were quarreling as to which was the stronger.他们在争吵哪一个较强
He said nothing as to when he would come.他没有提到有关他什么时候要来的事
Nobody could decide (as to) what to do.没有人能够决定该怎么办
(3) 依…, 按…, 照…
classify butterflies as to size and color把蝴蝶依大小和颜色分类
as who should say ﹍
→ who as yet
→ yet so as to [so as not to] do ﹍
以便 …
We came early so as to have plenty of time.我们早来以便有充裕的时间
I got up early so as to be in time for the first train.我早起以便及时赶上第一班火车
1 …之类的
such food as we give the dog像我们给狗吃的食物
such liquors as beer = liquors such as beer啤酒之类的饮料
Such men as heard him praised him.听了他演讲的人们都称赞他
This is the same watch as I have lost.这和我所遗失的是同一种表
He is as brave a man as ever breathed [there was].他是前所未有的勇敢的 (男) 人
2 这, 此事
He was a foreigner, as I knew from his accent.从他的口音, 我知道他是外国人
as is the case (with him)
这 (在他) 是常有的事 as follows
→ follow as is
(口语)照原状; 以现货
I bought the car as is.我现货买了这部车
as regards
→ regard v
1 做为…, 充任, 担任
He lived as a saint.他过著圣人 (般) 的生活
It can be used as a knife.它可当刀子用
a position as a teacher of English (做为) 英语教师的职位
act as go-between充任居间人
2 [引导动词之受词] …为, …作
I regard him as a king.我视他为国王
They look up to him as their leader.他们尊他为领袖
He treats me as an adult.他把我当作成人看待
Children look upon middle-aged persons as extremely old.小孩们总是把中年人看成很老
3 例如…, 像…
Some animals, as the fox and squirrel, have bushy tails.有些动物, 像狐狸和松鼠, 有浓密的尾巴
as a (general) rule
→ rule as such
→ such pron




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