

词汇 up
释义 up[ʌp; ʌp]副词
1 a. (从低的位置) 向上方, 朝上
look up at the sky仰视天空
take up a book拿起书
pull up a weed拔掉杂草
lift one's head up抬起头
Hands ~ !.把手举起来! [举手!]
I climbed up to the top of the hill.我登上山顶
Is the elevator going up ?.电梯要上去吗 ?
Come up here.上这儿来
Show her up.带她上来
b. 升起来
The flag is up.旗升起了
The blinds are all up.百叶窗全都拉起来了
The curtain was up. (剧场的) 幕拉起来了
c. (由水中) 到水面上, 到地上
come up to the surface (of the water)浮上水面
The whale came up out of the water.鲸鱼从水中浮出
d. (把食物从口中) 吐出
bring one's dinner [lunch] up吐出晚餐 [午餐] 吃的东西
2 向[在]更高处, 朝[在]上方
A lark was singing high up in the sky.一只云雀在高空中歌唱
The office is up on the top floor.办公室在顶楼
What's happened up there ?.那边发生了什么事 ?
3 a. < 天体> 升空
The moon rose up over the horizon.月亮越过地平线上升
b. 升起
The sun is up.太阳升起来了
4 a. 起身; (从床上) 起身
stand up站起来, 起立
get up站起来, 起来; 起床
sit up in bed从床上坐起
b. [省略动词用祈使语气] 起来!站起来!
Up with you, you lazy boy !.站起来, 你这个懒孩子 !
Up (with) the workers !.劳动者加油 !
c. 起来
Kate, are you up ?.凯特, 你起来了吗 ?
She is always up early (in the morning).她 (早上) 总是早起
d. 建筑完成
Part of the building is up.那栋建筑物有一部分已竣工
5 a. (由南) 北上, 朝[在]北方
as far up as Alaska往北远至阿拉斯加
The man lives up in Alaska.那个人住在 (北方的) 阿拉斯加
b. 向高地, 向内陆; 向 (河的) 上游
They went ten miles further up into the country.他们向该国内陆再前进十哩
6 a. 向 (特定的场所、说话者所在之处) 接近
I went up to the teacher's table.我向老师的讲桌走去
A stranger came up to me.有个陌生人向我走过来
I'll be up at your place by ten.十点以前我会到你那里
b. (英)往; 上 (首都、牛津、剑桥大学等) 途中
She went up to London on business.她上伦敦办事
Is he up in town now ?.现在他在城里吗 ?
go up to Oxford [the university] < 学生> 上牛津 [大学] 去
I am going to be [stay] up during the holidays.假期中我打算留在学校 (不回家)
7 a. (地位、成绩) 升高上升; (程度、年龄等) 增加
come up in the world发迹, 崭露头角
She is up at the head of her class.她的成绩居全班之首
b. [常当 be 动词的补语用] < 物价等> 上涨; < 速度> 增加; < 声音等> 变高
Prices [Rents] are (going) up.物价 [租金] 在上涨
The fare from London to Cambridgehas gone up (by) a pound. (伦敦到剑桥的) 票价已上涨一英镑
The temperature is up 3 degrees today.今天温度上升三度
Keep your voice up.大声一点
The piano is up a tone.这架钢琴高了一个音阶
The aircraft soon speeded up.这架飞机不久便加快速度
→ HURRY up.c. 变成熟的状态
bring up a child把孩子抚养长大
" What will you be, Johnny, when you grow up ?" -" A Fireman !" .“强尼, 你长大后想当什么 ? ”“消防员!”
d. (从…) 到…; 从…以来
from childhood up从孩提时代起
from sixpence up (价格) 自六便士起
from his youth up to his old age从他的青年时代到老年
e. [be (well) ~] (口语)精通[…][in, on]
My brother is (well) up in English literature.我哥哥精通英国文学
8 a. 声势浩大地, 旺盛地, 活跃地
→FLARE up, WORK up
Their spirits went up.他们振奋起来(变得有精神)
The town is up.全镇 (的人) 都振奋起来
The fire burned up brightly.火熊熊地烧起来
b. (文语) (为备战而) 奋起
The team is up for the game.比赛渐近, 全队情绪高张
The whole country was up.全国国民精神振奋起来了 [全国沸腾了]
9 a. (在话题、议论等中) 提起, 出现
The problem was brought up during the conversation.在谈话中那问题被提了出来
The question came up for discussion.这个问题已提出来讨论
b. 列席法庭
He was had [brought] up for stealing.他因窃盗罪被传出庭
c. (口语)< 事情> 发生
What's up ?.怎么啦 ? 发生了什么事 ?
Is anything up ?.有什么事发生吗?
a. 完全地, 全然; …完 [尽]
Eat up your cake.把你的蛋糕吃完
This rubbish must be burned up.这些废物必须烧掉
The paper is all used up.纸全用完了
He pumped up the tires.他把轮胎灌满了气
Drink up !.喝光它 !
