

词汇 try
释义 try[traɪ; trai]《源自古法语“拾起”的意思》及物动词
1 a. 努力, 尝试, 试做, 试行
~ one's best [hardest]尽全力, 尽最大的能力
T~ it again.再试试看
【同义字】 try 尝试的泛用字, 为达成功而多方努力 attempt 重点在著手而非努力, 并不论其结果
b. 想要…, 试著…, 设法…
I tried to climb the mountain but could not.我想要去爬那座山, 但没能去
You must ~ to get it finished tonight.你必须设法在今天晚上把它完成
a. 试, 试验 < 能力等>
~ one's skill [strength]试试自己的技术 [力气]
~ one's luck试运气, 碰碰运气
→ try one's HAND at.b. 试开< 门、窗等>
I knocked on the door and tried the knob.我敲了门并试著转了转把手
T~ the door to see whether it's locked or not.试试看门锁了没有
c. 试探< 人> 看看, 问问看
T~ your aunt. She might lend you the money.试探 [问问] 看你姨妈, 她或许会借给你钱
d. 试试看 (以便知道) …
T~ how much time it takes you to swim across this river.试试看你游过这条河要费多少时间
T~ whether you can learn all these words by heart.试试看你能不能把所有这些单字记住
e. 尝试…
I tried climbing the mountain and found it harder than I had expected.我试爬过那座山, 发觉比我预期的更吃力
He tried writing under an assumed name.他试以化名创作
3 a. 试尝< 饮料、食物> , 试吃[喝]
Do ~ more. [邀人吃东西等时所说] 再吃[喝]一点
T~ this pudding and tell me what you think of it.尝尝看这布丁然后告诉我你觉得它怎么样
b. 用用看< 东西> , 试用[乘]
We ~ each car before we sell it.我们出售每辆车子之前均作过试车
4 a. 折磨 < 人、人的神经等> , 使…受痛苦; 考验 < 耐心等> :使…烦恼; 使…难堪
That boy tries my patience.那个男孩子真使我忍受不了
Want of sleep tries your nerves more than overwork.睡眠不足比操劳过度更会劳累神经
They were greatly tried in the war.他们在战争中受到很大的磨难
b. 苛酷地驱使…, 使…辛苦, 使…劳累
Don't ~ your eyes with that small print.不要看那么小的铅字字体而累坏你的眼睛
5 a. 审问, 审理, 审判 < 人、事件>
~ a case审判一件讼案
She was tried but was found not guilty.她受审但被判无罪
b. [因…]审问, 审判< 人> [for]
He was tried for theft.他因偷窃而受审
a. 试做, 试试看; 努力
Well, I'll ~ again.嗯, 我会再试一次
He tried hard but failed.他尽力而为, 但失败了
b. 努力< 去做…> , 设法< 做…>
He tried hard not to sneeze.他拼命地憋住不打喷嚏
c. [为获得…而] 努力, 争取[for]
~ for a scholarship争取奖学金
2 [~ and+原形] (口语)努力, 设法
T~ and be punctual.力求守时吧
Let's ~ and get permission for a bazaar.我们设法取得举办义卖的许可吧
T~ and catch me.设法捉我看看
try it on
(英) (为看能被容许到什么程度而) 大胆地行动 try on
试穿, 试戴
~ a new hat on试戴新帽子
try out
(1) 彻底试验< 人、物>
You cannot tell what it's like until you ~ it out yourself.你自己 (彻底) 试用后才能知道它怎么样
They tried him out for a part in the movie.他们让他在这部影片中试演某一个角色
(2)(美)角逐选拔, 参加甄试 [选手等] [for]
He tried out for the swimming team.他参加了选拔游泳队的竞赛
1 a. 试, 尝试, 努力
It's worth a ~. (不知能否成功但) 值得一试
Let me have another ~ (at the exam).让我再参加一次 (考试)
b. (罕)< 想做…的> 尝试, 努力
(攻方球员在对方球门线后以球触地得三分, 藉此获得向对方球门踢球的权利)
score a ~在对方球门线后以球触地一次而得三分




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