→ CLEAN up, DRESS up, END up, WRITE up.b. 终结; 无望
Time's up.时间到了
Parliament is up.国会散会了
It's all up (with him). (他) 全完了 [没希望了]
c. 牢牢地, 紧紧地
nail up a door把门钉牢
chain up a dog (用链子) 把狗拴好
pack up one's things把东西捆扎好; 整理行装
Tie it up.绑紧它
d. 全部, 一起
add up the figures合计其数
collect [gather] up fallen apples把掉落的苹果收集起来
e. 细细地, 碎片地
tear up a letter把信撕碎
chop up wood把木头劈成片断
11 a. 停止; 无活动状态
lie up (因病) 躺卧著
He reined up his horse.他勒住缰绳把马拉住
→BRING up, DRAW up, FETCH up, PULL up.b. 放在一旁, 留起来, 储存
They had to lay up food for the winter.他们必须为过冬储存粮食
12 (英)< 道路> 施工中
" Road Up" ‘告示’道路施工中
a. (以…分) 胜过, 领先 (对方)
We were 2 runs up at the end of the seventh inning.第七局结束, 我们以两分领先
b. (美) (双方) 各得 (…分) , 平
The score is 10 up.双方比数为十平
14‘棒球’轮到打击 (at bat) be up and coming
< 人> 积极上进 up against﹍
(口语)遭遇, 面临 < 困难、障碍等>
I'm [I've come] up against a problem.我遭遇 [遇到] 一个难题
up against it
(口语)极困窘, 穷困, 到处碰壁 up and about[around]
(病人康复) 起床走动 up and doing
大肆活动, 干活儿 up and down
起伏地; 往复地; 浮沈地 up close
(口语)近在咫尺, 接近 up for﹍
(1) 交付 < 出售>
The house was up for sale [auction].这栋房子已交付出售 [拍卖]
(2) → 9 a
(3) → 9 b up front
(1) 非常地坦诚, 率直
Be more up front with me.对我再坦诚一点吧
(2) 公然, 公开地
(3) 率先, 先行 up till [until] ﹍
She was here up till yesterday.昨天以前她一直在这儿
up to﹍
(1) 直到…, 达到…; 及于…
up to this time [now]直到此刻 [到现在为止]
I was up to my knees in water.我泡在深及膝盖的水中
He counted from one up to thirty.他从一数到三十
Up to four passengers may ride in a taxi.计程车最多可载四人
The family had lived in the house up to the 19th century.这家族在这幢房屋中一直住到十九世纪
be up to the [one's] NECK, up to DATE, up to the MINUTE
(2)(口语)经得起< 工作等> , 能< 做…> , 能胜任
You're not up to the work.你不能胜任[做]这项工作
This novel isn't up to his best.这篇小说不及他的最佳作品
Do you feel up to joining the party ?.你有兴致参加聚会吗 ?
My English isn't up to reading Shakespeare.我的英语尚未达到可阅读莎士比亚作品的程度
(3)(口语)著手干< 坏事> , 图谋 < 不轨>
He is up to something [no good].他正图谋干某事 [不轨]
What are they up to ?.他们在搞什么鬼 ?
(4)(口语)该由< 某人> 去做, 轮到…, 由…决定, …的义务
It's up to you to decide.这该由你决定
It's up to him to support his mother.奉养母亲是他的义务
I'll leave it up to you.我把这件事交给你
It's up to you whether to go or not.去不去由你决定
The final choice is up to you.由你做最后的选择
[(轻读)ʌp, əp; ʌp; (重读)ʌp; ʌp]介系词
1 (从低处) 向…上面, 向[在]…高处, 上去…, 在往上去的地方
climb up a hill [a ladder]爬上小山 [梯子]
My room is up the stairs.我的房间在楼上
He went steadily up the social scale.他的社会地位稳步地上升
2 a. 朝[在]< 河> 的上游, 溯< 河>
sail up a river溯河航行
b. 沿著…, 依循…, 顺著… (along)
ride up the road骑马沿路上去
c. 从…的海岸向内地, 向…的内陆
travel up country朝内陆旅行
3 (英方言) 朝 < 市中心等> (to)
I'm going up Soho this evening.今晚我想去苏荷区
up and down﹍
到处, 来回地
He was walking up and down the street.他在街上来回地走著
Up yours!
(俚)混蛋 ! 笨蛋 ! 狗屁 !
(无比较级、最高级)上行的, 向上的; 上行的< 火车>
the up escalator上行的自动 (扶) 梯
the up grade向上倾斜, 上坡
(cf. upgrade n.1)
an up train上行列车
the up line (铁路的) 上行线
an up platform上行线月台
1 (C)
a. 上升, 向上b. 上坡
2 [the ~]‘球戏’ (球反弹) 跳起的状态
hit a ball on the up在球反弹跳起时击球
on the up
< 事情> 顺利 ups and downs
(1) (道路等的) 上下坡, 起伏
farmland full of ups and downs多起伏的农地
(2) 变动, 浮沈, (荣枯) 盛衰
the ups and downs of life [fate]人生 [命运] 的交替、浮沈
I had my ups and downs.我有过得意和失意的时候
不及物动词(upped[pt; pt], up; up.ping)
[常up and do]
(口语)突然做, 出人意外地做
He ups and says.﹍.他突然开口说…
The fool upped and died.那个傻瓜突然死了
(口语)涨< 价> ; 增加 < 生产等>




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